View Full Version : Thank you for the Class of Nov. 10,11-2007

11-12-2007, 02:15 PM
Ellsworth and Steve:
Thank you very much for the class this last weekend. The information was concise and easily understood. The "homemade" cookies were questionable and the videos awe inspiring.
I very much enjoyed the lessons and the way you presented them.
I would like to know the others who were in the class. Is there a class roster?
My wife and I installed a 30 x 30 deck and ontop of that we erected a 14 x 16 wall tent. With a small and efficient woodstove, this home keeps us very warm and cozy. Including the outhouse, this package cost us a bit more than $3k. I built it in six days. The only tough part was messin with the top of the tent in the wind on a six foot ladder when the tent is tent feet tall. I now have a taller ladder.
I bought the tent at Colorado Yurt, to stove at Cylinder Stove and the deck material came from all over the place.
We plan to live in this while we build our first log home.
Thanks again and to those who were at the class...send me your contact information! please...
Doug (smoothandeasy)

11-12-2007, 04:47 PM
Hey Doug, Where you located? We have a few things in common. I wish you well in your tent living and in your loghome building quest. I salute you comrade.

Ooo RAH!

peace, warm socks and great creations,

ps, some LHBA members have to acquire a taste for Skips cookies. (wink)

11-12-2007, 05:58 PM
My wife and I are preparing to head out to Seattle for this weekend's class. Any pointers or suggestions would be appreciated.

Eric Clapner
11-13-2007, 05:27 AM
My wife and I are preparing to head out to Seattle for this weekend's class. Any pointers or suggestions would be appreciated.


My wife and I completed the class this past weekend, and I came away with three things that I'd pass on:

1. Take judicious notes. The two days go by really fast and it's easy to miss something important. You'll want to review your notes very soon after the class, too.

2. Take a GOOD flashlight. The hill up to the house is long, steep and a bit slick after a rain. We had a couple of little LED flashlights that just didn't light it up enough and I almost bit it going down the hill a couple of times.

3. Save some room for Skip's famous cookies. They're so good he could probably put a stamp on them and sell them. You'll definitely be surprised.


P.S., If you have the time, be sure to eat at the Clay Oven. Fantastic Indian food. If you don't know what you're reading on the menu, ask them to explain everything. My wife and I loved it; a little pricey, but not too bad. Our dinner was about $50.

11-13-2007, 06:23 AM
Also - go to the supermarket in the morning before class and pick up lunch for yourself... Trust me - this is good advice.


11-13-2007, 06:46 AM
Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely follow up on it.

Also, the local news in Dallas reported this morning that a massive storm had hit the Seattle area - winds over 90mph. They also reported that the hardest hit area was Monroe. Anyone have a report - were any of the local motels damaged?

So much for bringing an umbrella. With winds like that it would beat us back to Texas :-)

11-13-2007, 06:56 AM
Class of June 2000
Class of March 2003

Most of the storm brunt was well North and South of Monroe. I live in the hills of Monroe (NE) and all is just dandy. Drive by Skips' castle every day. It did not go anywhere either! :)

11-13-2007, 06:39 PM
Hi everyone! My son (Justice), and I (Cindy) took the class this past weekend and it was great! We would also like to commend Ellsworth and Steve for doing a great job on the presentation and content of the class. And the way it was taught was always interesting and never once dull or boring and believe me, If I can sit in a class for 11 hours and not even once think of dozing off, it's gotta be good! Skip's cookies were great, I just wish I would have remembered to bring a glass of milk.

Doug, - I too would like to know who all I took the class with, since we didn't have time to talk to everyone.
I was the only Mom with her son there, all the others with sons were Dads, so, I guess it won't be hard for everyone to figure out who we were. We are from Iowa, by the way. I know I talked to about half ,or so, of the people there, but didn't get everyone's names. It was great talking with others who have a common goal, especially since most of my family and friends think I've finally taken that last step off of the "deep end."

I remember there were two gents from Holland , one from Scotland ( Bill, I think) , a couple from Great Britian(I think , not sure) a couple from Idaho, a lady from Portland and a man with her, a young guy from California that said he was born in Indianna, Jim from Houston, Jim from San Diego, Rick and his son from Tennesee, John who brought the Spareribs Lasagna to the potluck, 3 guys that flew out of Seattle on the same flight to Denver that we did, you and your wife(Soleil, I think, correct me if I'm wrong) and Justice and I. I remember others but never talked to them to get any of their stats or names. That makes 22 and I think there were about 30 total.

I hope everyone will keep in touch, and let us all know with progress reports on when and how the building is going.
It was great meeting you all and chatting with you.

Cindy (cindbriz)

"DO or DO NOT, - There is no TRY!"

Mr Mike
11-14-2007, 07:46 AM
Hi Doug , I sat at the same long table. I heard ya mention your place and tent. Was this the least expensive temporary housing you could find, that was comfortable enough for you and your Significant Lady friend? Is their there a bath, toilet , inside or out? Whats the tent dimensions? and also How in the World did you get your friend (spouse?) to agree to such a fab idea;) kidding.
Good Luck in your Quest to build. The cookies reminded me of the old days, maybe they should hire some elves to magically spit em out. oh well I guess they wouldn't be Skips Magic cookies then. EVERYONE ELSE don't forget a can of Red Bull for late afternoon class:). Later Mike
Now Here's a guy that will barter for well drilling
Free appliances also------http://savannah.craigslist.org/zip/461708092.html free stuff is out their folks.

Semper Fi my Brothers

11-14-2007, 07:52 AM
No, I suppose a much smaller structure on the ground would have been cheaper. We looked for the best in quality, comfort and affordability. My wife/girlfriend/significant other/Soleil, chose this idea above yurt, tipi or small cabin. Since I am a builder, anything was possible, but this idea won the affordability, quick to install and cozy contest. Since I'm not a small guy, I wanted something I could stand up in to put my pants on! We have a queen sized bed, a small kitchen space, a comfortable lounge chair, a large table with chairs, oil lamps and that great little wood stove. I'll attempt to send yo some pictures if you like. The tent is 14 x 16 and ten feet high. I built an outhouse. We use a five foot watering trough for the bathtub. Attached to the woodstove (http://www.cylinderstove.com) is a five gallon water heater. I pull the tub in beside the stove, drain the five gallons of boiling water into it, add cold to adjust temp and we both can sit in the bath next to the stove, have a glass of wine and wash each other's backs! It's awesome!

Thanks for responding and contact me with any other questions anytime!


Put your Head there and your ass will follow

11-14-2007, 07:59 AM

We are in Seattle, well, just south of the little gem of a city. Our property in in Tonasket, two hours north of Wenatchee and twenty minutes south of Canada.

Thank you for the kind words!


Put your Head there and your ass will follow

11-14-2007, 09:26 AM
This gave me a chuckle, because I have the same thing, only mine is a My wife/girlfriend/significant other/Donna. It's burdensome sometimes to explain to folks that we are both happily divorced, and simply haven't got around to getting married yet, lol. We are a married couple in pretty much every other way -- share a home, mortgage, finances, arguments -- LOL. We also just can't decide HOW we want to get married. Strangely enough, we both had quickie weddings at a Justice of the Peace when we were married before, so we don't really want to do that again. But at the same time, we really can't be bothered with planning and paying for something fancy when we have a log home to build!

My well-meaning Christian brother-in-law occaisionally makes his obligatory "when are you guys getting married?" question. Last time I told him we would have a wedding at our house when it's finished. To which he replied that one is NEVER "finished" with a house, lol. Of course, remodelling his house is his hobby, and he's been at it continually for the last 20 years or so, lol.