View Full Version : Hello Everyone! : )
12-07-2007, 07:50 AM
Hi all,
My name is Cheryl, and I am going to attend the January class, (giving the tuition to myself as a Christmas present.) I have my land ready and waiting to go, as I have found a great mountain top "off the beaten path" land development in-between Chattanooga and Nashville and I am so stoked! They did not remove any trees except to build the access roads and actually made the lands natural features part of their selling point rather than leveling them and making it a typical 'doze and grade' land development, very cool I think.
I'm excited to attend the class and plan on building right away. I've worked with the log home industry for years as an artist and decorator, and I agree that kit homes are all just a big sales pitch. Having been to waaaay to many log home expos as an art vendor it tends to feel like you're in a car sales covention....everybody has also, and I'm pretty darn good as a stone mason too - go
So anyway, hello to everyone and have a great day all! : )
12-07-2007, 08:45 AM
Welcome aboard. Nice gift you got yourself!
Crikey, with a resume like that, I feel compelled to ask if your single!!!
12-07-2007, 09:02 AM
Thanks, for some reason that post was messed up and deleted some of what I wrote so it reads funny, but what the
What I had typed was that in the 'industry' everyone has also felt a need to tell unsuspecting couples about how they've "improved" nature's And that I'm happy tohelp with anyone's project (which is why I mentioned I'm good at stone masonry). didn't read quite that way but oh well. LOL
I like to think of myself as a Jack of all trades, and I have a feeling most of those "off the wall" things I learned are going to come in very handy when I go to build! LOL
So single yes, and that's a big chainsaw you have in that pic!!! LOL ; ) (sorry, coudn't resist.) LMAO
12-07-2007, 10:53 AM
Hi Cheryl, wich class are you in? I signed up for Jan 19-20, coming from Quebec, Canada....
Hi Cheryl and welcome.
Hey Rod, are you EVER gonna sign up and attend the class!! wink wink WINK!...nudge...
Kola :)
that is the simplest i have ever heard rod put straight and to the point. No mathematics, formulas, etc.
don't forget to try the spare ribs lasagna when you are at class and you have to check out rods model as well.
ps...hi rod......
12-08-2007, 07:40 PM
LMAO! Hey there Ajax. What can I say, he who hesitates...........
Yea Kola, perhaps I need to take this upcoming class.
P.S.- the pic doesn't do my chainsaw justice!!
Mark OBrien
12-08-2007, 09:06 PM
I've never seen Rod reduced to such simple answers and such brevity! I have good friends in Gallatin, Brian and Sharon Judd. I know it's a decent sized town but ya never know! You will love the class and it will free your mind to all the possibilities afforded by the things you will learn. Don't forget to enjoy the world famous super secret cookies!
Rod, no need to feel embarrassed, I'm not dissing you, she is a hottie!
12-10-2007, 03:37 AM
And I suppose Ajax really looks like a yellow lab...
12-10-2007, 04:55 AM
And I suppose Ajax really looks like a yellow lab...
LOL good point :)
12-10-2007, 07:48 AM LOL, you guys are so shallow.
Heck, she's got mountain property, the right mindset, she's willing to get her hands dirty, has stone mason skills, and a love for log homes. What more could one ask for?
(oh, and I'll read Playboy only for the articles. . . .
[quote=rreidnauer] LOL, you guys are so shallow.
Heck, she's got mountain property, the right mindset, she's willing to get her hands dirty, has stone mason skills, and a love for log homes. What more could one ask for?
Steve Wolfe
12-10-2007, 01:08 PM
Hi Rod,
If you haven't already put your name on the waiting list for the January may not be too late!!!!!! What more could one wish for?
