View Full Version : 2 Good 2 B true?

01-25-2008, 05:34 PM
Hi guys, I've been a "lurker" on the board for a little while now and have loved everything I have read about the course, BT log home techniques, doing a project without going further and further in debt. There also seems to be a good comrodary with everyone in the LHBA.

I do have a few questions that perhaps some of you could help me with (obviously I have not taken the class yet). If you look around on the internet about the LHBA, there are a significant number of negative things said about this technique and the instructors. Wood rotting, "the house that fell down" for example.

Has anyone on here actually built a log home that has been standing for a few years? I am normally not pesamistic (nor spell correctly) but since this is such a huge undertaking/investment, I think you all who are doing it/have done it can understand my concerns. I think I should clarify that I'm not in the log building industry (actually a doctor).

Please don't take my questioning in the wrong way, I think the most I want out of responses is reassurance. Thank you all who reply in advance, I'm interested in hearing from you! Tim (cold in New England).

01-25-2008, 05:44 PM
I have a feeling you've stumbled across another log home internet forum....correct? :)
I've read what they have to say, & chose not to even register on that forum, because they are a bit stubborn, to say it nicely.
The "house that fell down" I believe was an undertaking by some guys that had never taken any type of course.
The LHBA course has been taught for many years, it used to be a college course at one time.

01-25-2008, 06:04 PM
That's exactly what happened. Sorry if someone has brought this up recently in a post........still feeling my way around the site. I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Great work! I think the biggest issue that will come up in the future is convincing my wife to buy into this plan. Miracles have happened before.

Wherever you go, there you are.

01-25-2008, 06:34 PM
Oh don't worry, I was very skeptical as well....but as you saw in my pics, it's working so far :)

If you do decide to take the class, make sure to bring your wife. It reall yhelps when everyone is on the same page & has the same vision at the end.

Even if I didn't decide to build after taking the course, it's still one of the best investments I've ever made, it really changes the way you look at life in general.

01-25-2008, 06:39 PM
Hi Tim, I seem to be having the same issue with my other half. Just tonite he said it sounds too good to be true! I have spent most of the week reading all the posts and replies on the forum and suggested he do the same. However, I think I have just about convinced him to take the class (hopefully in Feb.). Something about this is so inspiring and motivating but, I can certainly understand your concerns and hesitation as we have some ourselves. I know it seems like a BIG risk, but I'm sure it did to everyone else before they took the class.


01-25-2008, 07:07 PM
I took the class in January. I had a healthy case of skepticism for a long time and have also researched all the 'kits' and architects and builder corporations and land brokers etc, etc, etc.

I bought a beautiful property in summer of '06 and my daughter and I stood on the front pasture and looked toward the knoll we planned to put a house on. I remember thinking about the lines of the horizon and how I didn't want any house to overpower the slope and character of our woods and pasture. I wanted perfect simplicity, and no mortgage. And I didn't want a 'log-look' home.

Now, the decision is made. After the class was done and I was flying back home, I knew I could do this. I have killer notes and the members here are gonna give me advice. I'm gonna build this house. It is SO do-able. I might even have enough trees in my 11+ acres of forest to get free homegrown logs and you know, there is NOTHING better than 'home grown'. How the freakin' hell am I gonna do this? Jesus Christmas, I'm a 52 year old woman!!! Okay, I'm in pretty darn good shape for a 52 year old woman but HEY! I'm no weak scared chicken!!! I ain't afraid of no crow's feet! Go ahead...pull my finger!

If you don't try it, you'll never do it. I'm looking for log dogs right now....I'm drawing some floor plans!

01-25-2008, 07:16 PM
LMAO!!!!! :) YOU GO GIRL.....that's what I like to hear. Just keep me posted.

pinecone pam
01-25-2008, 11:12 PM
Totally do-able, spine required! As my daughter would say: "Girls rule, boys drool!"

