View Full Version : Spread sheet for log home estimating
08-23-2008, 06:51 AM
Hi All:
Bitting at the bit to get to a class and get started. So looking to do anything I can before getting to class.
One area I was wondering if anyone had created an Excel spreadsheet layout for itemizing expenses for building their log cabin.
Any other area's of suggestion would be appreciated.
Steve B
08-23-2008, 05:56 PM
I suppose I'll be itemizing as I go, But the DIY taught by LHBA is not really conducive to itemizing costs before hand. Much of the savings come from getting materials at discount prices. These prices may be 25%off retail for NIB stuff, and 100% off retail (free) for things that someone doesn't want, and you do. Thus far, I have 250 sf of bamboo flooring for .67/sf and 6 large double pane argon filled brand new windows for free. Not to mention lots of fuel for my diesel truck and a biodiesel processor for free. Some tools ranging from free to $75.
You can come up with everything you are going to need and go down to HD and get a price. Then assume some general discount rate for everything. This rate should be at least 10%, as HD will give you this for brand new stuff on their card. Anyway, I plan on floorplan first, then land, temp trailer, foundation/logs, roofing, and radiant floor heating. Then it's basically finish work, wiring, solar, water (this may be first), at least part of it) septic (i'm going to be building commando, with no OK from the man--so) I'll be using a gray water/blackwater system where 80% of my effluent is gray water and untreated, 20% stays in the septic tank for 5 times as long, and I'm not worried about making sure my land percs "up to code." I'll only be there a few weeks/year at first anyway, and the septic system will have more time to do its thing and less antibacterial (soap) in there messing things up. I think the system can take 3/52*.20= 1.2% of the design load, even with less than perfect soil. If we ever live up there full time, I'll get a composting toilet or two, and my septic system won't work at all.
Anyway, I have a lot of planning to do, and no spreadsheet to do it by. I don't think there is an "official LHBA spreadsheet" as all member's needs/desires differ. The basics are the same--logs, lumber, cement, roofing. From there, it really is up to you.
BTW, I would be happy to share my spreasheet with any member, as I go. Actually, I may post excerpts online with pics of my progress.
08-23-2008, 07:32 PM
You could use a standard building spread sheet available from local bank. That is what I started with when comparing kit numbers. Or if you are a littile more ambitious you could do a custum one using a program like excell and st it up to track projected vs real cost. Been doing mine on paper, let me tell you I am way below kit projections.
08-24-2008, 08:10 AM
LOL I knew you where an engineer Peter before I looked at your profile. I'm one to.
Looking to get out of the rat race here in Florida and build a simple log home and resell it. See if I really enjoy the process and if so then do this 3 more times, gaining skills and then build my dream place debt free with some $$ in the bank.
I'm also looking into geothermal heating/cooling as a possibility. Solar cell system and other alternate energy sources. Your biodiesel processor sounds interesting.
08-24-2008, 09:32 AM
That's a good idea keeping projected and actual cost on the log cabin.
I was originally from Mass. now in Florida and longing for some trees and mountains.
I went to your picture site and enjoyed the pictures.
08-24-2008, 02:14 PM
Bertelli, I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one member put together their own spreadsheet, though there is not(so far as I know) offered by the association. There are so many variables that a spread sheet would have to be modified to fit your own needs. So, it's something that can be used, and perhaps built off of what someone else has done, but not something to worry about before taking the class. Folks tend to look at the whole project differently once they understand the techniques and see the big picture.
What part of Florida are you in? I travel to Sarasota several times a year to visit family, and have family near Sebring as well. I love the beach, but man my heart is in the mountains.
08-25-2008, 02:02 AM
I was originally from Mass. now in Florida and longing for some trees and mountains.
Hey Steve, I'm in the Tampa area and granted, no mountains, but I sure have the trees. I have a giant sweetgum about 6 feet from my house that I wish I could cut down. I think the thing has wood borers in it and proving that would be the only way I can get approval for it to be cut. Yes, we are not allowed to cut trees down without a permit and a really good excuse, believe it or not.
Are you planning to build in Florida? Or abandoning it like I am?
08-25-2008, 05:45 AM
You at least have some hills up there and trees. Only hill here in Pompano Beach is the trash dump.
I hear you on the cutting down trees. Remember the orange tree chanker scare? They cut everyone's orange trees down without permission.
I would like to keep my condo on the ocean down here and eventually have a nice cabin in the mountains somewhere, and have the time to enjoy both.
Time will tell. Florida is great but like anything else if you eat caviear all the time you need a change from it.
08-25-2008, 05:49 AM
I'm down in the Pompano Beach area just north of Ft Lauderdale on the east coast. Been down here 10years now.
I hear you, I miss the mountains too. Must be something genetic in me. Would love to have the place down here and one in the mountains and make a living by building nice cabins every year or two and have the time to enjoy everything.
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