View Full Version : Is this do-able?
04-03-2007, 09:59 AM
Hi all, I'm sure you get this question quite often, but after searching I couldn't really find information specific enough for me.
Well, I'm a 24 year old college student who has been recently married (3/12/07). My parents are willing to sell some of their land on the back side of their property to me. Large, old, oak trees make up 95% of the forrest. I dont really want to cut down the beautiful trees to make a yard, and I would rather not cut grass if I dont have to. So building a log home seems like the perfect fit. We are looking in the 1000 - 1500 sqft range (just two people, no kids) and wanting to keep the budget under $150,000.
I would do the large part of the work myself, as I have plenty of friends in the construction business who could help/advise me. I would have to purchase the logs though, as I have no time or means to do the logging myself. So basically I can take care of the foundation, most of the plumbing and wiring, and most of the other odds and ends involved. I just need the logs and to have the main structure built.
Is this something I can/should pursue, or should I just scrap it and think of a stick-built home?
P.s. I've purchase books on log home building, and I'm currently reading them.
Any info is greatly appreciated.
Josh F. (N. Georgia)
04-03-2007, 10:43 AM
You should be able to get some decent pines from lower to mid GA or elsewhere and should not come anywhere close to your budget if you do it properly (with time and the tips learned in class). Just build it small enough to cover your future plans.
Good luck!!
04-03-2007, 04:19 PM
Wow, yea, $150K is a nice budget to work with.?
You should easily come in well below that if you build a LHBA butt & pass style home, with plenty of money left over for the "non-essentials" and "luxury items."? A 30x30 is an easy and affordable build, considering the fairly short log lengths. If you built it with a 3/4 second floor, (1/4 open to below) you'd have 1575 s.f.
I've budgeted $60K for my 35x35 and other folks have even come in well below that.?
Most money that goes into an expensive home is spent on the "fancies" and much of that is in the kitchen. So, if you stay away from imported granite countertops, stainless steel commercial appliances, and bathtubs hand carved from boulders, (you'll read about that one in the forums) and 100 inch plasma screen TVs, then building your own home can be very affordable.
Building LHBA style can be built even far less than you might even thought possible. (just in case you're picking up flak from the uninformed, that log homes are expensive and high maintenance) I strongly recommend that you and your wife take the class, and then draw a conclusion from that. I think you'll be pleasently surprised at what you'll learn.
The last time I looked Steve and Ellsworth opened up another class. You may want to jump in quick as they fill up fast.
cheers, steers and ...umm beers!
04-03-2007, 04:37 PM
Thanks to all for the great advice. I was beginning to wonder about the feasibility of doing this.
I think you guys have opened up a few more questions: When you guys are talking about having "plenty" of money left over for extras, what do you think the actual HOME can be built for? What kind of home are you talking about building? Kit or....?
I've seen several kits available, but I've heard/read they aren't that great. I dont want to buy a junk heap that will be rotten in a few years. I'm not opposed to treating the wood when necessary, I believe in preventative maintenance for my vehicles, and the same for pretty much everything else.
Again, your help is MUCH appreciated and I'll definately look into the class.
04-03-2007, 04:57 PM
The last time I looked Steve and Ellsworth opened up another class. You may want to jump in quick as they fill up fast.
cheers, steers and ...umm beers!
Thanks for the info, but I just got married (used all my vacation time) so I cant take off work to make it to Seattle for the class. Are there any classes in the Southern states that would be drivable? Are there any plans for such classes?
04-03-2007, 07:54 PM
When you guys are talking about having "plenty" of money left over for extras, what do you think the actual HOME can be built for? What kind of home are you talking about building? Kit or....?
I've seen several kits available, but I've heard/read they aren't that great. I dont want to buy a junk heap that will be rotten in a few years. I'm not opposed to treating the wood when necessary, I believe in preventative maintenance for my vehicles, and the same for pretty much everything else.
Are there any classes in the Southern states that would be drivable? Are there any plans for such classes?
