View Full Version : Seasoned wood

12-13-2007, 08:56 AM
I doubt in the old days when settlers were heading west that they had the time to wait for 2 years to season their wood for their cabins what are the pit falls to not waiting to season your logs, i will want to build as fast as i can when i buy my land and 2 years i'm not willing to wait yet i don't want to spend a bundle on bought and hauled logs, any idea's how to get around the problem cheaply?

12-13-2007, 09:07 AM
Welcome Tatius,

Seasoning is not required when building the LHBA butt and pass method. My recommendation would be to take the course that is offered and they'll show you different ways to keep your cost to a minimum. But bottom line is the more time you have to look for deals the more money you'll save.