01-26-2008, 11:38 AM
Hi guys,
I've been a "lurker" on the board for a little while now and have loved everything I have read about the course, BT log home techniques, doing a project without going further and further in debt. There also seems to be a good comrodary with everyone in the LHBA. I do have a few questions that perhaps some of you could help me with (obviously I have not taken the class yet). If you look around on the internet about the LHBA, there are a significant number of negative things said about this technique and the instructors. Wood rotting, "the house that fell down" for example. Has anyone on here actually built a log home that has been standing for a few years? I am normally not pesamistic (nor spell correctly) but since this is such a huge undertaking/investment, I think you all who are doing it/have done it can understand my concerns. I think I should clarify that I'm not in the log building industry (actually a doctor). Please don't take my questioning in the wrong way, I think the most I want out of responses is reassurance. Thank you all who reply in advance, I'm interested in hearing from you! Tim (cold in New England).

Tim, I was very skeptical before deciding to take the course as well. I spent many hours researching the course and techniques, and the only people I could find who disagreed with the methods and class were both of the following:
1. Had never taken the course.(their own admission) This makes them unfamiliar with the techniques.
2. Considered themselves to be in financial contradiction to what the course teaches. ie- they stood a chance of losing the sale of a log home if someone build it themselves- in their eyes. The actuality of it is, most of us who have taken the course would not buy a kit or hand crafted log house because we either can't afford a decent handcrafted house, or just don't like the looks of milled logs.

I've read the thread you were talking about- according to the owner of the site, it was not built by LHBA students.

Now to address your other questions- yes there are plenty of butt and pass homes that have been around for many years- Skip started teaching this technique in the mid 60's. The technique itself has been around much longer. Skips house was built in the early 80s and is very structurally sound, having survived a few earthquakes in fact. I've seen stick built houses(built to code no less) that have been constructed in the last 15 years- and are plagued with a many problems- black mold, termites, shifting foundations, etc. I assure you that a properly built butt and pass home is going to be a much better home.

I understand your concerns- I've been there too. Just spend some time looking through the student built log homes. Then take the class. Its worth it.

01-26-2008, 11:59 AM
"The actuality of it is, most of us who have taken the course would not buy a kit or hand crafted log house because we either can't afford a decent handcrafted house, or just don't like the looks of milled logs."


The limited life span
Builders disappearing with the cash when there is a problem
Terrible maintenance schedule

About 3 - 4 years ago my parents sold their B & P cabin at Lake Wenatchee.

My grandparents built it in the late '40's - early '50's. No settling, never one problem.

The same can't be said of the beautiful Canadian chinkless log home built next door to the cabin.? Settling, airleaks, and upset owners who paid a lot of money for a bad design.?


01-26-2008, 12:47 PM
Very true Rick. I had a neighbor of my parents who I had a log home discussion with after taking the course. I mentioned that I was planning on building a log home- his faced soured and he tried to convince me that I should never build a log home- they settled, had air leaks, and were a maintenance nightmare. After a long conversation, he finally revealed that he'd had a 'log home' several years back that had all those problems. Turns out, it was milled D-logs- and the splines were doing nothing to stop the air leaks. He ended up chinking the gaps, and I think he still had problems.

Might you have any pictures of your parents home? Eye Candy. :D

01-26-2008, 02:46 PM
Thank you everyone,

I have seen (through other threads) alot of other homes and have read more about Skip. Boy this site is really full of alot of good information-- solar energy, fire places, home building. There was a good link on another thread that had a guy basically telling his story of building his butt and pass log home from the 90's--pretty neat if you didn't see it--don't remember which thread I saw it in however. I have slowly been introducing some ideas from LHBA to my wife. I can't do it without her totally on board. The thing that has gotten her attention right now is that I'm finishing my training in a year and when she looks at homes and thinks about a thirty year mortgage taking a significant amount our income--- it makes her nervous. I just can't get the idea of not having a 30 year high mortgage payment and building my own home out of my mind. I need to get into a class.

Wherever you go, there you are.

