View Full Version : Class Costs (Additional)

07-20-2009, 04:00 PM
Are there additional costs aside from the class costs? I mean, is there stuff offered at the class a person might want to consider buying? If so, what and how much is it? Just tryin to get total costs together for Vegas class. Thank you!

07-21-2009, 05:08 AM
HI there Shannonbeth. I've seen you in the forums on and off and am so glad you are going to take the class! I hope you're taking your husband. Its so much easier when you both get to hear the same information right from the horses mouth (so to speak....) My husband and I compared notes on the way home from class and sometimes we picked up on different things.

I see you live in Wilmer MN. We'll be building in Fergus Falls, MN. maybe we'll find a way to meet!

at our class in Washington, there were other expenses (hotel costs, food costs, transportation costs) and once you attend the class there are more items in the on-line 'store'. I guess sometimes the instructors might bring a few items to the class available for class participants to purchase. not sure if this happens with every class though.

congratulations. Enjoy the class. and then we'll see you in the member forums!

07-21-2009, 06:10 AM
My fiance and i will both be attending. I used to be on more when i first signed up, shortly after that my computer took a plunge and i had to get a new one. Also with 6 kids it can be hard to find time to get on...lol
I am excited to get to the class.
Would be nice if we can meet sometime. Have you started yet or when do you plan to?

07-21-2009, 06:21 AM
hopefully their old enough to help with the build:)

we haven't started building yet...just took the class at the end of May of this year.

we plan to build our practice structure next spring and summer (a shed) so we can get familiar with working with logs. are working on our model now, and saving money, and buying tools/equipment!

hope to do the dirt work and foundation/basement (walkout! I'm so excited!) fall of 2010 and get weather-tight by snow fall 2010.

Yes would like to find a way to get together.

Enjoy the class.

07-21-2009, 06:43 AM
OUr kids arre 11,7,5,4,2 and 8 months. Oldest ones are all girls and 2 youngest are boys. Not sure how much help they'll be but i can find some lil things for them to do...lol

I also want a walk out basement. I would like to start in the spring of 2010 if possible and try to fell some logs in the winter as apparently it's the best time of year for that, which makes sense. I would also like to have weather-tight by snow fall of 2010 too. Lol
Will see i guess, depends on a lot of stuff.

07-21-2009, 06:50 AM
So true! like money....and time! we might have to postpone the foundation of our home until spring of 2011 if money is tight from building the practice structure...

as for starting your build in 2010, in the class they teach that the optimum time to build is 2 YEARS after you take the class; that gives you time to accumulate all the tools, materials and supplies you'll need for your build at cheapest price possible (i.e. you have time to wait for the best deals) AND then you have everything you need on hand so you minimize unnecessary delays in your build while waiting for supplies and such.

would be REALLY nice we we could not be building at the same time...maybe then we could help each other!

PS I bet you're getting really tired of diapers....:)

07-21-2009, 06:52 AM
and you'd be surprised how much help the 5 and older crew can be. helping to keep the work areas tidy, hauling brush, bringing refreshments to the workers ETC! all very welcome labor!

07-21-2009, 07:27 AM
I am so over diapers...lol
As a matter of fact i think Saxon (the smallest one) just filled his pants again...I'll check back in a lil while.
Nice talking to you!~Shannon~

07-21-2009, 07:28 AM
I am so over diapers...lol
As a matter of fact i think Saxon (the smallest one) just filled his pants again...I'll check back in a lil while.
Nice talking to you!~Shannon~

07-21-2009, 07:29 AM
~Shannon~Sorry for double post, stupid computer froze up!

07-21-2009, 07:34 AM
I've heard there's a way you can delete posts you author. not sure how to do it though! I've got duplicate posts out there too!

so where will you build?

07-21-2009, 08:48 AM
We're looking for land out of the city, within 15 minutes or so of Willmar.
If i had my way i'd move up north but my Fiance already drives back and forth to Minneapolis for work, so that's out of the question. Who knows, maybe after house is done we can consider building a cabin up north.

07-21-2009, 09:15 AM
Wow! your fiance sure has a long trip each day. 90 minutes? any idea about how much land you're looking for?

07-21-2009, 09:22 AM
We're looking for about 10 acres or more, depedinf of affordability. Can't sell less than 10 acres in the county.~Shannon~

07-21-2009, 09:47 AM
YUP affordable is one of the key things. I think up between Fergus Falls and Detroit Lakes farm land is going for ~$1,000 an acre. not sure I'd like farm land though; no trees.

07-21-2009, 10:35 AM
That's cheap, i can't seem to find anything under 3500 an acre here!
I guess it don't bother me if there's trees on it or not, even tho it would be nice, but i can always plant some if i had too.