View Full Version : SOLD OUR HOUSE!!!

11-26-2008, 04:30 PM
Supposed to close on the 17th.
That's over three weeks away, and banks are skitterish these days.
I vividly remember the sudden spike in interest rates back in '80.
Now with the collapse of Citi I'm getting a little jumpy. Hopefully all
will go well and we will be rid of this house. I can then concerntrate
my efforts on getting the new place built. Glad I have my time and
finances free in December. Always a challenge to build in two feet of

The good news is: We have an offer and things are progressing well.


11-26-2008, 05:39 PM
Congrats! With the housing market the way it is, it must be alot harder to sell a house.
Good luck with everything.

11-26-2008, 05:48 PM
I know this has been an issue for some time. Guess takin the truck to wenachee for a tuneup is right out?! It will be totally worth it to have you as a neighbor an hour or so down the road.

Good luck with your plans and keep us informed!


11-28-2008, 09:45 AM
I hope things go smooth and easy. :)

then you'll be "happy-boy"