View Full Version : open mind?

02-20-2009, 11:25 PM
I have just recently discovered this site and i love it. its been my dream to build my own log cabin for awile. I am very interest in taking this class but i had a question to people who have already taken this class or people who run this class for that matter. from what i have read there are certan ways of building that they preach in their classes. but what i was wondering is, If you want to do it a certain way that goes against what they recommend do they still work with you just as much as a student who is going their totally recomended way? and advice would be much appreciated. thank you

02-21-2009, 02:10 PM
Many members build a bit different than taught in class. Different foundations, different roofs, etc etc.

There is still alot of support from the staff & other members as long as the basic stuff is close to the same.

Obviously, if you choose to do something totally different like saddle-notch or something else, then most members may not have the same experience or knowledge. The staff likely still know alot of details though.

02-21-2009, 05:23 PM
Very few things are "absolutes." there are several guiding principles: Keep your logs dry, build small as you can,use a simple roof, etc. But you are assumed to understand enough when that is done to design your own basic home. You will be able to decide what foundation you wish to use, which roof type you want to use, size desired, way to peel logs, etc etc etc. They will show you what works, often times several things that work and some things that dont' and why. Anyway, you will be very able to design your own very unique place based on the principles and case studies in the class.


02-21-2009, 05:50 PM
my main concern is the foundation. I have read that they promote pier foundations but i would really like to build a basement . do you think they would have a lot to say and give me advice on how to build a foundation with a basement?

02-21-2009, 06:06 PM
my main concern is the foundation. I have read that they promote pier foundations but i would really like to build a basement . do you think they would have a lot to say and give me advice on how to build a foundation with a basement?
Yes, many people build on a basement.

02-21-2009, 10:18 PM
my main concern is the foundation. I have read that they promote pier foundations but i would really like to build a basement . do you think they would have a lot to say and give me advice on how to build a foundation with a basement?

Do a keyword search on this site for the word "basement" and see whatcha get. As for other styles of log structures, there is much to be learned in class about other styles and what to look out for. I made a goodlooking set of scribes for notching logs after taking the class from Skip in 1989 and used them to build a saddle notched house for a movie a couple of years later.

My wife (who took the course with me) and I will be carving out a pad in early April for our butt n pass house with a stemwall foundation and considered a daylight basement. Skip woulda probably liked the way it's going to turn out.

Taking the class changed my life and I heartily endorse it to you or anybody else who wants to build their own home with their own hands. If the class changes your mind foundations or roof styles or anything else it will only indicate that your mind is not made up yet. Take the class.

02-22-2009, 04:51 AM
Dear Sir,

I have ventured out from the "norm" in many ways and the staff has always shown interest/support as has the membership.

I would say one thing about basement/foundations, overbuild them !

Remember that each log can weigh as much as a stick frame wall.

The last home I build calculated at 286,000 pounds + -.

If you wonder about taking this class ,,, http://www.loghomebuilders.org/should-you-take-class

Mikey, journeyman 1987

02-22-2009, 07:25 PM
Thank you everyone for the feedback and help. much appreciated.

02-23-2009, 05:38 AM
I built my house with a different roof system and a poured and block crawlspace underneath. I also used different attachments for my rafters out of necessity. I got plenty of input and help from Ellsworth and Rock engineer. Just remember, the farther you venture from what's taught in class, it becomes less likely that anyone will have experience with your problem or question. But yes, I had plenty of input.

02-23-2009, 05:46 AM
Weeelll, we ventured about as far from the "Skip style" as we dared -- we had limitations to work with such as short logs were all that were available to us. We adapted and made it work with many, many calls & emails to Skip for guidance and advice. We also did build on a poured crawlspace for a foundation. Still standing 8 years later!