View Full Version : Remote cabin security

06-11-2008, 07:00 PM
I was wondering if anyone has come up with any good ideas on security for thier remote cabin's,my place is up in the middle of no where my nearest neighbor is 7 miles away. I have two shipping containers with alot of stuff and I'm getting ready to build so there will be more stuff up there to worry about

06-11-2008, 07:18 PM
where are you building? I could use some new tools!

Joking aside, that is a big issue that many people here have to face. Maybe a list is in order. Other members, feel free to add as appropriate.

1) don't tell the locals what you are doing and where you are doing it (until you are confident in them). A newbie in town spouting off about his project in the hardware store is asking that a meth head (buying supplies to brew his own) stop by and help himself.
2) Lock up your stuff. You'd be surprised the highschool miscreants that can be dissuaded by a masterlock.
3) make friends with your neighbors. If they live seven miles away down the access road, they may keep their eyes out for strange vehicles heading up your way.
4) some scary "constitutional keep out signs" like are at skips place are not a bad touch, lets theives know (who are literate) that you are enforcing your right of privacy and protecting you and your family's safety with deadly force if necessary. The threat of death seems to ward off some. (However, never rig up booby traps to catch/harm theives/vandals--you'll be liable for any harm you do them (see katko v. briney, US supreme court case).
5) video cameras may be workable (And a time lapse vid of your progress would be awesome on you tube!). Just put it in either a very conspicuous place (and) or a very hidden place. This will keep those afraid of cameras off your land, and catch those who aren't as leary.

Any other ideas?

06-11-2008, 07:28 PM
If it is not to much hassel haul your stuff when you leave. Get a trailer and just take it with you-leaving only necc. items you can not or do not wish to haul out.
I am wondering if you can't leave a battery operated radio on (letting them think you are in there) and a sign that says beware of owner. Wiith the ecomony down i suspect more thiefs.

06-11-2008, 07:41 PM
As a suppliment to Timber's suggestion, if you cant haul it all out, try to pick a few items of the highest value (and easiest to tote) and take just that stuff with you. Powertools come to mind.

People are a lot more likely to make off with that spiffy chainsaw than an old block and tackle and some log dogs.

06-12-2008, 02:29 AM
As a suppliment to Timber's suggestion, if you cant haul it all out, try to pick a few items of the highest value (and easiest to tote) and take just that stuff with you. Powertools come to mind.

People are a lot more likely to make off with that spiffy chainsaw than an old block and tackle and some log dogs.

Yep good advice, that's about what we did too.
Definitely having a good friend neighbor will help just to watch out & give you a heads up if they see anything.

We always took our "Small, expensive" tools like hole hawg, chainsaw etc etc.

Things we leave out there & *knock on wood* haven't been messed with, ladders (locked to a tree), couple folding chairs, old looking temp lighting.

One other idea, rig up a security motion detector & wire a siren onto it, lots of light & noise should scare off anyone during the night & should be fairly cheap.

2 cents
06-12-2008, 06:15 AM
I always thought it would be an interesting idea to rig a motion detector to the sound of big, growling snarling dogs (that may or may not be inside guarding your stuff).

2 cents

06-12-2008, 07:20 AM
If you have power and telephone, you can install a laser shield alarm system. ($200.00) I have one. Severe lightning will set if off, but it is worth the call from the sheriff. Thieves have ripped me off before. Pick up your place before you leave. Do not leave things laying around. Keep things out of sight. Put up stickers and signs from the alarm company. Target practice a lot. The more you look prepared the more thieves will look elsewhere. Don't forget Ellsworth's trespass signs.

class 01-15-05

06-12-2008, 08:37 AM
I worked in the national forest in VA alot, and we would have packed alot tools in, and didnt want to pack them out at the end of a long hard day, so we would find downed trees, or holes under rocks, off the beaten path, and would just put stuff were no one would think of looking. it sound like you might have more stuff then you could hide in the woods though, so maybe higher this lady to sit on your front porch.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=--K3X6rptE4&feature=related

06-12-2008, 10:26 AM
A couple of things I have-
Fake security cameras. (Harbor Freight has em). I have two cameras in plain view coming up to my property. They have wires coming out of them going to a box. They are high enough in the tree that they can not be examined easily (I installed it about 10' high and whacked the bottom limbs.)

A hidden real camera. I got a game camera and once I catch the person (most likely the neighbor) messin' the beaver dam, I'll train it on my valueables. I got two media cards and switch them out to check my cameras. (Note Right now it runs off batteries and I am thinking about changing it to solar powered. )

If you have a road going up to your property. A gate, chains and big lock over the gate. I also have no trespassing signs, USMC stickers, NRA stickers, and my MMA Born to fight stickers on my gate. I should put up a beware of dog sign as well.