Mr Mike
12-10-2007, 03:56 PM
12-15-2007, 11:54 AM
Ok, so I leave for a bit and y'all are having just WAAAAAYYYY too much fun! LOL
I'll answer as much as I remember.... I am attending the later January class and I'm excited. It will be my first trip farther west than Colorado and I'm sure it's beautiful there. Tenessee has "bumps" out there you guys actually have mountains. : )
Mark, I don't know your friends, but I am relatively new to Gallatin so that's no surprise. I'm the "don't get out much" It is nice here, small town even though it's only 30 min from Nashville. The property I found is a bit further south and more towards Chattanooga. As a whole almost all the land here in TN is on the "cheap" side if you know where to look! : ) I will indulge in the cookies, as long as the "secret" part isn't bear crap or something I'm game! LOL
And as for the "is that really me". Yes, that is really me. I do my makeup and my hair every day and I have owned my own tree trimming service, drive a jeep and have built some custom motorcycles (that's where the wrench pic is from)....hence my by-line. LOL : )
I know I look a little "girlie", but I have regularly broken fingernails and lots of little welding scars on my hands....does that count??
Yes, I'm a freak of nature, but don't worry it's not contagious .... LMAO! Maybe I should put up a pic of my Akita? LOL Y'all are a blast. ; )
Anyway, hi again, I will do my best to be a more regular visitor. Again, if anyone needs help with their project, I'm your gal, and I'll be happy to lend a hand. : )
Cheryl : )
12-15-2007, 03:17 PM
Oh yea . . . . you're gonna fit right in around here Liltrouble.
Now, if you go and tell me you also don't mind pickin' up a rifle now and then, well then . . . . I might just have to drive myself on down there to Tennessee!!!
12-15-2007, 04:14 PM
Welcome aboard, Cheryl. It sounds like you'll fit right in with the log home builders with your skills and experiences. There are quite a few of us LHBA members scattered across the South. By the time you have finished the class, I should have logs if you want to take a trip to middle GA for the peeling party. :D
Just curious, what kind of jeep do you drive? I have a few older ones(CJ7, CJ2a), and trying to sell one to raise money for logs. :shock:
12-15-2007, 04:20 PM
Hello Pietru,
I'm also from Quebec and will most likely take the class in the early spring if they have one then. Perhaps we can coordinate. When are you intending to build?
I haven't figured out how to send messages directly to users in this forum, so if you like, shoot me an email at
12-16-2007, 09:53 AM
I'll be more than happy to help with your peeling party, just tell me when/where and I'll be there with bells on. I've actually already done that part before, so hopefully I'll be of some good assistance. I drive a new '08 wrangler unlimited. It's my first jeep and I'm totally in love. It's a soft top with half doors and I can't wait till it warms up - I have my own real life transformer!!! LMAO. :)) I've already got my star key ready to take off the doors and play around with it.
You should try posting your jeeps on one of the online jeep forums, I bet you could sell them in a heartbeat online or at a meet, I've learned very fast that jeep people are a bit of a different breed and they love the old CJ models, so I'm sure you'd have no trouble getting them sold for your log fund. : )
You are brave and quite funny, asking a chick to fire a Usually it's "i hope she doesn't have a gun!" LOL
I have a couple.....3 rifles, a 9mm, glock 40, Bersa .380, an old fancy looking Ruger .22 revolver, and 2 12ga shotguns. BUT......I can't kill anything to save my life....just don't have it in me. But once it's dead (which I can't watch), I can field dress, gut, quarter, skin and tan the hide - so I'm not completely useless! LOL (Though apparently left on my own I'd either become a vegetarian or die of starvation! - good thing I'm an avid garderner I guess!)
We'd better be careful......everyone's going to think we've started a new forum....."LOG LOVERS SINGLES BAR" LMAO!!!!!!!!!
12-16-2007, 11:14 AM
A few months back I told my wife; "If anything happens to me get a gun, learn to shoot,
and take auto mechanics classes at the college." When asked why I said, "It will make
you more marketable". No guy can resist a woman who, when out on the highway takes
her head out from under the hood just long enough to unload a magazine into the guy
trying to steal her hub caps. ;-)
No small coincidence that the woman at the Colorado church who unloaded her Glock 9 into
the guy who was ready to "Kill as many Christians as he could" has a last name pronounced
"awsome". She's single and "Waiting for God to bring along the right man." I'll be she already
has a dozen marriage proposals! I wonder if she can fish... (send picture of fishin' boat...old
joke). Hey, I'll end with a quote from Spaceballs;
"That's pretty good shooting...for a girl."
