View Full Version : Oklahoma, need help

05-21-2008, 08:00 AM
Hello my name is Beau, Im new to the forums here, I am giving serious thought to attending one of Skip's classes as I have always dreamed of owning a log home, but never thought it attainable, I have a question that i would like to ask.
1. I dont intend to move away from oklahoma, but the land I have doesnt really have lots of timber and logs, how would one go about getting good logs to build a house.

Im currently a US Army recruiter, so planning to go to the class has to be done well in advance, without causing a financial strain for me and my family, also i have 100,000 , is that enough cash to build a good sized 3 bed 2 bath log home, cause im a cheapo, i hate spending money on frivoulous activities.

Also is there anyone else on here from oklahoma, would love to hear your story see your house, if there is one, etc.. etc...

05-21-2008, 09:21 AM
Hey Beau,

You can build for any amount of money. Being a 'cheapo' will help. Attending Skip's class will be the best investment you will ever make. We have a member in Sapulpa, OK. Take a look at his site: www.vernstreet.com You will not view this as frivolous.

class 01-15-05

05-21-2008, 10:19 AM
If you're frugal, already have the land, and are willing to put in lots of sweat equity doing manual labour (instead of hiring/renting cranes, etc) then you should be able to build to moving in condition quite easily, maybe even have money left over. It all depends on how resourceful you are at saving money, finding deals and being creative. It may not be fancy, but it will be yours and mortage free to boot!

Of course, you will learn all of this and more in the class. ;-)

05-21-2008, 04:56 PM
man in 1 day, i put up a forum post get some responses, go on to the website you recommended, sent them an email, and got invited out to look at their progress, and even lend a hand!!! This forum is turning out to be really great!!!!!

05-21-2008, 05:22 PM
Vern and Sara are great folks!

It only gets better!

Welcome home my friend! ...you made it.


05-21-2008, 05:25 PM
thanks for the warm welcome, seems like a daunting task, and i keep getting the "Beau just dreams of doing stuff he never does it", and things like that, I am definately just gonna have to take the plunge I think, i am really wanting to do this, just have to find out the best way of going about it, financially , jobwise and so forth

05-21-2008, 06:01 PM
The first step is always the hardest.
Take the class & never look back.

People gave us weird looks when I told them what we wanted to do, but now that it's almost complete, everyone is amazed. (myself included somedays LOL)

05-21-2008, 08:59 PM
As someone who is just about to retire from the Army, I can tell you that if you can survive being a recruiter with your sanity and your career intact, you can build a log home, lol.

I too am a "dreamer" who has been known to have some crazy ideas and never actually DO them. Now, I haven't built my log home yet, (going to retire from the army next year,) but this is one dream I WILL make happen. It's going to take several years of hard work, but I will make it happen. The greatest thing you will get from your LHBA course is that you CAN do this!

Vern Street
05-22-2008, 11:16 AM
Hey Beau! Just got on the forum to catch up with some posts, and even we are amazed at the quick responses you've received! It was great to hear from you via email, and looking forward to meeting you. The forum is a great resource and wealth of information, only surpassed by the actual class at LHBA headquarters!

Thanks to all you fellow LHBA folks for the kind words and referring to our website!

God bless,
Sara and Vern
