View Full Version : log funiture

02-24-2009, 09:11 AM
i would like to build some log furniture (a bed, a dinning room table, ect.)
does anyone know to build good strong log furniture, preferably with things i would probably already have?
also what would be good to finish it with? stain, Lacquer or what? if you have built some already some pictures would be nice

02-24-2009, 11:37 AM
built lots of log furniture with hand tools. I would start simple. Really easy to build a log bed... Or really hard, depending on your design.

I like the hand rubbed mix of 1 part boiled linseed oil, 1 part tung oil, 1 part turpentine, and 1 part beeswax. Rub the paste into the wood.

That is what I will use for much of the interior walls.


02-25-2009, 04:31 AM
Hey Stressman I was wanting to build some furniture too.?Show us some pics of the things you've built. Thanks Al B.

02-25-2009, 06:50 AM
I built a fairly cool bed a thousand years ago with nothing but a saw, draw knife, and brace with a 1-1/2" bit. It is time consuming but extremely easy common sense type work and your mistakes turn into really High quality firewood.

02-26-2009, 02:52 PM
Several years ago I did a book review for an e-book on
building log furniture. Should be somewhere in the
archives. Steve?

The furniture can be assembled with W.E.S.T. system
epoxy and Fox joints. Quick, simple, and will never
come apart at the joints. You could also assemble
with tusk tenons if you prefer knock-down furniture.

Though I am professionally trained with lacquer, I have
used tung oil wiping varnish for my own furniture. I was
in the middle of building the bedroom set when Elvis died
so it's been a few years now and the finish still looks good.
Now I might be persuaded to just brush polyurethane, and
steel wool between coats.

Design considerations might be as simple as taking off
measurments from existing furniture.


02-26-2009, 04:41 PM
Hey Rick,

Here is a link to a back issue of the newsletter that has your review:


Sorry blanef, it's in the members only area.

This is a site that I've looked over a few times and looks promising, but that is the extent of my log furniture building experience. Hope it helps ya.


02-27-2009, 12:01 AM
I'm planning on building some myself, as a hobby, mainly.? I'll be buying a 1/2" drill (3/8" isn't big enough) to turn my tenon cutters and forstner bits that I recently picked up off ebay.? (Thanks, Melinda-great birthday gift!)? I know this isn't likely stuff you already have, but it makes quick work of making joints - and the tenon cutters can get pricey.? They may pay for themselves if you decide to build and sell some furniture as you get better?at it.? Good luck.


03-01-2009, 11:35 AM
I will take five, short, equal length stumps and place 3/4 plywood on top with my mattress on top of that. Just a simple 5 post bed.


03-01-2009, 01:03 PM
LOL, well sounds like a great idea, 'cept if you got one high one, you'll have to trim it shorter. Then heck, if you take a little too much, you'll end up trimming the others. Sure as shoot, another one won't match and it'll need trimming, and before you know it, you're plywood is on the floor!!!


03-03-2009, 03:44 PM
When your done watching that video look just to the right of the video it says top 15 ,see the little girl in the middle holding a mic,that's a friend of mines daughter listen to her you'll be amazed

Charlie Echo
03-03-2009, 03:56 PM
Not sure if we are on the same page. Could you be more specific about "log" furniture. Are you talking 8" in diameter or above? This may help you anyway because I suggest you work with a kit and get familiar with construction and studying the pieces. I learned a lot with my kit. Asked questions along the way. And saves you money without having to buy the finished product.
I have a good friend, just down the road from me, that builds hickory furniture. Really nice rustic furniture. I wanted to build a dining room table and chairs. I started with a kit to help me understand the fit and not so much harvesting, cutting, kiln drying, sizing out straight pieces, fittings and straightening everything out (racking). It gave me a lot of insight of how everything fit, and helped me to see what preparations needed to be made to get the right fit. My kit was mortice and tenon fittings. However, I found that processing the wood to the kit stage was overwhelming and ... so I did not pursue starting from scratch harvesting my own hickory. It's truly a trade that takes time if you want to do it right.
But don't let me discourage you, I believe anyone can do anything that has the will to do it.