I also have a mailbox on the property and am considering putting a solar light in. This gives it a look like someone is living there.

If there is ever anyone tresspassing, I greet them with my command voice and usually a shotgun, chainsaw, pick, axe, etc in hand. I get there names and ask for id. Once I've intimitidated them enough, I try and be a little warmer. If I've never had anyone come back.

One last possible option is to let someone live there for free for watching over the property.

06-12-2008, 10:39 AM
I worked in the national forest in VA alot, and we would have packed alot tools in, and didnt want to pack them out at the end of a long hard day, so we would find downed trees, or holes under rocks, off the beaten path, and would just put stuff were no one would think of looking. it sound like you might have more stuff then you could hide in the woods though, so maybe higher this lady to sit on your front porch.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=--K3X6rptE4&feature=related

LMAO Thats great! Way to go Granny.
Like others have said. We keep hand tools locked in bucket truck tool box, as well as ladders locked to truck. High doller stuf we haul back and fourth. Watchfull neibor has been very helpful as whell.

06-12-2008, 12:27 PM
Ragdump I tried having some one live there awhile back ,guess who was featured on America's Most Wanted,you got it my care taker,then guess who I got a visit from the Butte County Sheriff and the FBI,he had lived there for over a year and alot of people knew him he even drove a water truck for the local logging company,you wouldn't believe the things that happen in the middle of know where

http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd206/ragdump/Scan10007.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd206/ragdump/Scan10005.jpg

06-12-2008, 02:48 PM
Put the biggest pair of boots you can find outside your door, then put up a note "Went to get more ammo, be right back" Bubba

06-12-2008, 02:48 PM
I've been thinking of different things about my place, once established, but it still might come in handy in your situation. First, you're off to a good start with the shipping containers. If you are leaving a vehicle or tractor there, park it to block the doors of the containers, in addition to locking them.

One thing I'm worried about, will be my pole mounted solar arrays. I've been planning to put an electric fence around them, using a solar fencer. (or two)

Another plan is to get one (or two) of those solar motion sensor lights, but instead of turning on the light, rig it to activate a barking dog track in the house. (just another project I got to develop)

Then there are some more insidious ideas, but I'll leave that to your imagination. But here's a clue, if a thief gets injured or scared enough, it takes stealing off their minds pretty quick.


Oops, 2cents beat me to the dog thing.

Mark OBrien
06-13-2008, 01:46 PM
You could put signs up saying there were live rattlesnakes guarding the property...not too many people are going to take a chance like that. Or...you could get a pic of my ex-mother in law and put it on the front door. She coulda scared buzzards off of a meat wagon!

07-23-2008, 05:25 PM
E, do you have any of those signs for sale. and if so how much are they.

TX's...............................> :-)

08-04-2008, 05:42 PM
I thought it would be cool to have a motion sensor or laser that ran across the driveway that when tripped would call your cell phone. Place it high enough so that dogs and other small mammals wouldn't trip it but a person or vehicle would. I looked on the internet for such an item but couldn't find anything. If you got a call you could either go directly there, call a neighbor to see if they'll go take a look or call the sherriff. Battery or solar operated would be best and it would have to be able to dial a cell phone so would likely have a modified cell phone built in.

Purchased Land-survey done and draftsman is working on modifications to stock plans.

08-04-2008, 06:29 PM
Make it so it takes a picture or video clip of the vehicle and sends it to you. I've thought of this for some time... I think there are some game cameras or other devices out there that will do it.

08-04-2008, 07:28 PM
Yea, we got cameras at work that are tied into the company's intranet. (which could also be tied to an internet connection instead) The DVR is assigned an IP address, and if I VPN into the network, I can easy access the cameras and recordings. I use it regularly in the winter, to check if I need to head in to plow the lots.

Now, back to btwall's idea. There are wireless photo beam alert systems available, which trigger a warning device in the home. (just Google "driveway alert") It wouldn't take much more effort to tie one into a home alarm system and central monitoring. (or possibly directly to your phone via the dialer)

08-04-2008, 07:41 PM
My plans are for a live webcam set up to watch my property..whether I am home or away.
Program it with notification alarms.
Get a cellphone with internet access.
Monitor your land 24/7..either by monitors in your home (or when away) though mobile internet.

There are tons of companies, heres just one:


08-05-2008, 02:17 AM
I thought it would be cool to have a motion sensor or laser that ran across the driveway that when tripped would call your cell phone. Place it high enough so that dogs and other small mammals wouldn't trip it but a person or vehicle would. I looked on the internet for such an item but couldn't find anything.

I have a motion sensor inside my house that is programmable for body mass so my four dogs, who range from 50 to 70 pounds, don't set it off. I think it sees heat.

08-05-2008, 06:31 AM
Frances, cool..so when your dogs are in heat, the beeper goes off?