01-26-2008, 11:38 PM
Have lots of photos of the cabin
They're in storage. Will see what I can find
but it might not be soon. My earliest memories
are of the cabin. I would wake to the smell of
pancakes on an old wood fired kitchen stove,
and coffee percolating on that same stove.
Back then a lot of cedar would wash up on the
beach, and it was cut into firewood. Makes a nice
sound when it burns. Warms the cabin & your

Grew up with a part-time outhouse, full time
windmill, two fireplaces, the cabin fifty miles
away and the Wenatchee River running behind
our house. I got out of the house and started
exploring when I was six years old and never
looked back. I had a ball.

I'm very much against big govenment, but I think
it should be a crime for kids to be raised without
a log home and a big fireplace.


01-27-2008, 08:30 AM
Hello everyone,

I have been on here for a couple of weeks and love the site and all the info. I am working hard on my husband and convincing him the trip from OK to WA is worth it. He posed a good question: How can you teach someone how to build their own home in JUST 2 DAYS? I tried to tell him that it is as simple as stacking logs(which I read from someone else on here), but that was about all I could tell him. He obviously needs to research, but does anyone out there have any good quick advice I could give him?


Vern Street
01-27-2008, 09:07 AM
Hi Kala, Welcome to the LHBA website! I've been "catching up" on posts this morning, and wanted to say "hello"! Where are you in Oklahoma? We are just west of Tulsa, and are building our log home now! (http://www.vernstreet.com) We took the class in Sept. '05 - trust me - we had all of your questions, doubts, and concerns. My husband, Vern, did everything to try to find some reason to discredit everything that you're reading here, but it just isn't going to be found! I almost didn't go with him to the class - thinking that I have NO knowledge of construction, nor the ability to do strenous labor - but I am so VERY glad that I went! It was the continuation of an awesome adventure that started in '94 when Vern and I married, and it has been great fun to plan, dream, and work together to make our home come together. We aren't spring chickens either - Vern is 68 and I am 54! I've been there every step of the way with hands-on until this fall. My mother has had some major health issues and we are living in town with her. That has pulled me out of day to day operations, but we've made wonderful friends on the forum, and, in fact, one student from Nebraska came by to see our place on his way to the class. That was last spring, and he is now living in his camper trailer on our property, working in Tulsa (he's a licensed electrician), and helping Vern on weekends! Also, he is looking for property to buy around here to build his home.?

?As far as how do they teach someone to build "IN JUST 2 DAYS?" They just do!? Take care, Sara

pinecone pam
01-27-2008, 10:14 AM
So fun it is to read threads from people in search of something different. The fact that you're looking tells me you're not normal. Normal being those that march to the same old beat. Boring. I have to say it is always good to check things out. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Sometimes. Once in a while, we are pleasantly surprised. You my friends are there now. Skips methods are not new. They are tried and true. I also had an eyebrow cocked when I heard about Skips class. I had my share of questions. But I swim upstream everyday anyway, so what the heck? Made sense. Very simple, complete sense. I wanted to build a loghouse my whole life having spent a great deal of my childhood in one. This made sense. So, today here I sit. Reading your posts, watching it snow, fireplace roaring and a hot cup of coffee. All in my loghouse, built on an idea outside the box.

01-27-2008, 10:29 AM
Sorry to hear about your family's health. Those are wonderful pictures (love the front/back porch) and I enjoyed reading you guys website. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you are finished. Pam, I am definately an outside the box kind of guy or a "dreamer" as some like to say. Once again thanks for the responses to this thread. I have so many questions but I guess what I need to do is go to class.

01-27-2008, 10:35 AM
I have been to other forums that talked about other log home building classes that took 6 weeks.
This guy (in the other forum) went on and on about how the instructor took two days to teach him about how to sharpen an ax that was sharp enough to shave with... Well, they won't teach teach you to sharpen either an ax or a chain saw. And I don't what to shave with either one... Besides, we don't cut into our logs, we stack them.
The tools most used in stacking logs is a drill and a sledge hammer... Thy don't teach about them either... In the members section we have created an alternate method that minimizes the use of the sledge.
They teach about concepts that work... The classes are fast moving and they have a work book that helps with the notes... but 22 hours is a long time.
The most important benefit IMHO is you get to go to the members side of the forum where real builders show how they are building theirs with photo's and video's.
These are the logs that my brother, my son and I stacked in 12.5 days... My home will be about 2565 sqft...
I will soon be 64 and a retired engineer. If I can do something like this - almost anyone can do it as well....

pinecone pam
01-27-2008, 10:37 AM
Dang your place is coming along! Good job! Are you on it now? Or are you in the sun?

