View Full Version : log questions

02-29-2008, 02:10 PM
What do you folks feel is the minimum diameter log you would use for cabin building? What is the minimum amount of time required to season a log?

Any books you recommend (apart from the seminar of course)? Any info appreciated.

02-29-2008, 02:58 PM
I have seen logs as small as 8 inches (small end) used to build a b&p home... See below...
http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s274/flintlock1/l2.jpg Note, seven logs to 78 inches door height...
I built my well shed with a mixture of tree tops from my own logs... Smallest dia. is about 7 inches.. 13 layers at 12 feet height. Check it out below...
The really big problem is the amount of labor per layer of logs is about the same... So if you have 12 layer or 20 layers to build the same wall height, obviously the best answer is 12...
Bigger, thicker logs IMHO insulate and chink better...

02-29-2008, 04:48 PM
As usual there are many answers.

It depends on the year-round climate.

For thermal mass I hate to go below 12-14" small end; however, if I was building in sub- tropical Nassau, Bahamas it would not matter quite as much. And in tropical climates I have seen "logs" 2-4 inches in diameter that served enough of a purpose.

For my own standards I do not like to see any occupied building in the northern temperate zones with a log under 10" diameter ever-- unless building a non-occupied shed or a well house.

I agree with Rocklock, if you have to handle the log anyway, why not handle a bigger one and get your wall to height faster.

I am certain diameters to meet "code" will vary with local jurisdictions, load calculations, heat-loss calculations. It would also depend on wall-height and if a log was being used in a wall or for a structural span.

Seasoning depends on the type of building you are doing. Some methods require thorough seasoning , some none at all.

More can be found in the members section or in one of the Associations classes.

Recommended reading; Goals, Brian Tracy

Mikey, Weekend class 1987, Journeyman's class 1988