"You kiddin'? That's pretty good for Rambo!"
Will Dye
12-17-2007, 05:33 AM
Damn...I think I'm in love like all the rest of the guys. (smile) I'm up in Kentucky and I wanna hear more about "cheap" land that you know how to find down there in Tennessee. After I get one built up here I think the Tennessee mountains would be a good place to build one to sell.
12-17-2007, 07:56 AM
When I first moved to TN back in 2000, my first home was just that. The price of land along with no state income tax and cheap cost of living was what made me move here to begin with.
I found 53 acres, with a bluff, pond, mostly wooded, two creeks and two waterfalls along with a 1600 sq ft old house that I renovated. The house burned and I moved on, but the land was beautiful. I sold it last year without a house on it for 270k, not bad for just sitting around and being a country bum for a few years. There are deals like that all over TN if you know where to look. : ) Would be happy to give you more info if you like.
As with anything there is a catch though, if you want land like that you have to go out into the boondocks.....I didn't mind, it was quiet and the only permit needed was an electrical inspection to hook up service and a perc test. I guess it's all in what you like and what makes you happy. : ) If you're looking towards any of the larger cities you can expect jacked up prices like anywhere else though. : )
Hope that helps.
Eric Clapner
12-17-2007, 08:47 AM
For this crowd, land in that type of "the boondocks" sounds PERFECT! Hell, I'd go almost anywhere as long as I can finagle power and an internet connection (anywhere, that is, except Oklahoma).
12-17-2007, 08:51 AM
I'll be more than happy to help with your peeling party, just tell me when/where and I'll be there with bells on. I've actually already done that part before, so hopefully I'll be of some good assistance. I drive a new '08 wrangler unlimited. It's my first jeep and I'm totally in love. It's a soft top with half doors and I can't wait till it warms up - I have my own real life transformer!!! LMAO. :)) I've already got my star key ready to take off the doors and play around with it.
You should try posting your jeeps on one of the online jeep forums, I bet you could sell them in a heartbeat online or at a meet, I've learned very fast that jeep people are a bit of a different breed and they love the old CJ models, so I'm sure you'd have no trouble getting them sold for your log fund. : )
Sounds good, I'll post my contact info when we get the logs in.
I already have a few guys interested in the jeep, just waiting on my brother to make up his mind whether he wants it or not- he's first in line. Would prefer to keep it in the family if possible...
I read a few of the off road bulletin boards- they can be good resources depending on the boards. You might want to check out
12-17-2007, 12:00 PM
The area your land is in does have some good deals.
For those interested, there are also some cheap acreage tracts near the Rogersville area, which in general terms, is still east TN, although it is north and east from Chattanooga. Careful with getting too excited before you see land though, there will be many parts too steep to stand on easily, much less build in most areas considered boondocks. The flatland is generally much more expensive.
Best of luck with the class, and your house. There are several members within 3 hours of each of the Chattanooga/Knoxville/Johnson City areas.
I have yet to find a great bargain on land that is suitable (since I grew up here, I have trouble seeing the value of $10k per acre mountain sides), but am collecting tools like crazy, guess I will have to build something, or become a tool repairman.
Sure Rod, come on down to TN, the weather is generally not too bad, no state income tax, and easy building permits outside of city limits.
Will Dye
12-17-2007, 01:40 PM
Hey again Cheryl! Since you are also a mason I was wondering if you've ever built a masonry heater? Alot of us are pretty interested in the idea but people with experience building them are still hard to come across. And how much an acre would you consider a good deal for land in Tennessee? Holy crap guys and she's rich! (getting out my Tennessee map and loading up the car)
hmm... a very VERRRY popular thread.