No, definitely NOT kits. Kits are not only expensive, (typically more than a standard stick framed home) but are also full of inherent problems. (which is where most of the "expensive and high maintenance" rumors originate) LHBA teaches true (whole) log home construction techniques which use the best of all features with minimal maintenance required and at minimal cost. Please read up in this general discussion forum and the main website at if you haven't already. There is a wealth of information there, and probably that much again in the Member's section for those who have taken the class. (keep in mind that the website and this forum is no substitute for the class itself. I'd never recommend anyone try to build a home from the information from just the website and forum. The class is a key part of the equation)
It's impossible to quote what your home will cost. Too many variables/options. Much of it will come down to the amount of labor (we call it sweat-equity here) you put into it, and your ingenuity and determination of obtaining materials to build it. Fortunately, the class teaches much of this. Most folks find a balance between time/labor and money available, which ultimately determines the cost of their homes. I believe some folks have built for as little as $20K plus land, for a nice single story home.
Unfortunately, the only class location is in Monroe, WA, and probably always will be. I will say though, that the journey for me was well worth it. I do not exaggerate when I say it was (and still is) a life changing experience that was worth far more than the price of admission.
So, to give you some ideas, I'll list a few of my cost cutting plans which I may or may not use: [list]For a couple thousand, I can build my own sawmill and save thousands on dimensional lumber (and make higher quality lumber, like quarter-sawn floor boards)
Concrete countertops (don't laugh, Google it, and be amazed at what can be done)
Ultra affordable thermal mass/masonry heater ( (could possibly be built for free if you played your cards right)
Live on the property. DO NOT RENT if at all possible. More time and money can be applied to building your home, rather than making a landlord rich and constantly driving between the property and wherever you're renting. (besides, living in a trailer is a real incentive to getting that home built! :wink: ) [/list:u]
04-03-2007, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the info, but I just got married (used all my vacation time) so I cant take off work to make it to Seattle for the class.
That's why you fly up Friday night, take the class Saturday & Sunday, fly out Sunday night (unless you work weekends).
TRUST us - if you're serious about building your own log home you want to take this class.
If you decide to take the class in May send me a private message and I'll give you the low down on where to find a killer deal on boarding for the weekend.
You and your wife, while it might mean scrounging for money to get it done, will never look back.
Josh, Look at the home 2 gals built for 20k! That says it all. 8) <a href="/sheri-debbies-log-home"></a>
That should set your britches on fire and get yur belly burning for some REAL loghome building! Even if you don't build it yourself you will still have a boatload of info (from the class) to know what to look out for... :wink: Kola
04-04-2007, 04:19 AM
That's why you fly up Friday night, take the class Saturday & Sunday, fly out Sunday night (unless you work weekends).
That should be done strickly as a last resort. I mentioned in the past, that if at all possible, add at least one day before and after the class. Why? Well, it keeps your head in the game. You're not worrying about making your plane flight, instead of concentrating on the class. When I took the class, I was surprised to see at least a half dozen people leave halfway through the second day of class, so they could catch their flights. :? Also, being there a day early is good. It gives you time to unwind a bit and perhaps see the area. By gosh, you come all that way, ya may as well get to look around a little. :wink: Not being pressured and rushed will help you absorb the class's teachings.
Perhaps you could get two days of unpaid leave. I use to do that regularly when I worked as an electrician.
04-04-2007, 11:27 PM
I agree with Rod. You probably would not be able to make your flight if it was going out on Sunday night anyway. The 2 hour security check in makes it harder to make flights on time. :x
I could not get any flights (made my reservations too late :evil: ) into Seattle, so I flew into Vancouver, BC and actually cost me less. I just rented a car and drove down to Seattle where my hotel was.
Once you realize this is what you want to do and the "juices" get flowing for taking the class, you WILL find a way to get there.
It was well worth the trip!!!! 8)
04-05-2007, 10:10 AM
Well guys,
After searching under the sofa cushions, and checking the dryer, I have scrounged together enough to pay for tuition and the plane ticket from Atlanta ($250... CHEAP) :D
I work for a company that makes cast stone (immitation limestone) that is used on high-end brick homes and banks. Since this is a construction related class... my boss (great guy) said "no problem... have fun!"
Now I need to check into lodging and a rental car...
