View Full Version : Opinions on builder & supplier of reclaimed lumber

09-23-2008, 09:35 PM
Cabin Creek Log Homes specializes in relocation and restoration of antique and vintage log structures, cabins and barns.


Anyone familiar with them? Any experienced opinions based on looking over the site? They're located in a beautiful area where I'd like to build.

09-24-2008, 02:59 AM
I looked at the website. It doesn't really sound like they do anything kit biulders don't. Only they use pre cut "logs." I would call most of what they have timbers, as they are generally milled on at least 2 faces. I would be very careful of this company as you can't really inspect the logs before you buy the home and it is reassembled at your site. I suspect much of the the reclaimed wood is old growth, so you got that going for you, but I'm not really sold on it. Another thing is the "chinking" they use. They don't specify the material. Those look like pretty wide gaps, and if you have to rechink every 10 years or so (permachink) it will get expensive (not to mention time consuming). Another reason I'm skeptical of the company--no advertised prices. I am leary of any organization that isn't very up front with prices.

In short, If you have a lot of money and love the look (and the good feeling in your heart of using reclaimed timber), then these are going to be as good as kits (so long as you have good wood to begin with). I don't know how much they are, but I'm guessing not cheap. You could build a small cabin, (635 sf, main floor) for (Wild guess) 50k plus foundation. If the cost of one of these "old kits" is more than say 75k, installed, you'd be far ahead to invest in the class, and build your own.

Call me biased...


09-24-2008, 08:40 AM
Look, listen and learn
Im Your Huckleberry!
Keep Rocking With Dokken!

Who wants to buy someone else probelms.
The cost and who knows about the shape the wood.
Build it yourself and save yourself the money and head probelms.
If you did this project its gone blead you wallet dry on the problems that will not show up till later.
What ever you do think it out clearly.

09-24-2008, 09:27 AM
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback and will evaluate them cautiously...

I'm disappointed, however, looking over this site at so many responses saying to "build it yourself" (not whining; just concerned since that's not possible in my time frame). Now, doing anything yourself is ideal, but some of us need a place to sleep, pronto, and we don't have time for a major project. If building your own log cabin is truly the only quality solution, then surely there are people selling the quality work of building "real" cabins.

Personally, I do want to build my own. But I want to have a few years to do it right, and I want to live on the land while I'm doing it. So I need a little, economical, but still quality-built cabin to crash in. What would you guys do? A primary home built to finished stage the "real" way without a long wait. Would you suggest compromising and going the kit route?!? Any tips for us newcomers who can't take on the full project yet but want quality?

09-24-2008, 10:11 AM
Hi Kerisman,

I think that you are slightly missing the point. The message of the Log Home Builders Association is NOT that we are offering the only way to get a quality log home, BUT opening peoples eyes to the fact that buying a kit home without knowledge is a risky investment and that despite the industry hype it is possible to build one for significantly lower cost.

The problem you face is that you do not have the time available and the but and pass style of construction taught by the association cannot be replicated by the kit builders because the home cannot be built in one place and then taken apart and reassembled at another.

If you are willing to pay for it then there will be genuine quality craftsmen who can build you a beautiful one-off home (probably Scandinavian Chinkless style) that will be VERY expensive but a lasting investment if you make sure that the design follows certain rules (the most obvious being having a roof that will protect your wooden (i.e. rottable) walls properly) etc.

The kit route is a real option IF you follow the advice on the site regarding thoroughly vetting (i.e. phone round a list of their customers etc) not only the manufacturer but also the contractor who will assemble it for you (not always the same person).

Hope this helps :-)


09-24-2008, 01:11 PM

I have no inkling of where you live, what your family situation is, your work situation, etc. there are many factors that affect what you can do. For instance, I have a great job at Boeing and a wife who won't give up her suburban lifestyle completely. I can't just move out to the country and build. If you can get away, and just need some place to live, you can get a suitable trailer (camper) for under 5 grand. This will be much cheaper than any cabin built from whatever material you choose.

If you want a professionally built unit, there are those. And they are of high quality. They are also very expensive. Just have your eyes open whatever you decide.