...and the boys come-a-runnin'?


08-05-2008, 08:31 AM

I just reread this thread and you mention "methheads" in passing. I see you are from Mukilteo. Out here on the peninsula it is pretty much the one thing that keeps crime escalating in a steady upward curve. Unfortuantely, local law enforcement tends to be in the dark as to who the organized gangs really are---usually they blame it on South of the Border drug lords--but closer to truth it is simply red, white and blue motorcycle gangs (remember the Hells Angels, Gypsy Jokers & etc.?)---they left the big screen and highways of the 1960's and 1970's --relocating to your next door national forest!

Many of us that are planning on living in the remote wilds, should keep a watch out for this type of criminal element. Labs can be set up anywhere and the fact that the profit margin is so high, the criminal element doesn't think a two hour drive on dirt roads is too high a price to pay to keep operations under the radar. They are always armed and dangerous. They also have their flock of users that buy directly from them--usually local youth who commit the majority of burglaries and petty crimes to support their habit.

Simple Mind
08-05-2008, 09:08 AM
We live down in kitsap county. What stage are you at in the building? If you need help let us know. We would love to pitch in.


08-05-2008, 12:19 PM
Are you looking to build in Kitsap?
I'll extend the same offer to you. If you build before me, please don't hesitate to give me a hollar.

At present I'm living in an old house in PT. Something I've been fixing up. Don?t' think I'll ever be finished with that, though. I was told by many that old homes always need work, much like old wooden boats. We have our fair share of those here as well.

I've been keeping tabs on some view properties out past Forks to build. I'm hoping the wind and weather out that way will keep the majority of city dwellers out from prospecting for "vacation land"---- keeping the prices in my comfort zone.

I'm in the process of getting a hold of a local horse logger to see if he'd take me on as an apprentice this winter.
Unfortunately, I got caught up with work last winter and could never get the time away to do it.


Simple Mind
08-05-2008, 12:45 PM
We have property in Indianola. Next week we are having a double wide, that we found on craigs list delivered and will be moving in shortly. We had been trying to sell our house in Poulsbo, but could not get a reasonable price. So we found some renters. We did not want another rental, but for now it works better this way. The money we were going to get out of the house was going to construction. So it will be a little while until we start work now. My wife and I are obsesed with getting out of debt and building debt free, so that is what the hold up is. We will let you know when we start.

Sorry for the thread highjack, no PMs yet.

08-05-2008, 01:14 PM
Just wanted to chime in on the jacked thread...

I plan to build on Dow Mountain, about 10 minutes outside of Hoodsport, which is somewhere between where you two will be building. I'd love to help out when you guys get started as well. I'm definitely anxious to get stacking, but even once I get property, I"ll need to get my current house fixed up and sold. Maybe by the time I'm ready to sell, the market will be ready to play nice again so I can actually sell my house. Here's hopin'.

I made an offer on a property a couple of weeks ago, but their counter-offer was still quite a bit more than want to pay. I'm just going to be patient for a while. I may go back and offer a bit more later, but I know there are several new properties about to be listed up there in the next week or so.


08-05-2008, 02:29 PM
I think the best advice so far has been to befriend your neighbors and watch out for each other.

Something to think about too is the remoteness of where you decide to build.
How will you deal with medical emergencies let alone unwanted visitors?


08-05-2008, 09:24 PM
My neighbor has a camera system, I think it is made by "Lorex". 4 cameras, each the size of a D cell battery and barely visible, even if you know they are there. He purchased the set up from Costco for about $1K, which isn't cheap. The nice thing about it though is that it "Archives" footage on your PC. I think it holds one week of footage per camera and the clarity is very good. In the last 30 days, he has captured video of a gnarly bicycle wipeout (which is sort of funny) and a car thief. The images/videos can be copied or emailed. We don't recognize the car thief, but maybe the car owner would? I think this could be a great tool to have, as long as they don't steal the PC.

Just my two cents for this "national night out". I agree that your best defense is having good neighbors, but with large acreage you may need some technical help.


Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!

08-06-2008, 02:35 AM
Frances, cool..so when your dogs are in heat, the beeper goes off?

...and the boys come-a-runnin'?


Mmmmm, Kola while trying to think of a funny retort to your comment, I starting wondering why I even have a motion sensor when I have a doberman, two pitbulls and a really vocal bearded collie in the house. Anybody who tries to break into my house would have to be retarded!


08-06-2008, 06:18 AM
Anybody who tries to break into my house would have to be retarded!

Frances [/quote]
Almost every time you read about a break-in, it is about some dumb _ss. They have to be on the edge of retardation.

