View Full Version : Hand peeled (leaving some bark on)
08-25-2007, 07:25 PM
My wife and I both really like the look of LoknLogs hand peeled which leaves some of the bark on the log.
However, a competitor (we have not decided on a maufacturer yet) has argued that leaving the bark and the cadmium (?) layer on the log are the worst thing that you could do and he would never do it. His arguments centered around rot, insect investation, and that eventually the bark and cad layer will die and fall off - leaving an unsightly looking log.
I have now heard both sides from each side of the fence from salesmen/manufacturers.
Wanted to get an independent opinion and hopefully some accuate information on the topic
08-25-2007, 08:53 PM
It sounds like you have gotten quite a bit of mixed information there.
The cambium layer will not encourage insects in itself, however leaving the bark on is one way to encourage them to remain or take refuge.
The safest route is to simply hand peel your logs and remove the bark, leave the cambium layer if you are so inclined to have less maintennace ---or, sand and put the money out for expensive preservatives and maintenance.
If your logs are peeled correctly and depending upon species the intact cambium layer will take on a nice even sheen and age well along with the log into a nice patina (it will increase the weather resistance of the log as well---this technique has been used for thousands of years on hand tool shafts due to the properties of the cambium layer).
As for rot--there are several factors that create the conditions that allow a log to rot--simply leaving the cambium layer on a log is not one of them.
Also, if I may be so bold as to urge you to not buy a kit home. It is evident from the information you have conveyed that the few manufacturers you have spoken to thus far may give you further ill-informed advice. If they can't get the basics of log peeling, rot and the properties of the cambrium layer correct they probably are far amis on other things regarding home building.
08-26-2007, 06:35 AM
Andrew, thanks for your reply. One of the arguments used by the log home salesman from Company X was that the bark that was left on will eventually fall off and it will leave the logs looking ugly (assuming the logs were sealed with the bark on, some years go by and the logs naturally color, and then the bark falls off leaving in its place a patch of distinctly different coloring.)
My wife and I are trying to make intelligent decisions, and that is why I have come to this forum - to try to get informed, objective opinions that are not tied to Company X or Company Y
My wife and I REALLY like the look of the LoknLogs hand peeled logs. Through their manufacturing and milling process, they leave pieces and strips of the bark on. We really like the rustic look of some portions of the bark remaining.
Our concern, is what will happen in the future. Will the bark fall off - leaving unsightly discolorations? Will leaving the bark on provide a SIGNIFICANT insect problem? Will leaving the bark on require more maintenance?
We appreciate any and all comments and we are trying to make the most informed decision as we can
08-27-2007, 07:29 PM
Sorry, I should not have put that last comment on my reply to your post--I didn't think anyone would have run with it.
For my part, I hope that what you come away with on this forum is to be careful when dealing with salesmen and builders and don't let anyone bamboozle you into making a decision you might regret. It is very certain that you can educate yourself on this subject and know more about it than the salesperson or builder you might be dealing with.
It is obvious you are already a keen consumer as you are looking for more information on things that you have already come to see as contradictory (which was a very common experience for most of us when we were shopping for builders).
If you really like the look with the outer bark, then you would want to do some research on preservatives and anit-fungal/insect treatments.
Best of luck!
P.S., I took a look at the manufacturer's site you quoted and from the picures (I have an LCD screen, not the best resolution) it does not appear to me that they actually include much of the outer bark--mostly cambium layer in patches. If that is what you are talking about, then it is not a traditional method of leaving the bark on the log but more an incomplete hand peel job with what some might say are rough areas. They most likely use a too agressive tool to hand peel which results in the look you see. Traditional hand peeling would leave a more even appearance that would result in a an even sheen over time and with some species a nice silvery glow after a few years.
Since that manufacturer pressure treats their lumber and states on their website that additional preservative action should be taken every three to five years, I would think it is a quite involved process and would be in the higher maintenance cost relative to other log treatment and building methods.
I would not be so inclined to worry about insects as I would weather resistance--at least with the lumber/timber I saw on their site--as there were quite a few examples of areas that had been gouged (again, probably due to the use of too agressive tools in peeling).
08-27-2007, 10:28 PM
If you have ever been to Yellowstone National Park and took the tour of the Yellowstone Lodge, they will tell you that for about the first 40 years after the Yellowstone lodge was built it had the bark on the logs. At that time they decided to take the bark off the logs mostly to make it easier to clean the rooms and change the appearance. The Yellowstone lodge is over 100 years old if I remember right so unless your friend who is worried about bark has his structures lasting longer than that, the proof is in the pudding. Of course, Yellowstone has a climate that isn't as attractive to bugs as some others.
I personally wouldn't leave the bark on but I see no problems with the striped look of hand peeling you are talking about. Part of the look depends on the tools and methods used to peel the logs as Andrew said.
Good luck in your search for the perfect log home for you. Not everyone likes the same thing and it is important that we each have what we like.
08-28-2007, 08:29 AM
If my memory serves me, there are examples of piece-on-piece construction in Quebec from the 17th - 18th century that still have the bark intact. I would be curious to know what type of preservation is required to keep them up. I do know that several manuals and books on log building from the 19th and early 20th century give examples of building with the outer bark left on. I would venture to guess that the use of creosote and the climate proved favorable to that type of log finish. It seems that most authors speak of the "bark falling off" in passing and did not seem too concerned--basically, like the Yellowstone Lodge, mention that refinishing in the future can be undertaken if the bark flakes to a point of not beeing esthetically pleasing, or a lighter finish to the logs is later desired.
You might want to take a look at some of the homes on the LHBA site as the Organization's preferred log peeling method can produce a look similar to what you might like, but with the added bennefit of proper care with the cambium layer.
pinecone pam
09-08-2007, 12:52 AM
In reply to your question, I too liked a little more rugged appearance to my logs. So, I left a little cambium on them, random, a little more naturally grabbed around the knots anyway. It looks awesome. I treated, stained and sealed over it. 8 to 9 years later the cambium is still there, looks good and has no bugs, no rot. As for heavier bark, I feel sure that it will dry and fall off just like it does off logs on a rack. Think about it, the logs shrink back from the bark naturally when they dry. Also, down the road, the cambium becomes firm, and if you are using a pressure washer for that annual rinse and get too excited, you'll lift the cambium off and then you will leave a mark both from UV exposure and previous staining.
Good luck!
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