View Full Version : Tool list?

08-28-2007, 05:16 PM
Hello all!

I noticed that the tools needed to build log homes can fit into the trunk of the car. May I ask that you guys put down a list of tools needed for building log homes so I can begin to collect them well before the time comes to begin building please?

Also I plan to use the trees from my own proptery that I will be buying in near future - does it matter what trees I use? And I think we'll move unto the property sometimes in the fall - can we cut down all the necessary trees in winter as suggested by this website (because the sap is down) and then use it in the spring or must we wait a year or two before using the logs?

How do I figure out how many trees to cut down for a 2,000 SQ home with a good sized loft?

To be certain I understood properly - is it true that it takes only few days to build the home as in foundation and frames with windows & doors that we can move in and do the work inside while living in it?

I would love to attend the classes that might be coming up this fall or next spring - I only hope I'll have the $$ by then.

Any good books to read that would help me with my questions?

Thank you for your time all!! :0)


08-28-2007, 11:45 PM
The easiest way to get all of questions answered is sign up for class like everyone of us did.



2 cents
08-29-2007, 06:41 AM

I know you will take the class. I also know that once you get this idea in your head that you can build your own house, it's very hard to wait to get started in some fashion. GT is right, you won't be able to do it without he valuable info you'll get from the class, but I don't think there's anything wrong with prepping a little bit beforehand, either by doing a little reading or maybe looking at a few tools. Besides, if one did not end up taking the class, i'm not quite sure what else one would do with a "bark spud"... ;p

I've heard that the book "Living Homes" by Thomas Elpel is a good read, and describes the LHBA method in brief, along with other interesting building methods.

Some of the items, like the triple block, you may want to wait until taking the class so you know what you are getting it for--- this can help you make a better decision on buying. Actually, anything on the list that you have no idea how it's used, you might wait till after the class-- that's just my personal opinion, I don't feel comfortable buying anything until I really know how I'll be using it. Also the sledge hammer for instance, you might not know till after the class what size sledge you would be wanting to use. But there are many general things on the list that most people are already familiar with, like a ladder, carpenter's square or level.

A list of tools:

Chain saw
Block and tackle (6" triple block)
Hand winch or come-along
Sledge hammer
Brace and bits (if you don't have electricity)
1/2" electric drill
100' of chain (3/8" in 10' lengths)
600' polypropylene rope 1/2" diameter
Carpenters level
Hand level for shooting elevations (or Abney level)
Rebar cutter
Pick and shovel
Post hole digger
50' tape measure
Swede hook
Carpenters square
Chisel set
Bark spud
Digging bar
Log dogs
Plumb bob
Chalk line
30' extension ladder
Construction knife
Portable generator (if no electricity avail)
10" 'C' clamps
Putty knife
Mortar board
Portable concrete mixer (nice to have but not required)
1000' white string

08-30-2007, 09:41 AM
Thank you! :0)

I know - I would definately attend the class if I had the money. But I don't - however, I plan to save and hopefully by the time the class is open I'll have enough. 900 is a lot of money to come up with...we'll see...

Thank you for the list and recommodation for the books...

Have a good day!
