View Full Version : cleaning solution for fresh skinned logs and about borate?

Brian Carey
07-16-2009, 01:09 AM
What to use to clean skinned logs and should i use borate after cleaning logs? If so where should i get it?

07-17-2009, 08:42 AM
borate is available in MANY places, you can make it yourself with boric acid, borax, and antifreeze, or just buy it premixed in the form of timbor, shipbor, etc. do a search for it online, you'll turn up lots of diy recipies and premix.

right after I skinned the logs, I would treat with a mild bleach solution, to kill any bugs growing in there, let dry and then borate them as recommended.


07-20-2009, 02:22 PM
Which way is cheaper? To buy or make yourself?

borate is available in MANY places, you can make it yourself with boric acid, borax, and antifreeze, or just buy it premixed in the form of timbor, shipbor, etc. do a search for it online, you'll turn up lots of diy recipies and premix.

right after I skinned the logs, I would treat with a mild bleach solution, to kill any bugs growing in there, let dry and then borate them as recommended.


07-20-2009, 08:30 PM
Which way is cheaper? To buy or make yourself?


Just made my first batch of homebrew. Dirt cheap, easy, and fun. It's the only way to go.

07-21-2009, 09:41 PM
so I bought a pre-mix. but if you can find antifreeze cheap, Borax on sale, and some cheap ant poison (boric acid) you can make it yourself. Depends on how expensive your materials are.

The universal answer universally applies: "It depends"!


Brian Carey
08-07-2009, 02:10 AM
recipe for making borate with boric acid,borax and antifreeze?

08-07-2009, 04:13 AM
I believe the recipe is on the members-only side. Sorry!

08-07-2009, 05:37 AM
so I bought a pre-mix. but if you can find antifreeze cheap, Borax on sale, and some cheap ant poison (boric acid) you can make it yourself. Depends on how expensive your materials are.

The universal answer universally applies: "It depends"!


That's amazing! We lawyers tell clients that ALL THE TIME!
"DGC, I got seriously hurt on a water slide! Can I win a lawsuit?"
"Well, it depends. How many drinks did you have before you went down the water slide? Was the water on on the slide when you went down, or was it after hours and dry? Did you go down the slide the proper way, or did you try doing a headstand the whole way down? Were you holding a toaster with an extension cord?"

I RARELY have a conversation with a client where I'm not having to qualify and equivocate to make them understand that everything is mushy in the legal world. Now I'm learning that I should be right at home when designing/building my log home! Great.....


08-07-2009, 06:02 AM
the great thing about 'depends' in LHBA is that it really means your outcome is in your own hands. YOU are the one who decides if saving time is worth spending more money; YOU are the one to decide if you'll take a great deal even if its not exactly what you had in mind; YOU are in the driver's seat. I like that much more than giving a kit home guy all my money and him telling me what I get, how and when!

08-07-2009, 06:13 AM
I agree... I like that level of control. My "Great..." at the end of my prior comment was mere sarcasm. I keep forgetting that email/internet doesn't carry inflection and tone of voice.


08-07-2009, 06:38 AM
go to bearfort lodge google it ...its on? there

08-07-2009, 06:53 PM
I'm a civil rights worker. "It depends" isn't part of our conversations. But I understand the feeling. Smile