View Full Version : Federal No trespassing signs
09-05-2007, 01:22 PM
I am having a really hard time finding where I can get these signs. I can't even locate any type of standard so that I can have the signs made. What do they have to say? What type of Font? What size? What material? I have called just about ever local government office about where and what I need to have one of these and every response has been "Federal no trespassing? What's that?".
Please help Thank you.
You mean like these...?
09-06-2007, 01:29 PM
09-07-2007, 05:33 AM
You mean like these...?
Unfortunately those won't work. They do not have US code on them, so they would not be effective as federal no trespassing signs.
09-07-2007, 05:35 AM
I have seen these signs. But which one is correct? We are talking about a federal requirement that must be met. I need more information such as what size the sign has to be, what type of font, how big the font has to be, and exactly what has to be on the sign for it to meed the guidelines. It won't do any good to use a sign that does not meet the requirements because it will be null and void. Even speed limit signs have to meet certain requirements or they are not considered valid.
09-07-2007, 06:56 AM
Are looking for signs specific to a government installation?
The only areas that I know of that would require 'regulation size font, style and sign schemes' would apply to very specific uses and not a simple posting for a private citizen's land. Now your state may require posted lands to have some sort of "standard format," but that is a different matter all together.
If you can explain the use and application you intend for theses signs it might help to illustrate for others on this forum.
If you are speaking about US code and governmental fiduciary duties, the LHBA's signs do appear to quote them and even give the article numbers.
09-07-2007, 05:29 PM
I did some research on title 18, section 241 of the U.S.C.
First, many (government, and private) websites don't even show sect 241 under the title. (which seems odd). See or I finally searched for it, and it still exists, with some (minor) changes to what is published on the LHBA website.
"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any citizen in the free exercise or enjoyment of a right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same;
or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with the intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured ?
They shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results, they shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for life.?
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured?
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
which version is (currently) correct? Does LHBA have a lawyer on staff?
09-07-2007, 06:49 PM
Peter, in essence they are the same, we just ended the quote before the stuff you underlined.?
As far as I know, there is no such thing as an "official Federal no trespassing sign."
Our signs were carefully researched by people who regularly engage in Guerilla-Lawfare with the Man -- folks who also happen to be our good?friends :)
Our signs are based on circuit court rulings, SCOTUS rulings, the Constitution, et cetera.? We have personally ?had good results with these signs, and?we've received reports from members that?they too have found them to be very effective.
We always use, and recommend, both signs.? I'm not sure if only one or the other would be as effective as both.?
Our crack legal team, comprised of people who actually know the law (unlike most of those with Esq. after their name), are also not sure if only one or the other sign would work.?
I suppose you could squish it all on to one sign, but?I understand that the signs are less effective if they are not legible ;)?
09-08-2007, 04:00 AM
Do these signs have a tendency to antagonize public officials in a way that would paint a bigger target on my butt...
I like to lay low and I wonder if this would draw more attention.
What has your experience been with that.
09-08-2007, 09:47 AM
My experience is that in today's legal/social/political climate, jurys and many judges tend to rule in favor of any citizen that can demonstrate a government official transgressed against their fiduciary duties.
What this means is that unless the public servant gets a court ordered warrant for their actions, they cross the line. Most will not seek one. If it ends up being a case of a personal vendeta by the public servant, that is more fodder for your lawyers.
I would venture to guess that postings like these simply keep them honest and remind them of both their fiduciary duties and the LIMITS of the powers of their office.
If they antagonize, it is simply a "personal problem." In that case, it probably would not be difficult to prove that any adverse actions by government officials in response to them is beyond the scope of their offical capacities.
09-08-2007, 11:55 AM
I'll buy that...
Thanks for your response...
11-07-2007, 04:27 AM
Do these signs also apply to social services/child protection agencies? Also, I read that someone had printed them for sale. How do we buy one?
11-07-2007, 07:23 AM
It depends on the reason for the visit.
Often, they come with a warrant in hand and law enforcment when it is serious.
Also, some governmental agents such as game wardens do not require warrants, so be aware of that.
11-07-2007, 07:50 AM
I worked for the Census Bureau for Census 2000. We were told (with laws quoted, blah blah) that No Trespassing signs etc. were to be disregarded, as long as we felt safe doing so. (I.e. they didn't want us eaten by dogs or shot, law or not.) One neat thing about the Census though, is that NO ONE can get individual info from them. The IRS tried to get info on someone from the Census Bureau once, and the Supreme Court told em to get bent.
