View Full Version : buying a log home

09-14-2008, 08:43 AM
I have no time right now to build one. But I been looking at a few for sale in my area. I have built alot of homes but no log ones. I don't know much about them. There is one I like the most. It is 20 years old, pine logs that are flat on three sides. He stacked them on top of each other with a foam " I think" gasket. They are pinned with very large spikes. The corners are butt and pass I think. Is this an exceptable way of constuction? He calked the outside seams. He treats the logs every two years. Is there anything else I could ask him? Thanks. filix

09-14-2008, 02:23 PM
It depends. If you live in the south east with lots of rain, not the best method (water can get in there and not get out). I have seen this done (slabbed on two sides), but it was in a semiarid area. I would make sure no rot was started between the logs (I would have caulked in the inside, if it were me). How old is the home? if it is 20 years old and no signs of degredation, I see no issues.

make sure the overhangs are large (at least 3', preferably >5') and look for rot and settling. bring a level and check areas. if there are any screw jacks, it is not a "skip syle" home. Maybe it's just me, but every two years is pretty often for mandatory re-finishing.

sorry for the rambling.


09-14-2008, 05:28 PM
Thanks for the responce. I,m going to look again at it. Whats a screw jack? Also what is a skip syle home? Thanks. filix.

09-14-2008, 05:30 PM
I forgot to mention I live in maine. filix

09-14-2008, 06:57 PM
A screw jack is basically a really big wingnut that you can use to relevel a home that has settled. http://www.accessscience.com/abstract.aspx?id=608500&referURL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.accessscience.com%2fcont ent.aspx%3fid%3d608500. most kits use these. not necessarily a bad thing, but if it has them, you have to look for other items that fail due to settling--like gaps above the windows/doors need to be there, otherwise your doors will stop closing and your windows will shatter.

"skip sytle" refers to the general building method advocated by Skip Ellsworth, the tight-pinned Butt and Pass home. Some of the reasons we like it are--no gross settling (shrinkage does not result in loss of height). the outer wood is left in tact, so the logs are better protected. There are no interior load bearing walls, so you have a lot of freedom as far as floor plans.

I think maine yas a lot of snow. I don't know about blown rain, what I would be the most concerned with. take a screw driver with you, and probe some areas that might get wet (gaps between the lower logs, overdangle ends, etc).
