View Full Version : Forest service timber sales???

02-26-2009, 08:50 AM
I have read the information blog here on obtaining house logs from the forest service, in calling around to speak with the logging directers in charge of each of the national forest here in my home state (Montana) I'm being told that the programs that exist now, envolve me bidding on a selective set to auction by the forest service. No set prices, and I would be competing in the auction with The big logging companys ie. plum creek who seems to buy up everything? How could i compete? has anyone put in bids and participated in these auctions? I was basicaly laughed at for even proposing the idea in one office. Saying the tree huggers, and extreme envirmentalist have made this impossible. I live in Montana...if it's not possible here, then where?

Am Arch
03-01-2009, 09:13 AM
I've tried this at two separate national forests. They both gave me the same story. They were very nice about it, and actually encouraged me to bid. The best option for you is if they have a very small offering, like a campground or something similar. Otherwise the numbers are too big.

They also gave me the names of loggers, mills and small lumber outfits who regularly bid and have inventory. Some were pretty expensive, but I found a few that were fairly cheap. I plan to go with one of the smaller lumber outfits. I'm getting 60 41' ponderosa pines with 20" butt ends for around $6,000 total, including delivery. Call as many people in the forest service as possible, ask them all for names of frequent bidders, and then call every one on your list. It turns out that the guy who I thought was least likely to have logs has plenty for the cheapest price.

03-01-2009, 10:01 AM
Hi Danny,
This is explained in more detail in the class seminar.


03-03-2009, 12:48 PM
I've thus come up with the same types of numbers, however I was fortunate enough to talk the owners of a ranch near my property, into letting me thin out his forest a bit and cleaning up the underbrush, Very time consuming proscess but, i'll be keeping as many logs as i'd like for 100 bucks. Cant beat that. In other high burn areas, this may be a tactic others could try.

03-03-2009, 04:01 PM
I just went to our local Forest Service ranger station on Monday. Looks like you have to bid on the logs, but the guy that I talked to said he trys to help out those that have projects like a log home, buildings, fire wood etc. You may have to bid on a couple sales to get enough logs, but that's ok. The logs are alot cheaper than buying from a logger or mill. I've got people lined up to fall, log and haul. So it does pay to call around and have friends that know friends. My 2 cents.

03-03-2009, 06:11 PM
I put an ad on Craigslist asking for log house logs and had several good replies. I ended up making a deal to thin 50 acres in exchange for the 50 Ponderosa Pines I need for wall logs (16"-26" at the butt) as well as the 50 Lodgepole Pines that I need for rafters and floor joists. I made another deal with a log trucker to haul them the 3-1/2 hours to our building site. You live in Montana... there are logs and you have to find a way to get them. After you've taken the class it'll all start falling into place.

Hey, by the way... Has anyone ever told you that you can really sing??!!!