I sure hope I build a log home after all this!
GammaRae.... PM Sent
Again, I cant tell you guys how much I appreciate the advice. I'm always in search of people who have "been there, done that" so I can learn what not to do.
way to go Josh..
I am planning to fly out of Denver on a Friday afternoon..then drive around Washington (see some country) then bunker down for a good nites return flight leaves monday morning, so I will have some time to rest up. I try to avoid stress at all costs and I want to be at my best to digest all the material at the class. Rod siad something about all the folks who left early to catch their flight...that is just crazy.
Lately there seems to be a lot of flight delays and the security checks are a pain in the rumplestiltskin. Pretty soon all passengers will be boarding planes in the buff and the planes will carry some goons dressed in SWAT gear...all for our "protection." :evil:
Anyone know where a good close motel is? (from Skips loghome).
peace, courage and freedom,
Anyone know where a good close motel is? (from Skips loghome).
I stayed at the Best Western in Monroe. Its was nice and reasonably priced. Its about a 5 minute drive to the class. There is a grocery store close by where you can go in the morning and get your lunch and drinks for the day. Its been three years but I also remember a mom and pop motel that I think was called the Monroe Motel (original, I know) but I'm not positive that was the name. It was a couple bucks cheaper but the Best Western had a couple extra perks such as a continental breakfast. They used to give a discount to LHBA students but I'm not sure if they still do.
There are also a couple Bed and Breakfast which I didn't know about when I took the class. If I came now I'd prolly try to stay at the Wallace Falls Lodge just because it was built by a student and I'd love to spend time looking at how they went about building the lodge. But I have no idea how far it is from the class.
04-05-2007, 01:17 PM
Hello jsf252 welcome. So do tell, does the company you work for making cast stone ever come up with "seconds" and what do they do with them?
04-05-2007, 02:15 PM
Anyone know where a good close motel is? (from Skips loghome).
I stayed at the Best Western in Monroe. Its was nice and reasonably priced. Its about a 5 minute drive to the class. There is a grocery store close by where you can go in the morning and get your lunch and drinks for the day. Its been three years but I also remember a mom and pop motel that I think was called the Monroe Motel (original, I know) but I'm not positive that was the name. It was a couple bucks cheaper but the Best Western had a couple extra perks such as a continental breakfast. They used to give a discount to LHBA students but I'm not sure if they still do.
There are also a couple Bed and Breakfast which I didn't know about when I took the class. If I came now I'd prolly try to stay at the Wallace Falls Lodge just because it was built by a student and I'd love to spend time looking at how they went about building the lodge. But I have no idea how far it is from the class.
I stayed there too. Nice and clean, decent breakfast too. Close to class and food, and I got $10 off per night for being in the class. That was about a year ago.
Jeff it hunker down..or bunker down?
..and thanks for the info Kyle!
04-05-2007, 06:11 PM
I've always heard "hunker-down" but I'm from the GA (born in WA though) and we say things like "ya'll" and "fixin' too". "Coke" is also the universal word for any softdrink ("soda" or "pop" for you guys north of the mason-dixon line)
Anyhow the company I work for does have "seconds" that were ordered incorrectly by contractors/masons. I am a designer for the homes, where I draw the blueprints the individual pieces that will be installed. We have a whole section of our "yard" that is coverd with pallets of stuff that is pretty much give-away to people we know. From court-house step treads, to veneer that went on St. Louis' new stadium we have plenty of pieces left over. I'm sure the owner of the company would part with it, but he might have a slight charge for it. I'm not going to say anything yes or no yet, but I will definately find out tomorrow. Just to make sure you know what I'm talking about check out this website:
Unfortunately out website is still under development, but the above company is one of our largest competitors. This stuff is HEAVY, and other than around a basement, I dont know how you would use it for a log home? Pavers for driveways and fireplaces are very nice...
04-10-2007, 01:27 PM
Well I'm officially signed up for the class (and paid). So now all I need is to get air fare. Unfortunately its gone up $50 since I checked last week.
Think I should wait and see if it goes down again?
04-10-2007, 01:41 PM
Josh, let me give you a little background why the airfare will start rising and probably not come back down for that time of year.