I have a neighbor that has over-grazed his property. His cattle patrol my fence line. They look for any entry point. So, as dumb as he is, he cuts the fence for them. I asked him about it. He told me elk do that. Their hooves are real sharp. The camera idea seems real neat. I've invested thousands in keeping _ssholes/cattle fenced out. I keep documenting every event. If I ever take him to court, the evidence is recorded. The pictures would be icing on the cake.

class 01-15-05

08-06-2008, 06:29 AM
Us Hunters use scouting or game cameras that are IR activated... Newer ones have no flash can also take video... properly placed and angled, one should be able to ensure getting the plate numbers... Get two rechargeable batteries and two dig cards... Set up overlooking a locked gate should ensure the photos you want...

(not sure if its right for you, but I'll throw it out there for you to decide...) I'd set up a shooting range with lots of shotgun shells and some old targets (not the circles, but the bad guy ones...a manequin or two if you can find em...) It makes people think twice about if its worth the risk if-n they know the owner IS PREPARED TO DEFEND HIS PROPERTY!!! I'd place it just past a locked gate that has some good Constitution signs... Find a skeet range/shooting range if you don't shoot... I'm sure you could get some old shotguns hulls and maybe some old targets... LOTS OF SHELLS, scatterred in the road with the targets 15-25 yds away would work well... Make it visible enough that anyone thinking of cutting the locks or climbing over would see it...

Deterance is 90% of the game in most cases...

08-06-2008, 06:31 AM
in WV, it actually legal to shoot animals that trespass, you can also legally corral them and keep them until restitution is paid for damages, they are considered property. I'm not suggesting shooting cows for sport, (not much of a sport) but if its a habitual thing that is getting out of control, maybe put one in your freezer and see if the "elk" dont stop cutting the fence!

08-06-2008, 04:39 PM
A few years ago, I got an urgent call, at work, from my then 14 year old daughter who was at home alone. Seems that someone had tried to break into our house. When he couldn't get in through the front door he went around to the sliding glass doors, apparently intending to break the glass. Well, he changed his mind when he looked in and saw two dobermans, a shepard and my daughter, who was armed with the shotgun I gave her for Christmas. He beat feet out of there and she called me after locking herself in her room with all the dogs, her .410 and my Springfield 1911, both of which she knew how to use. Aint redneck girls great?


2 cents
08-07-2008, 12:05 PM
That's awesome.

A good friend of ours has instructed us in basic gun safety. He was very thorough. Husband and I are thinking of getting a shotgun to have with us.
Wish I had learned to use one when I was 12 or so.....

2 cents

Simple Mind
08-07-2008, 12:22 PM
Guns are great. But be careful.

Don't buy one and stick it in the closet until needed. Practice, practice, practice. It's fun too.

08-07-2008, 01:07 PM
I agree having the fire arm is only about 40% of the solution, being able to use it and be comfortable with the weapon (not just knowing which end is the dangerous one) is just as if not more important.

08-07-2008, 01:29 PM
I couldn't agree more, Simple Mind. My daughter and I had the best time shooting together. She would bug me almost every weekend to go shooting. After the aforementioned (sp) incident, I made sure she understood that the more proper course of action would have been:
1. Call 911 while arming herself.
2. Retreat to the most defensible position in the house (with weapons and dogs).
3. Stay there until the threat passed or the cops showed up.
Fortunately we have cops who live nearby and, in our city, they probably wouldn't have arrested me for allowing my 14 year-old access to firearms.

She'll be 21 in a year and a half. She'll then be able to obtain a concealed carry permit in Virginia. I plan to pay for a concealed carry and defensive shooting course as a birthday gift. I never want my little girl to be defensless against those who would do her harm.


2 cents
08-07-2008, 01:44 PM
One of the most important things I've learned so far is that the weapon to have is one you are capable of using. If you are unwilling or unable to use it properly, then it's as if you did not have it at all (or worse).

2 cents

08-07-2008, 02:24 PM
Yep. The first two rules of any weapon and especially firearms is:
1. Never draw a weapon that you don't intend to use.
2. Never brandish or point a weapon at anything or anyone that you don't intend to destroy.

There is no such thing as an accidental discharge. Accidental implies that no one was at fault. I prefer the term "negligent discharge". I've never heard of anyone getting shot unintentionally if the shooter was adhering to rules #1 & 2.

You're also correct about willingness to use a weapon. A thorough understanding of the rules of deadly force is imperitive for anyone considering a firearm for defense. If there is any doubt in your mind that deadly force is necessary in an engagement, it probably isn't. Especially if the situation can be diffused by any lesser means (retreat, etc). You have to be sure and willing. (Sorry. Twenty two years of USN small arms training showing through)
As John Wayne said, in The Shootist: "It's not always being fast or even accurate that counts. It's being willing. I found out early that most men, regardless of cause or need, aren't willing. They blink an eye or draw a breath before they pull the trigger...And I won't."