...and observe how our Constitutional Rights get trampled. Little by little they wittle away at these rights. If they took them away all at once the sheeple would object. But if they slowly dissect things a little a time they accomplish their goal while the sheeple watch american idol.
Guard dogs are great deterrants and I have a few signs that say "Trespassers Shot". AND I almost always open carry my pistol. The presence of a weapon is in itself quite powerful. Showing your weapon (in a non-threatening fashion) and sternly telling someone to get off your property works quite well. In my eyes, The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and I try to stand up and exercise those rights.
Another good sign is "Beware, large animal traps set on property".
and "Beware, Guard Dogs on Property"
and "Caution, Shooting Range Area"
and "Beware, Demolition Site"
can anyone think of any others? :)
11-07-2007, 09:00 AM
Just to plug the benign nature of the Census and its importance to the Constitutional process...
Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Section 2: "The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct."
Census numbers are used to determine how many Representatives the States have in the House of Representatives, and the number of Electoral votes in the Electoral College. Not being counted undermines one's own Constitutional power to affect change in government. So, at the very least, it is in every citizen's interest to be counted.
As for the demographic data collected, it is provided to local governments for planning purposes, so they can provide services like schools, hospitals, road and infrastructure, police and fire protection, etc. Now, how effectively one's local municipality uses that information might be suspect. But citizens have even greater power on a local level to hold those in power responsible for their performance in office.
So... Should we consider it a Constitutional "right" NOT to be counted? Perhaps. Of course, one can also exercise their right to have no affect on their government by simply not voting. So while I certainly appreciate everyone's right to privacy, I encourage everyone to be cooperative with the Census Bureau. They really are doing a good thing, AND a good thing mandated by the US Constitution.
/soapbox off
11-07-2007, 09:02 AM
can anyone think of any others?
U.S. Government missle test range
Klapton, I have no trouble with being counted. Big Gov knows who I am and where I am. They took care of that with SSN and other bureaucratic nonsense. But I do have probs with them coming on my property to ask about it...and I have serious issues when they want me to give them oodles and gobs of my personal information.
cocked and locked,
Kola :)
11-07-2007, 09:15 AM
can anyone think of any others?
U.S. Government missle test range
Unexploded Ordinance would be good too, lol.
11-07-2007, 09:20 AM
Unexploded Ordinance would be good too, lol.
I've seen those signs, and they work for me! Probably bull patties, but I'm not going to find out!!!
2 cents
11-07-2007, 10:09 AM
I just started reading a book called "40 acres and a Fool", about a guy who moved from city life to country life and his experiences. He said he put signs up that said "DO NOT FEED THE MONKEYS!" and for some reason this worked better than simple "No Tresspassing" signs. He really wrote this in his book!
I guess anything outlandish may make people step back and think twice.
2 cents
(I wonder if "Beware of Sasquatch" would work......)
11-07-2007, 11:08 AM
"Under Quarintine, High Risk Warning"
"Biological Disease Testing Site"
11-07-2007, 11:20 AM
Big Gay Al's Big Gay Animal Sanctuary
Wild Grizzley Refuge
11-07-2007, 02:16 PM
IRS Training camp
Ahhhhh! Run away run away!
I would not recommend signs that provoke officials to get warrant or some inspection to search for hazardous or explosive materials on your property, and make you liable for their expenses.
I will use sign that warns about extreme danger on property but not explains at all what it is about, like this:
or this one -
(I have high voltage microwave !)
or this one:
(sometimes my chainsaw may be extremely dangerous ! )
Very good point GT. I especially like the first sign you posted. It is very generalized but powerful. Kola
11-07-2007, 06:02 PM
After pinning all my logs, I think I'll put a sign out for all the onlookers & question-askers:
"Enter this property & you will be put to work"
11-08-2007, 09:10 AM
I like all the signs in the movie 'Second Hand Lions' for those who have seen it. ; )
The big gay Al and C02 signs really cracked me up.
Klapton, since you are planning on building in a potential flood plain, you need signs that say, "Danger!!! Do Not Enter!!! Area Subject to Extremely High Levels of DiHydrogen Monoxide!!!
2 cents
11-08-2007, 10:44 AM
"Danger!!! Do Not Enter!!! Area Subject to Extremely High Levels of DiHydrogen Monoxide!!!"
