View Full Version : Scandinavian Chinkless

02-25-2009, 09:48 AM
A co-worker of mine, who shall remain nameless (Reid Loidolt), thinks that a Scandinavian Chinkless log home would be structurally superior than a butt and pass system. Please school him. He will be checking the forum.

Ellsworth, if you're reading, please know that he has already been given the website as reference. Also, I think he may just be messing with me as I recently gave my notice of resignation.

02-25-2009, 10:33 AM
School him!!!

02-25-2009, 03:36 PM
The thing of it is, it has to be done absolutely right. And if done perfectly, and using LHBA roofing recommendations, I'd say it would be a very good home. Aesthetically, they are absolutely gorgeous when complete. The other side of it though, is it's intensively laborious work. Also, it's impossible for the Scandinavian Chinkless home to not settle, so you add more work with window and door settling slots and spaces. And, if the second floor is hung from the walls, I'm assuming second floor plumbing drops would also require slip-joints as well. If one wants to get real picky, a Scandinavian Chinkless could potentially be disassembled by a tornado. B&P wouldn't budge.

So, it's all in how you look at it.

02-25-2009, 03:55 PM
seeing as how I spent last weekend at a Log Home Show competing with Shaw-Wows for attention, one of the selling lines I used was "rebar, the same thing that held up the highway bridge you drive across is helping hold together your home" my home has over half a mile of rebar in it, 2 feet at a time. if chinkless jointing and fully scoped corners were superior in construction, why dont we have highway bridges made of them??? the other little tag line I used to poke at the Kit builders was " we dont mill our logs, why ruin what mother nature spent over 50 years making?"

02-26-2009, 10:45 AM
I prefer the scandanavian chinkless style on an aesthetic level. It is graceful and artistic. But the issues of settling would drive me bananas. I built butt and pass and have had no settling anywhere. I properly built SC may be structurally strong, but the rebar pins imho are stronger. And I KNOW I'll never have the skill to build a full house, properly, using SC.