08-07-2008, 02:26 PM
Handgun: 450 bucks
Concealed Carry Permit: 150 bucks
Defensive Handgun Course: 150 bucks
Confidence that my wife can protect herself and my kids: Priceless

I know a little corny but accurate.

08-07-2008, 05:46 PM
Yikes! $150 for a CCP? Here in PA, it's as little as $25, and no course is required. Not to say it's not a good idea, but I'm glad it isn't law. We got enough of those. (oddly though, a course IS required to get a hunting license)

Anyhow, nothing deters an intruder faster than the sound of racking a pump shotgun. (loaded or not)

08-07-2008, 05:55 PM
I've drawn a bead on two sub-human animals in my life. They each made hasty retreats. I will not fall victim to violent crime. Had I not had a weapon, the outcome may well have been different. I carry at all times. I even carry a second concealed gun. At your remote location, always be prepared. You may meet a wild animal, snake, or worse yet, a true sub-human animal.

class 01-15-05

08-07-2008, 06:52 PM
Yeah it was $150, I think the actual permit was only like $30 and the rest is for the background check, not sure where that is in the constitution but I would have paid twice as much if it were required. Of course I am waiting for the day when we need a permit to carry a knife :-( The class wasn't required but it was worth it because now she is more comfortable with the weapon, now I am trying to get her into some more advanced courses.
As far as the shotgun goes, the 12 gauge is my wife's favorite, especially the pump action.

08-19-2008, 03:00 PM
Last year, my daughter and I camped on the land to do a little clean up, make a little driveway in. For weeks and weeks before we left I was horribly anxious about being out there all alone (okay, the dogs were with us but I still was scared...). So I took the plunge and bought a Bennelli 20 guage shotgun for my own peace of mind. I was thinking, "Just try to get near this tent..." After all, not being there all the time, I didn't know if there was anyone who was used to coming around there, maybe poaching deer, wood or fishing in the pond. In Florida, the guys at the gun store were GREAT. The sheriff's department in NY was a little confused about whether I was allowed to bring in a long gun from out of state so I called the capital office and was assured I could. But I had never fired a shotgun. The only gun I ever fired was an M-16. The way I remember it, the M-16 was easy to shoot but harder to load. The Bennelli is easy to load, harder to fire. Florida has a three day waiting period for the pick up after purchase (huh, like I could cool off in only three days...) and I couldn't wait to get it!

I know, I know....the Bennelli is a WOP. (That's "With Out Pistol".) But I'm Sicilian and if there's one thing a Sicilian knows, it's a good gun.


12-10-2017, 09:11 PM
I think I'm going to resurrect this thread. Got a chain and 2 chain binders stolen sometime last week. Found out right when I needed them while trying to bend a log into place for pinning and....nothing to hold it down with. Mildly peeved about it. I mean, I expect it in the inner city neighborhood we're starting to find ourselves in, but not so much out in the country where we are building. Not sure what the use for the chain binders would be for someone to steal them. Anyway, I bought 2 new ones, and I'm looking at security some more.

The way I see it, trail cameras (had one of them stolen right in the beginning) just get stolen, and then your photos of who stole them.....get stolen too.
The other problem is I don't live on site. So I need a solution that is
a) robust- meaning it runs on solar and transmits photos to the cloud or at least offsite so I can see "whodunnit", even if they steal the camera or cut the power.
b) inaccessible- meaning the idiots can't get to it.

for a), I found this tonight: https://alfred.camera/faq. It's a free app for your old smartphone. I'm still researching, but it looks like you can set it up for auto motion detection, and when it activates it can send a short video or photo to your gmail account. Very promising. I'm thinking a waterproof camping case from Walmart, + 5vdc solar charger from Harbor Freight.

For b), I've got these nifty 30' lifting poles that are pretty much in the "pee your pants" height range- maybe just stick the smartphone and solar panel system up there on top. I've also got a good wireless plan from USMobile (https://www.usmobile.com/). $5/mo, + $4 service fee gets you 500 Mb of data a month on a pay as you go plan.

Still researching, but it looks like a great idea.

12-11-2017, 01:54 AM
Security cameras will be part of my set-up when I relocate. I have bookmarked these threads to help educate myself:

12-11-2017, 04:13 AM
You need one of those mobile remote monitoring stations they are putting in construction sites now-a-days!

Overlapping trail cams is always a good idea. Not only are you capturing multiple views, but if one gets stolen, the other captures who did it.

What often works best, is a good neighbor. When I went to pick up that load of baseboard heat, I rented a U-haul. Pulling onto my property, it wasn't even a minute before I got a call from the neighbor, telling me a suspicious truck had arrived at my property.