Yes! This is my absolute favorite so far. ;)
2 cents
11-08-2007, 11:35 AM
Danger! Fat, tele-commuting computer nerd walking around in his boxers!
11-12-2007, 03:33 AM
...and observe how our Constitutional Rights get trampled. Little by little they wittle away at these rights. If they took them away all at once the sheeple would object. But if they slowly dissect things a little a time they accomplish their goal while the sheeple watch american idol.
Guard dogs are great deterrants and I have a few signs that say "Trespassers Shot". AND I almost always open carry my pistol. The presence of a weapon is in itself quite powerful. Showing your weapon (in a non-threatening fashion) and sternly telling someone to get off your property works quite well. In my eyes, The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and I try to stand up and exercise those rights.
Another good sign is "Beware, large animal traps set on property".
and "Beware, Guard Dogs on Property"
and "Caution, Shooting Range Area"
and "Beware, Demolition Site"
can anyone think of any others? :)
How about " lunatic with chainsaw on property" That was my brothers idea, I guess the deranged look I get when I fire that sucker up makes him nervous.
11-12-2007, 09:32 AM
We had a situation this weekend where we had to call the Sherrif Deputy in just to file a report. We have an easement that quads think they can use to access DNR land, but we've made it very clear they are not to use our easment. They came up the drive Saturday and I went out to confront them. It was a family (Dad, Mom, teenage-son) from just about 3 blocks down the paved road. The father made an idle threat about making our lives hell if we didn't allow them to use our easement. As soon as I called the Sherrif he ran off on his quad into the woods, leaving his wife and son behind (yeah, classy guy), so I'm guessing they know him. Needless to say, we'll never be out there again without our Remington loaded and within reach at all times.
Our other neighbors said he's stupid enough to try something (theft, vandalism, etc.). Just awesome.
My brother in-law suggested the following:
ATTN: Private Property. Idle threats will be met with force by an A.D.D. induced paranoid rage brought on by too many years of playing video games, anti-social behavior and sever lack of interpersonal contact. Basically, I view you as a moving target (unless of course you are not moving, and then I just look at you as easy pickings).
Not that any of that is true in my case, but there's so many that it is, so you never know who that might be.
10-02-2016, 09:24 AM
The neighbor's and I have been getting an ever growing population of increasingly brazen hunters coming up onto our land recently. They just pull up, park on our property, and start trudging around like they own the place. Their excuse? "Well, the state game lands are right over that way."
. . . . . . . . yea, across the private land you drove across, parked on, and another 1/4 mile you still have to hike, to get to . . . . . . .
Then they get all bent when you chase them off. Seriously? What is the mindset of people today? So I had made and put up a rather official looking sign that will hopefully deter some of this problem. I also noticed an uptick in vehicles driving right past my No Trespassing signs at the edge of my property. (I have numerous game cameras placed throughout my property) I guess I need to finally hang gates on the posts I put in several years ago.
10-02-2016, 03:18 PM
some nerve!
10-03-2016, 10:45 AM
In my state of Oregon, it's illegal to hunt on private property without written permission in possession. It is also a very gun friendly state, an open carry state. We also have great rural cops. People who we tend to help. In rural areas, not everyone is well versed in the printed law but they tend to understand right and wrong. Keep in mind, we have only about 6-8 neighbors in a few mile radius. We are on a private easement (not a city/county/state road) which has one way in and one way out. No public access to any public property or facilities. The smallest property owner in the area has at least 40 acres and we are 4o miles out of the city.
We are the local LEO and they end up being report takers. We don't have the same political pressures as they do. They have to please political leaders. We don't.
10-03-2016, 05:59 PM
I had a problem with ppl poaching on my land once. I had no hunting signs everywhere and they didn't even slow down. One morning I saw two guys on 4 wheelers go through my gate with the sign on it and park at the edge of the field and walk into the woods . This was opening morning of gun season and they didn't bother to look my way. I gave them about 15 minutes to get deep into the woods and I got my 30.06 and shot a hole through the motor of what looked like a pretty new Honda rancher. When they came out of the woods they weren't happy and argued for a short time. I gave them time to get out a tow strap and use one atv to tow the other one. They never came back.. lol
10-04-2016, 09:09 AM
Now see. That's how ya handle things. :-D
10-04-2016, 04:09 PM
I like that solution. Allegedly. I would never put it in writing, though.
