View Full Version : Huge Congratulations Sara and Jeff!

02-10-2005, 10:10 PM
I just wanted to offer Sara and Jeff congratulations for getting their certificate of occupancy!

You guys have built an absolutly beautiful log home -- gorgeous.

You guys have created something to be truly proud of, and I can see the craftsmanship and care you took in the pictures that I've seen. For instance Jeffs butcher block table top is awesome! :D

I'm really happy that everything went so smoothly for you guys :)

02-10-2005, 10:12 PM
Congrats Sara and Jeff!

That's a huge accomplishment, glad to hear you got your CO!

I heard a rumor that your final inspection lasted under three minutes -- is that true?

You have one of the most beautiful log homes I've seen in a while -- with lots of love inside. Just don't forget to send us pictures when you get it decorated. ;)


02-11-2005, 05:50 AM
How exciting! So, when will we get to see pictures? :)

02-11-2005, 07:19 AM
How exciting! So, when will we get to see pictures? :)

Ditto :!:

02-11-2005, 08:00 AM
can't wait to see the pics :D

02-11-2005, 08:47 AM
Aw, shucks, thanks everybody!

We'll work on the photo thing. I actually tried to get a little one for the Avatar thing, but I knew how to make the file small enough on my other computer, but couldn't work it on this new one. (I thought new technology was supposed to make life EASIER??? :lol: )

We're final as far as the county's concerned, but we still have some major finish work to do on kitchen and baths before we'll LOOK "done".

As for the three- minute inspection, Steve.... weeeeeeelllllllll... that might have been a slight exaggeration. :wink: But I think in fairness, not much over 6-7 minutes tops. He HAD been out the day before, though, and we'd needed to take care of three small things. But the inspection THAT day was barely 10 minutes, even with some socializing.

We, frankly, had the perfect inspector, IMHO. He knows his stuff and takes his job seriously, but he also is a good judge of character. His first two inspections were VERY thorough, and our early conversations were very detailed. But at the second inspection, the foundation pour, it was obvious that he had seen what he needed to see to know that we were NOT cutting corners, not trying to "get by" with anything. Inspections after that were much quicker and more genial.

Like I mentioned on (I think it's Dave- daswafo's?) thread about permits, I think it was well worth going out of our way to be cooperative with the inspectors all along (we did have a couple replacement inspectors at one point when our main guy was injured). And there definitely was luck involved in getting a reasonable guy for the bulk of the inspection and consultation we did with the county. :D

Weird to think we're "done", but a relief as well. In the next hour or so, we'll call the gas company to schedule to get that last utility hooked up. That means hot running water, less firewood chores and indoor laundry on the horizon. :D

Kyle, if you read this, evidently we don't HAVE to put screen between the piers in this county, since this was not just our c of o, but our final inspection. :lol:

And Ellsworth, after all the shaping to fit logs upright and horizontal on the three floors of t and g floor/ceiling, fitting the butcher block to that log wall was relatively painless for Jeff, I think. But I agree that it did come out looking GREAT!

Have to run and help Jeff hang a few more interior doors. Thanks again for the congratulations, folks!

Sara :D

02-11-2005, 12:49 PM
Got the memo Sara,

Congrats to you and Jeff. I'm like the rest of the gang, can't wait to see the pics!!!

02-11-2005, 03:34 PM
We'll work on the photo thing. I actually tried to get a little one for the Avatar thing, but I knew how to make the file small enough on my other computer, but couldn't work it on this new one. (I thought new technology was supposed to make life EASIER??? :lol: )

Email me a picture if you want, and I'll resize it so that you can use it as an avatar. :) You probably need a better graphics program to compress the file.

You can email me through my profile, and then I'll respond so you have the address to email the picture to. I think this forum masks email addresses the first time you email someone.

02-12-2005, 04:27 AM
Thanks, Reb. That's kind of you. :)

I can compress with the graphics programs I have on this computer, but not (so far-- might be my understanding, not the program :lol: ) with the precision I was accustomed to on my other program (which actually was a free "lite" version I got with an old printer.) I could plug in the pixel count I wanted, and I could compress (apparently repeatedly) , but on the old one, I could plug in a specific compression size, too.

Not a big deal one way or the other, really. I just dinked around with it a little to see if I could come up with one.
Sara :D

02-12-2005, 11:39 AM
Congratulations on your log home! There's nothing like the sense of accomplishment you get when you reach a milestone in your project and especially your dream and also being able to enjoy the fruits of your labors!

Are there pictures available anywhere?


02-12-2005, 11:43 AM

No photos posted anywhere yet, Blayne. We're working on that. :D


12-30-2007, 08:58 AM
Jeff and Sara,

I know you've been aggravated to death about this, but always enjoy your input and experiences in the forums and was wandering if you're able to share any pictures of your home yet? Maybe a New Year's resolution?????


12-30-2007, 05:34 PM
Hi, Larry--

Nope, sorry, no photos on-line anywhere to link to at present. We are working hard between weather, work schedule and other responsibilities on some finish work and a multi-level deck on two sides of the house. Maybe when we're done with some of those things we'll look into getting some photos up somewhere.

Hope you had a good Christmas. Best wishes for 2008. : )


12-30-2007, 05:42 PM
Hey Jeff & Sara,

What a load off of your shoulders. At least with the CO under your belt, you can take a deep breath. You won't feel like you are under the gun to get things done for the inspector. Suddenly, a house becomes a home.

class 01-15-05