View Full Version : Kola's Sig

04-21-2008, 08:02 PM
Hey Kola. The quote in your signature is one of my favorites.

Here is a pic to go with it: (incase you havent seen this before)

04-23-2008, 11:53 AM
Yuhjn, Welcome to LHBA!

That armed sheep photo is terrific and no, I have never seen it until now. Thanks so very much. My signature quote is an interesting one but so many of the founding fathers have stated similar thoughts. Democracy is nothing more than a "mob rule"..yet we have been fooled into believeing it is about freedom. Freedom and Liberty is about "individual rights." Democracy(ugh) is based on "majority rules" when 51% get their way and the rest have to obey or else. The word democracy derives from the ancient Greek d?mokratia (literally, rule by the people) formed from the roots d?mos, "people,"the mob", the many, and kratos "rule" or "power". In understandable terms I call it "a damn mob-rule". No different than the Mafia but in fact, even worse. I wonder why they never taught me that in school.

And now our "Power-Puppets" are trying to spread this "democracy"(barf) to the world and using "God" and "peace" amd "freedom" as the flagwaving mantra. In reality they want their "mob" to rule the world. It has NOTHING to do with "restoring freedom". It is a shame that most of the commonfollks have been fooled by such shananigans. And now us lawabiding americans are slowly losing our freedoms, the Constitution "is just a g-damn piece of paper" and the US is becoming a fascist police state.

I hope you read all the postings here and find it enlightening. I also encourage you to break free from slavery and become pro-active in restoring this country to the intentions of the founders.

Talking with the LHBA founder Skip Ellsworth and taking the class put on by Steve and Ellsworth has changed my life forever.

Anyway Spring is here, there is new life and its time to get to work!

04-23-2008, 03:28 PM
Kola, but are begging to be moderated. Apparently political discussion is distasteful in Amerika these days. This forum is not immune to moderation and censure. It seems log homes and not 'freedom' is what this site is really about. Granted...gotta follow the rules. I've been reminded of it and I'm sure you will be too. If you'd like some political chat you can write me at spiralsands@yahoo.com. I still value freedom even if it was the Bill of Rights that gives it to me. I just don't want to, and I won't, engage the Neo-con/Neo-libs that may be on board.

Write to me off-line.

04-23-2008, 03:38 PM
They don't seem to mind too much IF...

1) It's not a major derail of a substantive, log-home-realted thread (this one is specifically about Kola's sig - a provocative statement by one of the Founding Fathers)

2) It doesn't devolve into flaming each other and/or "my party is better than yours" kind of stuff. (Libertarian Party FTW!!!)

04-23-2008, 05:39 PM
It would be really nice to have private messages on this web site.

It might also be nice to have an extra forum for "off topic" things.... not necessarily political debate, that should still be shut down. But it would help keep the log home group clean. I would have put this picture in a private message if I could have... I would also have rather posted it to the off topic forum. Since none of those exist, it went here.

04-24-2008, 05:55 AM
We used to have private messages, pages that didn't have to be reloaded two or three times to read them, etc. We lost all that some time ago when the forum switched to this new format. I don't think we're going to have it on the new forum...

04-25-2008, 09:41 AM
Our form of government is not Democracy but a representational democracy some of which was designed after our American Indian brothers...
The one thing that I really agree with you is the stuff about trying to spread Democracy to others... it sucks.
Hopefully the wacko's in Washington will get back to minding their own business (try balancing the budget for a change) some time soon...

04-25-2008, 01:42 PM
Representative republic is the term the founding fathers used, IIRC. A democracy was recognized as being dangerous, and short-lived. You're all welcome to email me if you want to discuss politics and freedom, but I expect we already agree on the majority of issues... ; )

04-26-2008, 09:02 AM
Maybe the powers that be can just add another forum section, like the alternative energy one and call it, "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" A forum to discuss politics and law... Enter at your own risk and prepare to get flamed!

04-26-2008, 01:49 PM
Johnny. I love you loghome btw.