10-05-2016, 04:53 AM
In his defense, he did mistaken it for a charging bear, so it was totally OK. 😉
10-05-2016, 09:11 AM
I told the wife I was going to put up a sign stating that "This land has been certified to contain an extremely high concentration of Rattlesnakes and Copperheads. Access is restricted to authorized personnel only." But she felt I might be laying out a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I still think it was a good idea. Fortunately (insert woodknocking sound here), we have had no issues with theft or strangers on our property. Or snakes for that matter. We have only seen one so far, and it was just some variety of the black snake.
10-05-2016, 01:21 PM
In his defense, he did mistaken it for a charging bear, so it was totally OK. [emoji6]
I invited them to call the sheriff. Coming on to my posted private property with a firearm is a felony. As far as I'm concerned I was just target practicing. They knew they weren't supposed to be there.
10-05-2016, 05:09 PM
Would have been a better story if they had somehow parked over top of 3-4 pounds of Tannerite
10-05-2016, 06:12 PM
Would have been a better story if they had somehow parked over top of 3-4 pounds of Tannerite
This was in 2008, I didn't know about tannerite back then. Lol
10-06-2016, 08:39 AM
How 'bout a sign that states, "The sounds of banjos have been heard in these woods"
10-06-2016, 10:00 AM
How 'bout a sign that states, "The sounds of banjos have been heard in these woods"
It can happen! When Jake (Son) was about 7 years old, we found him an Australian Sheppard pup for his very own. We had to train the pup to stay away from the paved road and still be an outside mostly dog. I helped Jake run 100 yards (900 microkilometers) of hot wire through the woods but then there was that big open hole that we call a driveway.
I gave him a motion sensor light setup with a 2 prong 110v adapter and I bootlegged power over to the tree that we didn't want the dog to pass. Jake set up the motion sensor to play his boombox for 15 seconds every time the motion sensor was tripped. Then he filled a cassette (a cassette is like a thumb drive but it is more mechanical) with sounds of him catching the pup doing something wrong. He yelled "hey you!' and clapped his hands, and whistled, and real slow and mean like said stuff like "you git home NOW!". He had a blast recording both sides of the cassette and then we watched her closely the first few times she tried to sneak out the driveway. Worked like a charm.
It worked so good that the neighbor kid was scared scootless one time. I was doing dishes and looking straight out the driveway. The neighbor kid (15 years old or so) was running up and down the road on his dirt bike. Suddenly he coasted in our driveway (something he'd never done before) and stopped dead. He looked around and I was thinking he was looking for something to steal. Suddenly he fired up and made for home.
Next day his Dad saw me on the road and flagged me down. He wanted to make sure that we weren't mad at son, Taylor, for coming in our driveway looking for his sister's horse. He said someone was hiding and yelling at him to "git home right NOW!". I told him what was up and said Taylor was welcome any time. Never saw him again on the place.
Banjos coming from several places in the woods would work.
10-06-2016, 10:31 AM
It can happen! When Jake (Son) was about 7 years old, we found him an Australian Sheppard pup for his very own. We had to train the pup to stay away from the paved road and still be an outside mostly dog. I helped Jake run 100 yards (900 microkilometers) of hot wire through the woods but then there was that big open hole that we call a driveway.
I gave him a motion sensor light setup with a 2 prong 110v adapter and I bootlegged power over to the tree that we didn't want the dog to pass. Jake set up the motion sensor to play his boombox for 15 seconds every time the motion sensor was tripped. Then he filled a cassette (a cassette is like a thumb drive but it is more mechanical) with sounds of him catching the pup doing something wrong. He yelled "hey you!' and clapped his hands, and whistled, and real slow and mean like said stuff like "you git home NOW!". He had a blast recording both sides of the cassette and then we watched her closely the first few times she tried to sneak out the driveway. Worked like a charm.
It worked so good that the neighbor kid was scared scootless one time. I was doing dishes and looking straight out the driveway. The neighbor kid (15 years old or so) was running up and down the road on his dirt bike. Suddenly he coasted in our driveway (something he'd never done before) and stopped dead. He looked around and I was thinking he was looking for something to steal. Suddenly he fired up and made for home.
Next day his Dad saw me on the road and flagged me down. He wanted to make sure that we weren't mad at son, Taylor, for coming in our driveway looking for his sister's horse. He said someone was hiding and yelling at him to "git home right NOW!". I told him what was up and said Taylor was welcome any time. Never saw him again on the place.