01-27-2008, 10:45 AM
I hate to remind you that it is 35 on Camano now...
Typing in my shorts...

01-27-2008, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone! Dave that is an awesome home you are building! The more I read, the more I can't wait to do this!

I liked the comment about thinking outside the box. Definitely me.

01-27-2008, 05:16 PM
Hey Shark, Your place is coming along real nice, to bad we missed ya by about 1/2 hour. The wife really liked it. After seeing your place and Kevins place she is really behind me in this. Whenever we are out driving around now she looks at land and says stuff like a log house would look good in there.

Rocklock your place looks fantastic.

Hopefully we will have some land this summer and get some small temporary shelter up that we can live in while we are building. Just downsized on vehicles and hopefully will be able to start having the money to start getting more things. Trying to go about the way taught in class so that we can get away from the mortgage and all the things like that.

I was skeptical to at first. I was doing alot of research online about log homes, I am so happy I took this class it has really changed my outlook on life.

01-27-2008, 05:38 PM
shark I was checking out your pics. and was wondering what you will be installing over your sub floor?

Some kind of hardwood in the living room, & tile in the bathrooms/kitchen. We were going to do 2x6 pine T&G, but worried that it'd get damaged during framing & the other construction, so layed down subfloor.

Travis, yah it's too bad we couldn't stick around longer. My arms were jello after trimming most of the overdangles :)
But we're ready for some framing starting next Saturday, should be interesting.

01-27-2008, 07:31 PM
Kala, While I took the class and loved it, remember that there's a money-back guarantee if you're not happy. But I can't imagine that anyone would ever honestly cash in on that - there's just too much knowledge handed out in the class.

pinecone pam
01-27-2008, 07:53 PM
Yep, even colder today. I was outside picking up branches. I figured you were sunning yourself just worried sick about me freezing my buns off! Good to hear from you though. I got a new chainsaw for my birthday! So custom, not another one like it ANYWHERE! Can't wait for you to see it. Tomorrow when the LBHA guys come out (we'll eat my apple pie and think of you ) I'm going to get Steve to get a pic up for all to see. I know I'll get a razzing, but so be it!!!!!!!!!!! Call me when you get home, I wanna come over.


pinecone pam
01-27-2008, 08:06 PM
Take the class, then you can get into the good stuff in the members forums. You'll learn a ton in class, then you'll be able to get back-up from other builders. When my place was built (and yes its still standing contrary to what a few other builders had to say) 1998-2000, we didn't have this luxury. We got together with others who had the dream and worked it out on napkins, stacked carrots, bent restraunt silverware or whatever! We have all helped each other. We learned more each time we built. Having this website is a huge help for those of you considering building. Jump in. You can get all you need including prayers here.

01-27-2008, 09:34 PM
Wow - a balmy 35. It was maybe 26 when we left the worksite, today.

01-28-2008, 07:36 AM
I am in. As long as my husband is onboard, we will be going to WA as soon as possible. One thing I found interesting to new readers out there. There are over 45,000 members in this association. That doesn't happen unless this is for real!

01-28-2008, 04:00 PM
Okay, quit your complaining. It is -23 Farhenheit and with the windchill it is -43 right now as I type! I can't wait to build my log home and curl up by the fire on days like this. I only have a gas fireplace right now and that is just not good enough! Have fun dreaming, searching, building and staying warm. BTW we just got back from Mexico on Saturday night and then the temp dropped. Go figure.

01-28-2008, 05:00 PM
Okay, quit your complaining.

