View Full Version : What to do in the mean time?

11-08-2007, 12:39 PM
Hello everyone!

My name is Branden, I just joined.

I'm 24, ready to get out of the city, and love log homes. (I feel like I'm filling out an online dating description :P )

I was curious, Since there aren't going to be any more classes this year, and it's not yet known whats going to happen in 2008, what are some options until then.

I don't know the specific rules about asking specific questions. I would obviously love to just hitch up and go to a class, but thats obviously not possible, so I'm stuck without membership and deep knowledge until then. ;)

What books would you guys suggest? I worked for my grandfathers construction business for 10 years starting at 12 and ending when he retired, as I was in college) The simplicity (relativity speaking) of the butt and pass method seems to be the way to go, but I have so many unanswered questions.

Book suggestions?
Web sites?

I'm so thirsty for knowledge!

Thanks all

11-08-2007, 07:14 PM
I was itching HARD before taking the class too, so I know exactly how you feel. I found this website to be one of the most informative about the basic methods: http://home.mindspring.com/~kahle11/logstep1.html . I've been learning quite a bit about construction in general and the building process from this site: http://www.infoforbuilding.com/Homebuilding_Preparation.html (Though that stuff might not be new to you as it is for me).

I haven't found a book yet that really explains butt and pass construction the way it's taught at the seminar. "Living Homes" by I-forget Elphel ? was a decent read, but really didn't teach me much more than studying that first linkie I gave you above. I wish I could be of more help, because I REALLY do know how you feel. Now that I have access to the member forums, they're getting tired of all my questions there too, hehe.

11-13-2007, 08:17 AM
I was itching HARD before taking the class too, so I know exactly how you feel. I found this website to be one of the most informative about the basic methods: http://home.mindspring.com/~kahle11/logstep1.html .

Before I took the class, I was burning up to know how it all worked too - and the above site that Klapton mentioned was the best argument for taking the class that I ever saw, not counting the LHBA's website itself and the stunning galleries of homes that members have built. The step-by-step breakdown shown on the quoted site did a tremendous amount to show me, yes, it *really*is that easy, once you know what you need to know. (But don't go off and start building just from reading the websites... the amount I learned in the class about not only how but why is staggering!)

As for what to do in the meantime: Start saving up cash, and start looking around at places like Freecycle and Craig's List, and whatever other discount or second-hand forums are available in your local area - get familiar with how to navigate them, and get in the habit of checking them regularly for stuff that might be useful to have in a home for cheaper than new/retail. A lot of your building tools may end up coming form such a place - and if you're decently educated on the price of various tools/materials/supplies, you'll be less hesitant to jump on a good deal when you see it, and you'll be well-situated to do so.

Feel free to ask anything.... the worst we can do is tell you that we can't really discuss it until you get your membership.

11-14-2007, 08:13 AM
Let's see, get out of debt, save cash, get the family (if you have one) behind you 100% or it won't work out, and start looking for land. Don't be in a rush for anything. I know it's exciting and seems too good to be true and you can envision the "after" life, but between here and there is a lot of the "before" life which is hard work and planning.

11-15-2007, 06:03 AM
Thanks guys!

I have little to no debt... And I've got the lady's backing on this.

I've calmed my self down a little, and am just reading up on as much as possible. General building info. Trying to get everything laid out in a real high end generalized sense.

I appreciate the posts. Thanks!

mushin no shin: mind of no mind

11-15-2007, 07:23 AM
All excellent advice!

Have to second; "don't be in a hurry!"
It's a little like hunting deer. You can wear yourself out chasing deer,
or just sit back, watch & learn, and wait for the deer to come to you.
Watch & learn what good deals are, and then spring into action when
they cross your path. BTW...when they cross your path it's good to
have bullets in your gun ($$ in your pocket).

Search the threads for the recommended tools, and ALWAYS buy the
very best. Maybe not the most expensive, but always the highest
quality, and in excellent condition. Also, search the site for recommended
reading. You just can't go wrong there.

Here's the hardest lesson to learn. Wait until after the class to buy your
land. Chances are ideas, and ideals my change. Also for some unknown
reason the great deals on land started falling into my lap after I took the
class. May not be the same for you, but I would wait on a land purchase.

Here's a secret from Skip. Build...no, ONLY BUILD the smallest house you
can afford. It takes less time to build a smaller house, less materials to
handle, and pay $$ for. A lower priced building permit, lower taxes, less
house to clean and maintain, and more family togetherness. Plan small,
de-accumulate, and plan smaller. Get rid of the stuff you really don't need
or use, and plans still smaller. Keep life simple, and remember, the more
you have, the more you have to take care of.

I'm rambling again....

11-15-2007, 09:23 AM
That sounds like great advice!
Maybe we need to have another auction?
LOL....I can be such a packrat!

God Bless Ya,