The Alaska Salmon fishery will be starting up at that time. Anyone going up either for commercial or gaming adventures has to come through Seattle.
If prices are really an issue I'd look into Vancouver, B.C. It's only about 2-hours drive from that part of the world, depending on boarder crossing. Though, if you don't have a passport it might not be worth the savings in money.
Josh. BUY NOW!
I bought my ticket 3 weeks ago for the Apr 28th class for 210 smackers.
Usually you get some good prices if you buy within 4 weeks of your flight...but it sounds like it could go even higher with those fisher-guys heading up to Alaska...
got me a rental car too, Dodge know how that goes..they will be all out of Chargers and I will get a Yugo.
BTW "hunker-down" is correct..a bunker is where you might take refuge to hunker-down.
..therefore you could hunker in the bunker.
here in Colorado when most of us pronounce the word cement, we say CEE' ment and not sah-ment'...and we say "britches" alot and "dang".
"you-betcha" is popular too.
YOU betcha, :wink:
04-11-2007, 07:23 AM
Be sure to check Travelocity. Look for the last minute deals.
I was able to get a flight from newark to seatac for cheap. I did a car and flight combo for less than if I had booked it 2 years in advance. I can't seem to remember the price though...
I also stayed at the best western. Decent place, and the breakfast is definately worthwhile.
04-11-2007, 09:53 AM
Josh. BUY NOW!
I bought my ticket 3 weeks ago for the Apr 28th class for 210 smackers.
Usually you get some good prices if you buy within 4 weeks of your flight...but it sounds like it could go even higher with those fisher-guys heading up to Alaska...
got me a rental car too, Dodge know how that goes..they will be all out of Chargers and I will get a Yugo.
BTW "hunker-down" is correct..a bunker is where you might take refuge to hunker-down.
..therefore you could hunker in the bunker.
here in Colorado when most of us pronounce the word cement, we say CEE' ment and not sah-ment'...and we say "britches" alot and "dang".
"you-betcha" is popular too.
YOU betcha, :wink:
Yeah I checked the air fare about a week ago and it was $244 (round trip) from Atlanta - Seattle. I checked yesterday and it was $305 for garbage tickets that put me back in Atlanta 2:30am Tuesday morning (I have to work Tuesday). In order for me to get in by a decent hour I have to spend $350+ (todays price).
Who else is signed up for this class?
Josh, besides you and I, I am unaware who else is is attending the April 28th class. See ya there!
04-11-2007, 10:52 AM
Josh, besides you and I, I am unaware who else is is attending the April 28th class. See ya there!
What time are you flying in/out?
I just bought the tickets, and I arrive ~11:00am Friday, and Leave out 6:10am Monday.
04-11-2007, 11:39 AM
Kola wrote:
Josh, besides you and I, I am unaware who else is is attending the April 28th class. See ya there!
Just thought I'd chime in here. I'm attending the April 28th class too. I'll be driving up Saturday morning. Being too cheap to pay for a hotel room, I plan on camping out. Hope it doesn't rain too much. :!: [/quote]
What time are you flying in/out?
Josh, I am arriving (hopefully) Fri afternoon and leaving (hopefully) monday morning. I havent decided where I am spending my nights although I would like to stay at the log cabin place (one of skips students built it). Anyone know the prices?
Greg, see ya there...and yes let's hope the weather is good. btw, do not worry about the wild Grizzleys up there, Steve and Ellsworth feed them good.(secret cookies).
04-11-2007, 12:22 PM
What time are you flying in/out?
Josh, I am arriving (hopefully) Fri afternoon and leaving (hopefully) monday morning. I havent decided where I am spending my nights although I would like to stay at the log cabin place (one of skips students built it). Anyone know the prices?
Greg, see ya there...and yes let's hope the weather is good. btw, do not worry about the wild Grizzleys up there, Steve and Ellsworth feed them good.(secret cookies).