You have a point, but both my wife and brother-in-law are from crazy cold Alaska and both get colder here @ 32 than they do in Alaska at sub-zero temperatures. It is a much different cold in our region- that's why Dave is in Hawaii. Ha.

01-28-2008, 07:32 PM

Its -36C (-33F) and dropping, at my place right now, But I am as warm as toast thanks to my fireplace, Welcome back to Alberta.

01-29-2008, 03:04 PM
Thanks. How was the class? Give us a call sometime.

02-12-2008, 05:09 AM
In 1986 at the age of 30 I was widowed and left with a 13 month old baby boy and $356,000.00 in medical bills over 11 months( non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) .

A friend gave me Skips weekend class as a condolence gift.??I've been a?LHBA member since I received that gift in?1987.?

I was so impressed with what I learned I set out to built a log home soon thereafter. It took some doing. I traded clearing a lot for the logs, moved the logs to my building site behind a rowboat across a 40 acre lake.

I just used Skip's methods and eventually sold the house for a profit of $160,000.00.?

I've built many Skip Style Butt and Pass log homes.? The latest being a four-story log home on Priest Lake that was assessed (by the county) at $1,500,000.00. ?I built it for a husband-wife dentist team so the budget was to my liking.

Had I built this myself and sold it I would have made well-over a million $.

All the homes I have built are still standing.? Skip does not teach marginal building techniques. If you listen well and take notes and follow the instructions, failure is not an option.??

Many log builders on the net and otherwise hate Skip, that is because they fear his experience and honest assessment of sub-standard logbuilding practices. Great minds encounter violent opposition from mediocrity. I think Einstein said that.

02-15-2008, 03:04 PM
I first found this site a couple years ago, and I've always wanted to take the course and start building. I'd even like to build and sell log homes. I was discussing log homes with a coworker, who took a different class up here in MN. He wasn't familiar with the butt-pass method, but he seemed suspicious of it, mentioning the life-span of chinking. Not having learned all the details from the course yet, can anyone elighten me in this area? I've seen the different options/heard some brands of chinking (i.e. permachink, etc.), but I'd like some reassurance that there are chinking options that require little to no maintenance. Are there certain brands that are truly "permanent?" Are there methods of sealing that preserve the chinking as well as the logs themselves?

02-15-2008, 03:17 PM
The chinking method taught in the class uses mortar. The Permachink products and the like are designed to require maintenance, how else could they sell you more. Skips house was built 25+ years ago it has never been re-chinked or stained at all. That house is not going anywhere, does it look brand new no, should it look brand new nope. Brand new is for the yuppies that must have everything shiny and brand new looking so everyone can look at it and know it's not paid for.

02-16-2008, 12:10 PM
Just a note Camano Island logs from Douglas Fir can be straight like an arrow for 100 feet or more... My biggest tree was 150 feet tall if it was an inch...
Utsalady, on Camano was a port that was known world wide for its spars for sailing ships back in the 1860's until they logged the entire island.
Then they cut down all the Western Red Cedar for shingles. Then they burned down the entire island. Go figure...
Any way, I bought 51 house logs and they are "perfectly straight".
check them out on the ground...
or look at the assembled home earlier in this thread...
check them out...

02-16-2008, 12:11 PM
Hi Michael,

Unlike Rocklock's perfect logs (drool) a fair few of mine have a noticeable apex!

I was wondering what is the maximum amount of apex / projection you would tolerate in a log wall (on a 32x32 home) before taking some more serious corrective measure (such as cutting the log where a window or door will be placed and bringing it back into alignment)?

Regards - Geoff

02-16-2008, 12:44 PM
Michael Simmons
2 inches sweep in 30 feet would be the ideal limit.

With butt method houses you can push it a bit, especially if you have logs with sweep all stacked in the BACK where they belong :) grins

With scribed, forget it you have to stay with straight logs with minimal taper. Double sweeps are not acceptable.

