View Full Version : Mixed species?

09-13-2007, 06:51 AM
My name is Eric Hallstaff. (Lngbeard cause I like to hunt the elusive wild turkey). I live off of Big Rock road in Duvall Wa. I must be pretty close to where the classes are held? I am waiting for next class to open up. I have 15 acres of Lake Roosevelt view property above Northport Flat creek road north of Kettle falls. Part of my property has a variety of trees. Cedar, Pine and Fir. Which brings me to my question-Can a log home be built of mixed species? Thanks for your time and input. Lngbeard

09-13-2007, 07:10 AM
Welcome Eric, to answer your question...Yes you can use mixed species and the class covers the best way to go about that. The class is located near Monroe.

09-13-2007, 08:21 AM
Thanks Kyle, That is good info. I don't know if I have enough logs of one type but I think if mixed works I should be good to go!