I read that Greg is taking the 4/28 class, I am actually signed up for the 5/12/07 class. Its the last one before summer with a few spots left, so I jumped on yesterday
04-12-2007, 07:08 PM
Kola & JSF252:
I just attended the March 24th class and stayed at the Wallace Falls Lodge. I'd highly recommend it to anybody taking the class. I think I paid around $100 a night for a room for both my son and I. The innkeepers are great people and make great breakfasts. I got in Thur. and stayed at the Best Western the first nite. It was good and about the same price as the lodge. I got to the lodge early Fri. afternoon and was lucky enough to spend some time with the builder (Tim, great guy). He gave me the grand tour and answered any questions I had. He's still enthusiastic about log home building. The lodge is amazing! bring your camera. I think it took about 20 minutes to get to class from there, and I just stopped in Monroe on my way to pick up lunch for class. Gotta warn you, between the class and the lodge there'll be no turning back afterward, you'll be loghooked.
Thanks jay,
Would I need a reservation if I stay at the Wallace Falls Lodge?
04-12-2007, 09:18 PM
I did but as it turned out I could've gotten away without one. You probably should though, I guess they can get pretty booked up for weddings and such. Tell Rebecca you're taking the class and maybe Tim will turn up.
04-13-2007, 05:21 AM
Wallace Falls Lodge has a website, here is the link. My wife and I stayed there last year in Sept when we took that class. It's a must see!
04-16-2007, 09:17 AM
Thanks jay,
Would I need a reservation if I stay at the Wallace Falls Lodge?
Most likely yes.
Thanks..I just reserved a room at the lodge//99 per nite..kola
for this weekends class I need:
food for lunch and supper
paper and 2 pens
one functional brain
and how long is this walk up to skips cabin and how steep is it? will it be muddy if there is rain? do i need boots/galoshes?
are coffee and cookies avavilable?
I am guessing it is about a 10 min hike from the parking lot. The driveway is fairly steep but doable unless you are there during a freeze. We were there in January during the worst freeze in years. The driveway was a sheet of ice. you couldn't walk up the middle of the drive. It was way to slippery. We walked on the shoulder for traction. Going down was the worst. I managed to fall two different times.
One morning we met a car coming down with its brakes locked and it was still sliding andheading down the drive. We scattered quickly to get out of its way. Ahhh!! the memories.
Also be sure to bring a small flashlight for the trip down at night.
You''ll love the class.
Hi Kola,
Your list is just about complete but I noticed 1 very important item....FLASHLIGHT! It might not be dark when class is over but if you end up staying later talking log home building then it will definitely be dark when you leave. The walk back down the hill in the pitch black isn't a fun one. Been there, done that!
As for boots, its really your call. "The hill" isn't a walk in the park nor is it Mt Everest. If its calling for rain you won't go wrong wearing boots since the driveway is dirt/gravel.
Anyone think of anything else???
Enjoy the class and we'll see ya on the other side!
04-24-2007, 06:14 PM
Anyone think of anything else???
Fang - you better watch out for Fang.
Fang?? ..gulp!...I think thats the pitbull...
in that case a few more things to add to the list;
1.raw steaks for Fang!
2. female pitbull
umm..Fang is a he..i hope
umm..Fang is a he..i hope
Well let you check Kola!
04-24-2007, 08:26 PM
When I went to the class, it rained, and then snowed at night. The walk up was a booger. At night, the walk down was like ice skating on mud. An umbrella is not a bad thing to take either. Believe me, you do not want to miss a thing in the class. Be prepared for the worst, and enjoy the class.
I can't believe more than two years have passed. You will enjoy every minute :!:
class 01-15-05
04-24-2007, 08:41 PM
, the walk down was like ice skating on mud. An umbrella is not a bad thing to take either.
Yes, it will make for a great drag chute to slow your decent! :lol:
I can't believe more than two years have passed. You will enjoy every minute :!:
Funny you say that Tom, I was just recently thinking the same thing myself. Gosh, when they tell you in the class to expect to plan out at least two years, it sounded like such an unrealisticly long time, but here I am, two years and some change, thinking to myself, "Dang, that sure went by quick!"
Where does the time go?
04-25-2007, 07:30 AM
Well Kola, with Fang around I won't worry too much about the grizzlies, just about Fang. Maybe he likes the special cookies too?
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