12-17-2007, 03:41 PM
A few months back I told my wife; "If anything happens to me get a gun, learn to shoot,
and take auto mechanics classes at the college." When asked why I said, "It will make
you more marketable". No guy can resist a woman who, when out on the highway takes
her head out from under the hood just long enough to unload a magazine into the guy
trying to steal her hub caps. ;-)
Yup! I whole-heartedly agree with that. Nothin' more attractive than a woman who can take care of herself. There are those who like the "damsel in distress" type, but that's not my cup of tea. :o) Cheryl, where you been all my life?
(at the further risk of degrading this thread.....) Funny you say that about the firearms. Even with my extensive arsenal of pistols, rifles, shotguns and a bow, I rarely fire one "in anger." (the exception being pest animals, and even then, I usually favor the bow) I prefer shooting paper or metal to skin and bone.
Sure Rod, come on down to TN, the weather is generally not too bad, no state income tax, and easy building permits outside of city limits.
Actually, Tennessee has always been high on my potential states list, along with central Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, E. Kentucky, S.E. Missouri, and possibly W. North Carolina. I've pondered the PNW, but I don't know the climate well enough to make an intelligent decision to move there. It's beautiful as heck though.
12-17-2007, 04:38 PM
howdy cheryl im an east tennessean myself , the clinch mountain variety ! although im living and building in indiana these day's i'm in tennesee often visiting my family and plan on building there in the near future , im liking the sweetwater , tellico plains area's these day's !! when u do run across some good land deals pass that info along to me , and hey i have some lead's on log's in your area when u get ready for them .
It seems like there's a few LHBA Members looking in Tennessee. I used to live in Nashville and one of the places we're looking at now is the Center Hill Lake area - somewhere between Smithville, McMinnville, and Sparta. If anyone else is looking or building in that area be sure and let me know.
12-18-2007, 04:12 AM
It depends on where you are, and by a lot. She can report back for her area.
In the more upper eastern part of the state, you can find land for at or less than $2k per acre, although usually only larger, rougher tracks and the total cost is more than I have to spend. You might need one of those shirts that says "hike faster, I hear banjos" for some of the listings. If you are looking for smaller acreage or less expensive total costs, smaller or somewhat more desirable land will be at least $5k per acre up to $20k per acre (I really think those ads are just hoping for a rich fool myself). Lot prices are just stupid. I am shooting for below $7k per acre and looking within ~20 minutes of Johnson City, that is proving to be a challenge. The prices drop off if you head to the north west or south west. Prices hold fairly stable headed east to NC.
Will Dye
12-18-2007, 10:52 AM
Man...I think I'll just stay in Kentucky. I saw 10+ acres for 110,000 bucks and that was in the middle of Louisville backed up to the Jefferson County Memorial Forest...sweet spot for a log house. It was hilly and had scrub trees on it so not exactly considered prime for the cookie cutters they build in towns. My dad is loaded and I could get land from him but....always the hard way with me. LOL I can find land pretty close to Louisville for 5000 an acre or less.
12-19-2007, 10:17 AM
Hey again Cheryl! Since you are also a mason I was wondering if you've ever built a masonry heater? Alot of us are pretty interested in the idea but people with experience building them are still hard to come across. And how much an acre would you consider a good deal for land in Tennessee? Holy crap guys and she's rich! (getting out my Tennessee map and loading up the car)
I have not built one, but I can't imagine they're that difficult. My tasks to date are more limited to decorative stone work on islands, tubs/showers, floors, foundations and fireplaces. But hell it's all basically just slather and paste....LOL ; )
I wouldn't pay more than 1500 an acre if I was in the boonies, very easy to find land at 500-1000 an acre if you look up on the plateau away from the major cities. Most of the real deals are on larger tracts, which isn't a bad idea if you can swing it, can always sell off some of it later for a handsome profit! : ) Rich.......hardly.......half that money was split with the : )
Rod, what can I say..........I've created a monster! LMAO. If we ever get together I guess we know something will get built and nothing will get shot.....LOL TN is nice, but so is PA....I've even thought about the rockies and out west too, I guess it all depends on your sense of adventure....change of scenery can be nice.... ; ))
howdy cheryl im an east tennessean myself , the clinch mountain variety ! although im living and building in indiana these day's i'm in tennesee often visiting my family and plan on building there in the near future , im liking the sweetwater , tellico plains area's these day's !! when u do run across some good land deals pass that info along to me , and hey i have some lead's on log's in your area when u get ready for them .