Sent from my SM-G928G using Tapatalk

12-11-2017, 08:08 AM
I have a guard dog. I got him neutered when he was young hoping it would calm him down and it was like it had the opposite effect. So I moved him to the farm where he stays right by the "cabin" and I took him food about once a week... He hunts on his own also and started getting fat so I don't even have to take him food anymore... The neighbor drops scraps for him sometimes also, looks like he's had some deer and cattle head in the last month or so. If I try to sneak up there he's barking and on full alert until he knows it's me.

Now, this is kinda funny but I can't make this stuff up... A while back I had a guy meet me at the property and he asked me if the dog had been fixed. To which I replied, "Yes." He then pointed out to me that Lee Roy Brown Dog still has one testicle. He also told me, when that happens, it will make the dog wild. I've never heard that but it seems to be true. He might be a little wild (very high energy) but is one of the most obedient dogs I've ever had. I could stay away for a month and he'll be laying in the same spot waiting for me when I get there.

12-12-2017, 05:52 AM
Loving this discussion. Thanks guys.

Ok, I work for a medical device company- we do a lot of work these days with Android apps and such- anyway, it happens that we have a lot of android devices kicking around the office, so I loaded one of them up with the alfred camera app- I'm loving it- uses any old smartphone and has motion detection - records audio and video and you can sit at your desk/home and get alerts when it detects something. I just tested it in my office- I think it's a winner. It supports an unlimited number of cameras, all connected to a single google gmail account. I took this screenshot in my office using a cheap LG smartphone with motion detection set to high. I think this thing has a 3MP camera. I'm going to now look into a small solar panel to keep it charged and a weatherproof box. Then I'll test it at home and see how much data it uses. Once I know that, I'll get a pay as you go wireless data plan. I'll let you guys know how it works out. I'm imagining a bunch of these hidden on my property- they can be tiny- I could run wires to the solar panel at another location- put the panel high up in a tree, cut out a small spot in the trunk, stuff the smart phone in there, and cover up everything but the lens, nobody would ever know.


12-12-2017, 06:01 AM
I'm perusing your links, misplayed. why are we not facebook friends? You, sir, are the type I want in my corner. that stuff is devious....and cool. Anyway, once I'm moved into my place, I'll probably have all these suggestions in place as security. awesome.

12-12-2017, 01:14 PM
a little more research-

- the phone I'm using has a 1900mAh battery, and claims a standby battery life of 281 hours, which means it draws about 7 mAh per hour at idle. I imagine with the app which probably keeps the camera on all the time for motion sensing, it's probably double or quadruple (30 mAh is a safe estimate).
- HF sells a solar trickle charger rated at 1.5 Watts at 24 Volts, which works out to 62.5 mAh, for $13.99, solar won't work at night, but hey, neither will the camera unless I get some motion activated lights. I'll figure out the middle of the night stuff later.
- I'll make/buy a waterproof enclosure from Walmart for less than $10, and run some extra wiring from the USB charge port on the phone to the solar panel
- I'll pay $9/mo for 500 mb Data plan from USMobile, (may have to buy more bytes if needed, but this is the cheapest plan I've found)
-- later I may just get a wireless router with a sim card slot and distribute my USMobile data plan among many smartphone cameras- have them all connect via wifi to the router, then the router will send photos/videos/sound via 3G/4G.

I'm going to set this up facing the cars in my driveway (we've had break-ins in the past in our cars when they weren't locked. Even when they are locked, I imagine the thieves check them every night for us to make sure they are locked). I'll see how it works, then go from there. so that's where I'm going with this.

12-12-2017, 02:38 PM
Some string and a shotgun seems easier.

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12-13-2017, 01:53 AM
misplayed. why are we not facebook friends? You, sir, are the type I want in my corner
Thank you for your kind words but I'm actually a Luddite. :rolleyes:

Some string and a shotgun seems easier.

Sent from my SM-G928G using Tapatalk

But not nearly as cool as:


Now if you will excuse me I need to go figure out how to program my VCR.

12-13-2017, 06:48 AM
Now if you will excuse me I need to go figure out how to program my VCR.

To program your VCR: make a baby; wait 5 years; issue verbal instructions.

12-13-2017, 01:25 PM
What is a VCR?


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12-13-2017, 02:58 PM
What is a VCR?


Sent from my SM-G928G using Tapatalk

It is like a computer that lets you play records that will show movies about how to make a baby.

12-13-2017, 04:46 PM
What is a VCR?


Sent from my SM-G928G using Tapatalk

I was thinking the same thing. I think I heard they completely stopped manufacturing vcr's a few years ago.

For some reason a busy signal recently came on over the FM radio at my house... By the reaction of my kids, you would have thought aliens were landing in the living room.

02-05-2018, 11:02 AM

$800 for this thing, and $600 to move it- now I can park my tractor inside along with ladders, tools, and soon: my cut rafters, insulation, roofing materials, etc.- all goes inside.