Banjos coming from several places in the woods would work.
Can you explain how this cassette thing works for us young'uns?
10-06-2016, 10:37 AM
Can you explain how this cassette thing works for us young'uns?
That depends.
Metric cassettes or standard cassettes?
They use different players and playback speeds, and the metric ones require you to use a voltage converter to 220v.
I think LHN has a few of them laying around mixed in with his 8-track collection.
10-06-2016, 01:07 PM
A cassette is a box made out of Bakelite that has a ribbon made outa brown bread wrapper that has a bunch of microscopic transistors and resistors glued to it. You stick the whole shebang on a machine that somehow records and unrecords stuff as it passes the tape through a magic slot. I think it is kinda like what happens in a floppy disc except it is a lot floppier.
All this happens almost as quick as instantaneously... once the tubes warm up.
I don't know how they do it all nowadays, but the cassettes were a lot more slicker a setup than a record on a record player was.
10-06-2016, 01:57 PM
A cassette is a box made out of Bakelite that has a ribbon made outa brown bread wrapper that has a bunch of microscopic transistors and resistors glued to it. You stick the whole shebang on a machine that somehow records and unrecords stuff as it passes the tape through a magic slot. I think it is kinda like what happens in a floppy disc except it is a lot floppier.
All this happens almost as quick as instantaneously... once the tubes warm up.
I don't know how they do it all nowadays, but the cassettes were a lot more slicker a setup than a record on a record player was.
Sounds complicated. You old fogey's. Nowadays we just hit a button on the iPhone and it starts recording. Cassette sounds like stone age stuff to me.
10-06-2016, 08:28 PM
Banjos are kinda stoneageish too, but I think the right banjo music might run a shiver through a trespasser.
Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk
10-10-2016, 09:48 AM
Why not some kind of sign that warns of your mining operation and a possible deadly lead and copper contamination to anyone entering your property without permission?
This also begs the question: How many of the younger crowd understands the significance of the Banjo music referred to.
10-10-2016, 10:20 AM
This also begs the question: How many of the younger crowd understands the significance of the Banjo music referred to.
Quite a few I would guess. Far more interwebz memes about Banjo music than cassette players.
10-10-2016, 11:38 AM
Quite a few I would guess. Far more interwebz memes about Banjo music than cassette players.
That hurt. <Smile> The cassettes were long before that music. 8-track or the prior 4-track tapes, even fewer understand. For those of us with a few years, we might also remember back when a record player, in the car, was the first selectable music, when the AM radio was still an option. It was many years before even the Muncie (???) 4-track.
10-10-2016, 12:17 PM
That hurt. <Smile> The cassettes were long before that music. 8-track or the prior 4-track tapes, even fewer understand. For those of us with a few years, we might also remember back when a record player, in the car, was the first selectable music, when the AM radio was still an option. It was many years before even the Muncie (???) 4-track.
I'm just kidding about the cassettes anyways. I was really the cd generation (I'm either on the very high end of the Millenial age group or a year over it, depending on who defines it). But because I was too cheap to buy cd's, I used to have a cassette ready in the right spot on the tape to record a song I liked when it came on the radio. When I heard the first notes I would dash over to the radio and hit play and record at the same time to catch the song so I could listen to it in my Walkman later on. This was about 5-7 years before Napster. And then my whole world changed...
10-11-2016, 07:50 PM
Here are a couple of my signs. One is from the Log Home Builders Association.
10-12-2016, 12:43 AM
This is the sign that ended up nailed to the pine tree out near our road, just after a visit from one of our LHBA friends. The wind blew it down and I better nailed it back up. It is still there and seems to do the job.
John W
10-14-2016, 12:26 PM
Jumping on the rattlesnake suggestion above.
Official looking sign: "Rattlesnake deliveries at south gate"
05-23-2017, 08:36 PM
Does the Log Home Builders Association still sell no trespassing signs?
05-24-2017, 02:56 AM
Here's a pretty good one:
The Miller Family
06-11-2020, 10:10 AM
Does the LHBA still sell the no trespassing signs? We would love to buy a few if we could!
06-11-2020, 10:13 AM
No, we don't carry those any longer. There are lots of similar signs available online if you search around a bit.
The Miller Family
06-11-2020, 08:15 PM
Ok. Thanks, Steve.
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