I think another forum that is set up for politics would be bad. There are so many nice folks here and we all share a lot of things in common like living free of debt, building our own homes and basically taking care of ourselves without force or intrusion from outside forces. But we sure have a mixed bunch of LHBA'ers when it comes to politics and freedom. I have many friends here who support what I say and believe.. but I also have lost the friendship of some very good, intelligent people because of my views which are a bit outside the topic of logbuilding. Not to mention that I am quite aggressive in my postings. I do it because of the passion I have for my country and it is often hard to hold back. I get frustrated as I continue to watch things go downhill and my hardest struggle is watching people do nothing and saying that everything is just dandy when its not. It is difficult (at times) to seperate government and politics from the forum when we all have to deal with those entities when we construct our own homes...and when we try and buy land. This country is crippled and I have seen in coming many years ago. People laughed, ridiculed and and ignored me then, but now many can see the reality unfolding. But still there are some who become hostile when someone even mentions the thought of questioning our government and disagreeing with their actions. This country is supposed to be "by the people and for the people". It is not. OTOH, there are also people who are OK with paying their taxes, applying for permits etc, and they honestly feel safer thinking the Big Gov takes care of all their needs. I wish I could make them think otherwise and realize what is really happening AND finally see the man behind the curtain (Wizard of Oz). But all I do is get them to dislike me and then it causes disharmony amongst us.

So with all that being said, I think it would hurt the LHBA forum if a politics catagory was added. I think most folks know how Skip, Ellsworth and Steve feel about these things and IMO they do a great job of keeping the peace here. They have a great sense of balance and respect everyones personal opinions no matter what. I know that this is a logbuilding forum but I do believe it is also based on living free and being responsible for ones own actions. Too often, it becomes hard for us to do things when Big Gov is always sticking their nose in our affairs. ..and is anyone notcing how it continues to get worse? I am not anti-government and never was. I am anti BAD government though. AND I am pro-GOOD government. IMO at this point in time, this is the worst time in the history of this country and our government is in need of a major overhaul or we will all be sleeping in the streets and this once great republic will soon be a third world country. Yes, there will always be the 1% elites but the rest of us will be serfs of the land and the slaves of our masters. The writing is on the wall. You may read it... and then either accept it or ignore it. You may decide to do something or do nothing. It is up to us, the millions of "little people" who could change the world and make things great again. Or we can be Joe Sixpack and leisurely sit and watch TV and froth beer down our chins. In that case, be ready to accept what will (and is) unfolding. The next 2 years will be very phophetic. Tighten your bootstraps folks and buckle those dang seatbelts. Its gonna be a rocky ride to the land of Who-knows-where.

off the soapbox,

04-26-2008, 03:20 PM
You are absolutely correct - Representative Republic not a democracy. No excuse. My bad.
I have a certain barrier that when stuff exceeds my BS threshold, I speak up regardless. My BS threshold is high sometimes... sometimes not so much.
I have a homeless neighbor (don't ask) of sorts that gives financial advise... I don't say word...
The older I get, the more I realize that people don't really change that much... i.e. Iraqis will be Iraqis and not Americans, for example.
My big problem with government is they are smart. They know human nature.
If you promise free stuff, many people will vote for you... Human Nature...
If you promise less stuff and more freedom to choose, fewer folks will vote for you. This action requires education and knowledge.
Its all about the stuff... not about freedom.

04-27-2008, 11:11 AM
I agree, Dave. People are sheep and the politicians know it. I've come to believe that the purpose of all subsidies/assistance is to keep all us serfs on the government tit so we'll continue to vote the scoundrals back into office over and over again. It's amazing how much people are willing to give up in exchange for a little "security".


04-27-2008, 04:49 PM
You are absolutely correct - Representative Republic not a democracy. No excuse. My bad.
I have a certain barrier that when stuff exceeds my BS threshold, I speak up regardless. My BS threshold is high sometimes... sometimes not so much.
I have a homeless neighbor (don't ask) of sorts that gives financial advise... I don't say word...
The older I get, the more I realize that people don't really change that much... i.e. Iraqis will be Iraqis and not Americans, for example.
My big problem with government is they are smart. They know human nature.
If you promise free stuff, many people will vote for you... Human Nature...
If you promise less stuff and more freedom to choose, fewer folks will vote for you. This action requires education and knowledge.
Its all about the stuff... not about freedom.

Hey Dave, the education system is a lot of the problem(no, I don't hate government school teachers, I'm married to one! ; ) IIRC, you taught for some time as well? )

Check out www.johntaylorgatto.com

Thank you all for keeping this civil, it is nice to be able to talk politely about our ideas, however passionate we may be. ; )
