View Full Version : Thermal Mass Woodstove

01-31-2008, 09:04 PM
The dreamhouse has a custom built masonry heater with the works--bakeoven, cooktop, water heating, and stylin good looks. But for a starter butt and pass, it seems like overkill and definitely a budget buster. So I tried to research manufactured masonry heaters, without success. This is all I found that was close what I had in mind, and apparently it is not available in the U.S.?


PLease note, this is not what I'm looking for: http://www.woodstove.com/pages/wood_stoves.html

These soapstone stoves are conventional burners with catalytic boosters that burn for 10-12 hours. The soapstone panels are added thermal mass only. I'm looking for much more mass and a quick, intense burn.

It seems to me that a U.S. market exists for a mass-produced, thermal mass, wood burning heater. I'm thinking of something that would provide primary heat for a 30x30 or 35x35 B&P log home. I think a reasonable price range would be $2500 to $5000.

Is anything like this out there?

02-01-2008, 04:31 AM
Tulikivi is amazing, but really expensive. I know you asked for something reasonable, but I just love visiting their website anyway, and thought you might too.


02-01-2008, 07:06 AM
Thomas J. Elpel's book "Living Homes" It shows a step by step construction of a masonry stove, no oven however. You would have to build it yourself for the price range you are looking for. He gives some instructions in the book, the book is definitely worth the money.

02-01-2008, 01:06 PM

try this web site. lots of info.