I think msjdw is right- simple padlock keeps most criminals honest.

02-05-2018, 06:39 PM
You got a good deal. I paid about $3000+tax for a 45 foot high cube and had buyers remorse.

Heck of a driver though. For him to get it where I wanted was worth the price of admission I guess. And he may have made some sort of impression on my help, he needed it, donno if he got it.

09-22-2021, 09:57 AM
pretty happy so far with my new security camera - "Boavision", PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) camera. $59.

Software it came with sucks a tiny bit, but I found other online software that I can use to replace it.

You have to download the stupid android app to initialize it, but after that, you don't need that. And anyway, you don't need the android app if you plug a lan cable into your router and set it up that way.

has some neat features like:
- set an area within the view that you want to monitor
- sensitivity setting adjustment
- night vision
- microphone (so you can hear what's going on). microphone can be set up for alerts.
- speaker (you can talk to the criminals. not sure why you would want this. maybe you like messing with people). speaker can also be used as an audible siren for alerts.
- security lights
- wireless - can connect to your home network. As an IP camera, you can also use the device's public IP address to log in and view, although I haven't played with that option yet. you can set a username and password to prevent access.

On the last point, I'm thinking about getting a "freedombox" (https://freedombox.org/) and using it for the basis of an alarm system. It's supposed to be stupid proof for non-server folks like me so you can set up your own VPN that you can use remotely (this is really cool, actually), host your own website, have private chats with friends. With your own server, you could connect all your security devices and set up your own system that would normally cost you thousands, and you'd also be sharing your video/ photos with a 3rd party. If you do it yourself privately, you can set it all up to be encrypted and self hosted.

09-23-2021, 04:15 AM
Speaker is for playing banjo music.

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09-23-2021, 04:54 AM
Speaker is for playing banjo music.

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

ahh yes.....perfect!


09-23-2021, 05:13 AM
Emmmmm, I was thinking more like: https://youtu.be/pDlZLsJJkVA

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09-24-2021, 05:19 PM
How does that Freedombox work? Does it require some sort of subscription to maintain a server on he net?

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09-24-2021, 08:08 PM
How does that Freedombox work? Does it require some sort of subscription to maintain a server on he net?

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

it's basically a server for dummies like me. No subscription needed - it uses all opensource and free software. You can use it as a VPN - so when you're away from home, you can login to your home VPN through this freedombox and surf the web.

I'm very interested in it because I could self-host all my photos (instead of using google / flicker / photoB&*Ket), and my blog (can do really cool things with a self-hosted blog - like set up a store and accept payments. Plus, if you have a lot of family scattered all over, you can host a secure chat server, email server, even make encrypted phone calls with this thing. Its limit is the size of the hard drive and the processor you have. I have an old laptop I'm thinking of turning into a freedombox, but for $69, one that is already preloaded and ready to go is pretty tempting.

I have a friend who writes a blog about cheap ways to self-host on the internet - it seems like he told me one time he keeps his server online for $2 per year, or some crazy cheap amount like that. He hunted through all the deals and found that one. not very high-speed, but he runs his whole server on it. Has a real domain name that is registered. Here's his website: http://cheapskatesguide.org/ . Like I said, I know him personally. He's quirky and has some very interesting views on life. He is a real minimalist. When I go to his house, his only furniture is 2 folding chairs. sleeps on an inflatable mattress.

He posted this link a while ago about self-hosting: https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkb4ng/meet-the-self-hosters-taking-back-the-internet-one-server-at-a-time

there's a whole world of online folks like this, hidden away from us because we all enjoy the flashy web. :)

Here's another guy - I think he used to run his server on solar only: https://joeyh.name/ .

09-25-2021, 05:14 AM
I do like the idea of, for a one time cost, having my own VPN, instead of paying monthly for a service to have one.
Internet security has become a recent concern of mine. Two events have occurred that concern me. My internet service comes in on a 5 GHz wifi. I don't know what level of security is used, as it is the ISP's equipment. To which then, I rebroadcast across my property on a 2.4 GHz wifi, secured with WPA2 encryption. The first odd event, was a printer (that I don't have) attempting to set up on my laptop. Second event, next day, I began receiving warnings from my Norton protection app on my phone, that my wifi network is compromised. I ran a Norton scan on the laptop, and it did not find an issue with the wifi. The phone continued to report this for about a week, but has since stopped, and says it's secure now. But the two events occurring back to back seems like more than coincidence. I think there was some sort of attack, but I don't know from where. Being remote as I am, it almost would have had to of come in through my ISP's service, to which an attempt to hack into my local wifi from the back side?
So I'm trying to wrap my head around how I can utilize the freedombox to add additional security to my network.