I must say I am drooling over the Camano Island logs too,,,:p

I remember one log on my first house exceeded that limit, so I pinned the large half into place and ( after looking around to make sure no LHBA members or instructors were there ) took my truck and pulled the rest of it back a couple inches out to line up--- it creaked a bit but then , we all do as we get older. I was probably being an idiot at the time. If you ever put a lot of strain on a rope , hang a rug or three over it, that way if it snaps you will not get killed.

02-16-2008, 03:55 PM
Michael Simmons
2 inches sweep in 30 feet would be the ideal limit.

With butt method houses you can push it a bit, especially if you have logs with sweep all stacked in the BACK where they belong :) grins I was probably being an idiot at the time. If you ever put a lot of strain on a rope , hang a rug or three over it, that way if it snaps you will not get killed.

LOL...thanks for the advice Michael. I'm glad that you've been able to join us on the forum. I feel your experience and knowledge is only second to Skip. Thank you!

I have the same dilemna Geoff. My logs have been racked for 1 year and all have been peeled since June. I might be nuts, they looked pretty straight when I got them but over time they seem to be getting more crooked. I don't know its worth the hassles of working with them for the home. They didn't cost me much so I'm contemplating using them for my 4x10's or the garage so I'd still get my $ out of them.

02-16-2008, 08:30 PM
Michael thanks for the advice,

Kyle, I don't fancy the expense of buying new logs, the effort of peeling them, and this risk they'll be not better than the 1st lot! I reckon that with some clever selection and a bit of effort I can make them work. I believe Skip has said that you should build with what you've got.

In terms of correcting the log sweep I think that some strategic cuts where windows / doors are planned should deal with the worst offenders :-)

Regards - Geoff

02-16-2008, 08:50 PM
Michael thanks for the advice, Kyle, I don't fancy the expense of buying new logs, the effort of peeling them, and this risk they'll be not better than the 1st lot! I reckon that with some clever selection and a bit of effort I can make them work. I believe Skip has said that you should build with what you've got. In terms of correcting the log sweep I think that some strategic cuts where windows / doors are planned should deal with the worst offenders :-) Regards - Geoff

You might want to read this thread:

<a href="/few-curvy-logs">http://www.loghomebuilders.org/few-curvy-logs</a>

pinecone pam
02-19-2008, 08:45 PM
So I usually don't get my feathers ruffled at much. However in response to the comment on this thread 2/15/08: My permachink is 10 years old this summer and I've used less than 1 gallon more chink for repairs and very few man hours. My house IS shiney, some of the guys on this forum can tell you I'm FAR from a yuppie, and how the *@#* would you know if my house is paid for? Surprise! I can afford some chink! Do I take this personnal, no. But be careful what you say because these decisions are for each of us to make based on the information we have gathered and deem appropriate for each of our circumstances. Skip has proven that regardless of appearance, these houses are economically efficient and structurally sound. What makes them special is the passion that goes into each and every one of them. How they look is strictly a matter of taste. Shiney or not, they'll still be here long after we are all gone!!!!

02-20-2008, 12:36 PM
"That house is not going anywhere, does it look brand new no, should it look brand new nope. Brand new is for the yuppies that must have everything shiny and brand new looking so everyone can look at it and know it's not paid for."

Shiny houses are also for girls, not just yuppies! I'm just ribbing you, Pam. I happen to live with a very nice girl, who will want her house to be shiny too, so we will most likely be staining our logs at the very least. I think she's going to be ok with mortar chinking though.

Pam is right though. There's nothing wrong with wanting your house to look new and pretty. It does indeed cost more, both in time, money, and future maintenance. But it's all about what will give you that warm fuzzy feeling when you stand in your home that YOU built, take a deep breath, and feel good about your accomplishment and about the wonderful life you worked so hard to make for yourself.

04-08-2008, 07:56 AM
Hi, My name is Nicole. I live in Westfield, Massachusetts and took the May 2007 class. I wanted to be one more person who provides assurance to you regarding the techniques and class. The class is wonderful and explains everything in detail. It all makes sense. I have been making calls and previewing land listings for many months now and hope to make this log home building a reality. For example- there's some land being sold in Tolland, MA for between $8,000-15,000. I've called the state forests nearby and have determined that there will be options to get free logs from these forests. I'm keeping a notebook with details on my calls and contacts regarding each subject involved in building a log home. I've been hoping to find someone near me who might want to work together to build a log home. Help each other- learn together. I would be happy to communicate by phone in order to work out details of how this might work.

