View Full Version : Tree Question

01-12-2009, 10:34 AM
I live in WV, which is in them middle of what is considered a 'mixed transitional forest' area--basically meaning I live where the southern and northern hardwood forests meet, so there are characteristics of both---lots of tree's and plants. Say I want to build a log home and cut my own logs. I have land--110 acres to be exact, and on that land there is everything from Oak, birch, maple, hemlock, white pine, yellow poplar, etc, and so on. One of the most prevalent however is Yellow Poplar (liriodendron tulipifera). It's not a true poplar I guess because it's not in the populus genis like Aspen, Cottonwood, etc. Around here the old timers call them tulip trees, because the shape of the leaves resemble tulips.

Anyway, there is an abundance of yellow poplar on my property and they are all very tall and very straight. Is is a good tree to build a log home out of though? Any info? There is probably enough white pine to harvest plenty for a big home and still leave a few in the forest, but the yellow poplar is everywhere up here. Also, what about Eastern Hemlock? It is an evergreen and I notice there are plenty of tall, straight trees to choose from.

What would be the best to work with out of the 3 and is yellow poplar even doable at all?

01-12-2009, 03:13 PM
Basil built with yellow poplar. Just search "yellow poplar" and you'll find plenty on the subject.

As for hemlock, it's OK to use as well, but be alert for ring shake.

01-12-2009, 03:49 PM

Hey rivverrat, where in West VA are you? I am in Virginia Beach, by Norfolk. Welcome fellow East coast Loggie... Lets talk about building.


01-12-2009, 04:38 PM
Where at in WV?? I am from Brboursville, outside of Huntington, have 22 acres in Putnam County I cant give away, and try and spend as much time in the new and gauley rivers as possible, anyways, you can build out of the tulip poplar, just takes some precautions with the checking, like they said previous, just search it on here, also, it is actually a member of the tulip family, and gets yellow/green tulips in it in the spring up in the tops, I am currently building with white pine in Roanoke VA, and would say that would be my choice, the hemlock will work, but it is a higher dollar wood now because of the wooly adelgid destroying it all up and down the east coast, might make better since to have a selective cut done on the hemlock, and build with the pine, the poplar will take over anyspace left from the cutting

01-12-2009, 05:27 PM
Look, listen and learn
A man who works with his hands is a laborer,
A man who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman,
A man who works with his hands, his head and his heart is an artist.
St Francis of Assisi.

Hello Riverrat what part of west Va do you live. I used to have land in huntersville.
If you want sell some logs for a fair price send me Note chad_fortman2001@yahoo.com.
I think i be looking around summer time. Rod find where he lives you could buy a few acers from him and start your project. And whats best about west va the lack of building inspectors and people telling you you own them money to build on your own land. My realtor there said he got a septic permit and they really didnt push it on him.
Use what you got for trees.

01-12-2009, 06:43 PM
Thanks for the replies! I live and work in the Morgantown area. My land is in Preston County (north central WV), near the MD state line. I also spend a lot of time around the New and Gauley Rivers. I used to be a guide on both of them and I LOVE that area. Great trout fishing around there ;)

I am about ready to start marking some trees soon and I will keep in mind the possiblity of selling a few off at a good rate for sure. That is certainly something that has crossed my mind. This project for me will be a semi-long term thing and it will certainly include me taking the class. I would like to mark and fell some trees, then work on clearing a good spot and digging a bit for a foundation in the meantime. I have experience building stick homes, but never log so I think the class is just the ticket for me. I have always wanted to build a log home, and the idea of doing all the work myself has appealed to me even when I was a teenager. This is just something I have to do. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about!

I'm going to do a search for yellow poplar and read some stuff on it. It sure is abundant in this area...it peaked my curiosity

01-12-2009, 07:02 PM

Yellow poplar are fine to build with... Pine is one of the softest wood and they are used to build log houses... just learn of the characteristics of the tree and would so you can prepare it properly... Some tend to warp, some are extremely hard to mill. Poplar species are a soft wood to medium... They are extremely easy and nice to work with. Furniture makers and woodcrafters love poplar because its ease to cut and work with and yet is fairly hard, much more then pine. many timber framers are switching to poplar.

Hey give me a shout... i am in Virginia Beach

01-13-2009, 02:29 AM
Preston County huh? I just graduated WVU 2 years ago, and used to paddle the cheat alot! I used to run all over preston county, between blue hole, and route 50 on the sport bike, and I did alot of work up in Bruceton Mills, oh, and cant forget big sandy falls!! anyways, my in-laws are still up near cheat lake, hit me up, maybe we could meet up sometime, I am always looking for excuse to get away from the in-laws when I am up there! rckclmbr428 at aol dot com

01-13-2009, 07:34 AM
That's awesome Rckclmber! Those are my stomping grounds for sure. I grew up here and graduated from WVU 5 years ago. I used to paddle the Cheat and Big Sandy religiously--for 13 years actually. I still paddle some but I broke my ribs two years ago and it slowed me down quite a bit--especially with the steep creekin. Needless to say I have been working in the summer as a fly fishing guide and have pretty much shelved my kayaks lately. I sold most of them off, except one creek boat and a long boat that I've had for a decade.

I live a couple miles from Cheat Lake. Would certainly meet up sometime when you're in town. My email is dmjazz at earthlink dot net

01-13-2009, 08:47 AM
With yellow poplar, you can't let your walls get rained on. not just as a rot issue, but you WILL have checks and water travels along them. It can rain on your corner and travel down the check to deliver water in the middle of the wall. Wrap-around porches are a must. I did it and I love mine. Even though we've only been in it for about three months and work is ongoing...

Another good thing about building with yellow poplar is that they grow straighter and taller with less taper than most trees in this part of the country. They are also the least valuable hardwood so sell your other trees and keep the poplar-you wont get much for it anyway.

01-30-2009, 11:26 PM
I live in WV, which is in them middle of what is considered a 'mixed transitional forest' area--basically meaning I live where the southern and northern hardwood forests meet, so there are characteristics of both---lots of tree's and plants. Say I want to build a log home and cut my own logs. I have land--110 acres to be exact, and on that land there is everything from Oak, birch, maple, hemlock, white pine, yellow poplar, etc, and so on. One of the most prevalent however is Yellow Poplar (liriodendron tulipifera). It's not a true poplar I guess because it's not in the populus genis like Aspen, Cottonwood, etc. Around here the old timers call them tulip trees, because the shape of the leaves resemble tulips.

Anyway, there is an abundance of yellow poplar on my property and they are all very tall and very straight. Is is a good tree to build a log home out of though? Any info? There is probably enough white pine to harvest plenty for a big home and still leave a few in the forest, but the yellow poplar is everywhere up here. Also, what about Eastern Hemlock? It is an evergreen and I notice there are plenty of tall, straight trees to choose from.

What would be the best to work with out of the 3 and is yellow poplar even doable at all?

If you can avoid it, stay away from the Hemlock. Hemlock has a lot of SHAKE "meaning the middle of the logs aren't solid" they tend to be more fiber like in the middle.


02-05-2009, 05:02 PM
Hey Riverrat:
Maybe you could entice paddlers/LHBA'rs like Rock Climber & me from all over the world when you're ready to get started.