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09-25-2021, 07:19 AM
It sounds like the Freedombox VPN server is only useful to those who are away from home. They can connect (via VPN) to your home internet connection, and then either communicate securely with others who are also connected at the same time, or use your non-secure connection to the outside world. Servers like Amazon would see the remote user as being at your home.

None of that seems to apply to the problem you are facing, though.

Your WiFi routers probably have settings for port forwarding, and I bet they are too open. If a remote PC tries to connect to your home PC, the router has to forward that request. This would be useful, for example, if you wanted to host a web server at your home. A blog is a specific reason for that. A remote user would initiate the connection and it would depend on your router forwarding that request to your PC. I'd shut that down and serve nothing on any port (I say that, but have not tried it before).

Your use from home would be unimpeded. So if you are in your home and try to load a web page, the router will pass the packets out to the "interwebs" just fine.

In short, I would look into "port forwarding" settings of your router(s).

09-25-2021, 04:34 PM
Thanks. I'll take a look.

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09-25-2021, 06:51 PM
I think the freedombox was invented for home use. It's only recently they've added VPN and remote access software. A lot of people use them has home media servers.

10-04-2021, 05:30 PM
I do like the idea of, for a one time cost, having my own VPN, instead of paying monthly for a service to have one.
Internet security has become a recent concern of mine. Two events have occurred that concern me. My internet service comes in on a 5 GHz wifi. I don't know what level of security is used, as it is the ISP's equipment. To which then, I rebroadcast across my property on a 2.4 GHz wifi, secured with WPA2 encryption. The first odd event, was a printer (that I don't have) attempting to set up on my laptop. Second event, next day, I began receiving warnings from my Norton protection app on my phone, that my wifi network is compromised. I ran a Norton scan on the laptop, and it did not find an issue with the wifi. The phone continued to report this for about a week, but has since stopped, and says it's secure now. But the two events occurring back to back seems like more than coincidence. I think there was some sort of attack, but I don't know from where. Being remote as I am, it almost would have had to of come in through my ISP's service, to which an attempt to hack into my local wifi from the back side?
So I'm trying to wrap my head around how I can utilize the freedombox to add additional security to my network.

Sent from my SM-G955U1 using Tapatalk

I use Raspberry Pi's for these types of projects. There are lots of these type projects, they're very inexpensive, and the use very little energy. I have a VPN at home. I'm a big fan of OpenVPN with Wireguard, very easy to setup, very secure. I also use Wyze for security cams. It does send your feed to wyze hosted on Amazon and is managed on iphone. They have really nice cameras, very inexpensive. I use Starlink internet, no static ip currently, so I have my remote wireguard pi open a tunnel back to the home pi.

01-14-2022, 06:26 PM
You can't go wrong investing in a couple of cellular game cameras. That way you're notified almost immediately and could possibly notify or catch them in the act. Don't skimp on the cameras and definitely get ones with solar charging and a cable lock (even if they're going to be 10 feet off the ground). Otherwise changing lithium batteries out every other month could get expensive. As others have mentioned, there are some pretty cheap solar powered motion lights that can deter not only the bad guys but some unwanted members of the forest as well. NobleNight's idea of target practice evidence is one of the better ones I've heard.

01-15-2022, 01:01 AM
Robert. I am stupid. Would you post a link of your favorite solar powered game cam that gives an instant notification?

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

01-15-2022, 01:02 AM
PS... Welcome to the Forum

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01-15-2022, 07:58 AM
Robert. I am stupid. Would you post a link of your favorite solar powered game cam that gives an instant notification?

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

me too. can you give us instructions on the VPN? I've been looking at a freedombox, but I know I probably can't figure it out.

also been looking at cellular game cameras, but it seems like they all want me to send my photos to them before they forward it to me. Not sure I want my photos sent to a third party...


01-16-2022, 10:17 AM
I just bought some Reolink solar/wifi/pan&tilt 1080p cameras. Instant alerts and camera viewing on your phone, records to Micro SD and cloud.
Not installed yet, but so far in testing, they are working well. Will update after some real life trials.

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01-16-2022, 08:59 PM
I can't wait.

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

01-16-2022, 09:14 PM
I googled what I think you are talking about and eagerly await your expert review.

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

01-17-2022, 06:05 PM
Robert. I am stupid. Would you post a link of your favorite solar powered game cam that gives an instant notification?

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

I like the Spypoint cellular camera Micro-LTE. It has option for solar charger for batteries. You can get a twin pack at Academy for $139.99 regular price is $199.99. There is a catch though they require subscription. I pay the unlimited data at $10 a month each camera (if you pay annually @ 20% off) because the wind, birds, cats, foxes and everything else triggers the camera and it will quit sending photos once the limit is reached. Not sure of any other brands and their fees for subscriptions.