That's a nice area too, I like almost all of TN aside from some of the more "city" areas....even our major cities are small though (having grown up north of Chicago) and I like it that way. : ) I will keep you in mind if I find some good cheap land, and the lead on the logs....thanks!
It seems like there's a few LHBA Members looking in Tennessee. I used to live in Nashville and one of the places we're looking at now is the Center Hill Lake area - somewhere between Smithville, McMinnville, and Sparta. If anyone else is looking or building in that area be sure and let me know.
That's one of the next places I'm planning on building in.....very pretty and there are some GREAT deals on land to be had in that area too!!! Let me know if I can be of assitance, will be happy to give you some leads I have. : )
I hope everyone has a great day...y'all are a great group of people! : ))
12-19-2007, 04:03 PM
Attended Class March 25th/26th of 2006.
Hi to Cheryl, and all you fellow drooling LHBA members, I live here in West Tn (Scotts Hill) currently collecting tools and looking for land, and hopefully gettting out of debt (one more year should do it!!) When you need a hand I'd be willing to come up one day, though it couldn't be too often as it is about 6 hours one way, I would have to make a road trip, on my motorcycle of course. Gas prices are just to insane to make a regular trip that far. Main reason I have not helped Basil in Ky out it is 3 hours one way!!. Oh and by the way welcome to the LHBA forum!!
01-09-2008, 02:19 PM
This is the funniest thread I have ever read on these forums, and they can be pretty funny! I am actually wiping my eyes from laughing soooo hard! More power to you all in whatever endeavors you undertake! LOL!
03-14-2008, 02:51 AM
Whatever happened to Liltrouble?!?!
I was wondering the same thing, just the other day. I know she had plans to attend one of the recent classes. Anyone out there see her at their class? She just up and disappeared. Hope she hasn't given up on her log plans.
03-14-2008, 03:39 PM
Michael, this is Rick Ratcliff I am going to the class April 19th and 20th. I live in Jacks Creek, Tn Give me a shout some time. 989-4199
04-23-2008, 02:57 PM
Attended Class March 25th/26th of 2006.
Hey Rick, u can e-mail me at
Whatever happened to Liltrouble?!?!
Rod and others,
It is my opinion that there were (are) a few rats upon the magic ship. "Lil trouble" picture was very similar to a Snap-on tool photogirl. Read her comments... as they are a bit over-the-top. I smelled this one out the day it was posted. I also must add that this is maybe the first time a "sock-puppet" has invaded the forum. That is where a poster creates a fiction character and has a specific agenda to cause disruption amongst the forum.
so heres her(it) profile:
Name Lil trouble
location: Gallatin, TN
Occupation: Artist
Native American Art, Motorcycles, Outdoors, Animals
Wow, thats all the things I love huh? Coincidence? probable but not likely.
But I am sure "lil troubles" IP address could be tracked back to the originator unless the rat/s have decoded their IP server numbers with software...or they could have posted from another PC (friends, library etc). Her (it) postings was also right around the time two members were personally attacking me. Even though I attempted to resolve the matters they both refused to talk to me directly and rationally(either here or via my email address). Even though I left the forum for 4 months, one member still had the spineless audacity to make sarcastic remarks towards me. Is there a mouse in the house... or maybe two big rats?
BTW, I must tell you I have very vivid dreams sometimes which often turn out to be truthful. Not always, but quite often. If my assuptions are wrong I apologize and will proudly eat crow, as it should be. :)
04-24-2008, 08:30 AM
You found it Baby!
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