04-08-2008, 08:31 AM
Being Tolland is real close to NY State line, I am curious as to if you have any links to the land sales in your area or log sales?


04-08-2008, 01:54 PM
Getting back to you on this...Several months ago I asked a local real estate agent to send me listings of land for sale in my area. The Tolland land was listed about a month ago. This was the first listing that I received that was this inexpensive. Here's the catch: The Tolland listing is a parcel of land located within a community called "Wildwood". In answer to your question: I get land listings emailed to me and so I cannot direct you to a thread. My understanding is that anyone can ask a real estate company to email them listings. I was not successful finding land listings any other way (besides newspapers). The real estate agents are happy to put you on their email lists- you just give them parameters like "Please send me listings for these towns...in this price range..." I get my emails from Bourque Real Estate in West Springfield, MA. I'd have to go to my email to get their phone number. Just let me know. Oh, lastly, on log sales - Last month, I spoke with Ed Fuller (his title is "service forester" (at Tolland State Forest). He told me that alot of large corporations come in and bid on large amounts of logs. He said he hasn't received requests for small private (residential) builders wanting logs. (Except for firewood). But, he said it's possible (I'd need to speak with another person) to take (for free) some diseased red pines... Let me know if you want me to continue here with info... Also I have a question- I read the forum rules but am still uncertain- can I give out a phone number on this forum? either mine or other contact people?

04-08-2008, 02:00 PM
Also I have a question- I read the forum rules but am still uncertain- can I give out a phone number on this forum? either mine or other contact people?
The best thing to do would be to post your email here in disguise. For example MyEmail AT myISP. That way spam-bots hopefully won't get your email address from this public page.

Then anyone interested should email you to exchange the contact info of others (like your log guy, etc.) I imagine that the realtor probably wouldn't mind you posting their email or phone, cause it might be business for them. But to be safe and courteous, I'd give it to people who email you.

04-08-2008, 05:51 PM
Hey Tim,
We haven't taken the class yet, hope to have a chance within a year or so.... I came across the same things as you, and so have been interested in this last classes response to what they learned.
I have learned a lot already, hope to learn more. Everyone has been really helpful, and not without humor too!
Where are ya in NH???? Manchester here... but looking to build in VT.

04-09-2008, 05:00 AM
Hi guys, I've been a &quot;lurker&quot; on the board for a little while now and have loved everything I have read about the course, BT log home techniques, doing a project without going further and further in debt. There also seems to be a good comrodary with everyone in the LHBA.

I do have a few questions that perhaps some of you could help me with (obviously I have not taken the class yet). If you look around on the internet about the LHBA, there are a significant number of negative things said about this technique and the instructors. Wood rotting, &quot;the house that fell down&quot; for example.

Has anyone on here actually built a log home that has been standing for a few years? I am normally not pesamistic (nor spell correctly) but since this is such a huge undertaking/investment, I think you all who are doing it/have done it can understand my concerns. I think I should clarify that I'm not in the log building industry (actually a doctor).

Please don't take my questioning in the wrong way, I think the most I want out of responses is reassurance. Thank you all who reply in advance, I'm interested in hearing from you! Tim (cold in New England).

I see you have been on the LHOTI forum. Keep in mind a large percentage of the members on that forum are in the log home kit/handcrafter kit industry, so they tend to see the "skippy" method as a threat to thier livelyhood. The house that fell down, that is refered to in that forum was'nt built by any student of the LHBA class. The class goes in to great detail on how to avoid decay issues. I believe (loghomeguy) built his first house back in the 80's, which is featured on the student log home section.

I was skeptical at first as whell. I can assure you that any house built in the mannor tought in the class, will outlast anyone alive today.