View Full Version : Log Cabin Pics

06-24-2007, 01:28 PM
Just got back from Vacation in the beautiful state of Colorado, Saw many cabins, mostly kits I am sure, but here are a few examples of Pioneer work and Butt and Pass that i had the pleasure of examining.

This first one is in the city park of Colorado City and dates back to 1859, it once hosted the Colorado legislature as they selected Colorado City as the Capital for a brief time. It has been restored but wasn't open to view the inside, but peeking through the windows it was exciting to imagine the role it played in Colorado History.



06-24-2007, 01:36 PM
These next ones were from Santa's Workshop which was originally opened in 1956, these cabins date to then and are of Butt N Pass construction. The logs had been coated with a really heavy urethane or something and appeared very dark on the outside, but the inside Hand peeled logs were magnificient. My indoor pics didn't come out so good, but when I have time I'll take them into Photoshop and fix them, when I do they'll get posted. I noticed a few logs with damage, but all in all the structures were in great shape. The Chapel and santa house were especially beautiful on the inside, There is something about Stained glass windows surrounded by logs!!!

I tried to find a Maintenance Man to ask about the cabins and their upkeep, repair etc but had no luck. Enough Talk on with the pics!

Santa's House

B N P corner Santa's House

Santa's Mailroom

Santa's Chapel

06-25-2007, 07:06 AM
Cool, thanks for the pics!

08-19-2007, 03:32 PM
Hey Shark,

Tell me about your Outback Brush Cutter.

Like it?
Better than a riding mower?
Would you buy it again?

I've used a similar mower but your
mower appears to be much larger.


08-19-2007, 07:41 PM
Hey Shark,

Tell me about your Outback Brush Cutter.

Like it?
Better than a riding mower?
Would you buy it again?

I've used a similar mower but your
mower appears to be much larger.



I just rented it for a day, our lot had alot of overgrown grass, trees, shrubs etc.
We cleared probably close to an acre, maybe more, in a few hours.

I didn't want to get someone out there, there were some bad stump holes & such that would likely "eat" a riding mower!

Used maybe a gallon of gas, & definitely worth the $60 to rent for a 1/2 day.

It had 3 forward gears (fast one makes it do a wheelie!), & 1 reverse, can go through brush up to 1" thick.

We fit it into my 2500HD with 2 guys, it's about 350 lbs.

Hope that helps.