View Full Version : Ok Veteran's weekend graduates...spill!

11-13-2006, 06:40 PM
How did you all like the class? Did you get to bring home any free logs? :D

11-13-2006, 09:49 PM
Remember new members, if you spill the beans your logs will rot on the first full moon after completing your log home 8) :lol:

11-13-2006, 11:30 PM
The class was very thorough and covered mostly basic information about design, purchase, permitting, and construction. For me, it was informative, but much of the information I already knew, so it was more like a refresher class. The workbooks are great, and Steve and Ellsworth are very knowledgeable.

Keep in mind that you will not know absolutely everything about construction methods or even log house building after you are done. For example, advanced framing, such as dormers, electric wiring layout, and plumbing code was not covered, though instruction books were referenced.

All in all, it was helpful to receive affirmation for my own conclusions about log construction. I have built stick frame houses before, so a new construction method presents differences. I figured out many elements before taking the class, so it was more of a capstone for me to fit all the pieces together.

We all got as many logs as we could carry (manually) half a mile uphill to our cars and haul away. ;):P

11-14-2006, 05:26 AM
Nice. Any more grads? 8)

11-14-2006, 07:33 AM
I honestly can't wait for Dec. 2nd to get here. I have everything booked and ready to go.

11-14-2006, 08:05 AM
Same here. Ready to GO!

11-14-2006, 11:13 AM
I can guarantee everyone whose signed up for a future class (and to those of you who are considering signing up for the class) you are not going to regret it.

You are going to get more than your money's worth. You won't walk away feeling unfulfilled, lacking in knowledge or resources, alone, hungry, inept, confused, or - dare I say it - afraid.

Instead, you will walk away feeling like you know one of the best kept "secrets" that others wish they knew if they could break away from their old mindset of having to do things a certain way. You will have a whole new confidence in yourself that will spill over into other areas of your life, too.

It's like turning down a whole new road in your life. (I know, that sounds so "Oprah", but it's true.)

11-14-2006, 12:58 PM
Couldn't agree more Keith. If some one has there heart set on building or owning a log home this class is a must.

11-14-2006, 05:37 PM
. . . . . . . that others wish they knew if they could break away from their old mindset of having to do things a certain way.

Keith! You non-conformist you!!! :lol: :roll: :P :wink:

(anyone else think he seems a bit more mellow now? :wink: )

11-14-2006, 05:53 PM
LOL. Well, that sounds awesome. Glad you all enjoyed the class and took so much away from it :)

11-14-2006, 06:53 PM
(anyone else think he seems a bit more mellow now? :wink: )

Absolutely.....more mellow :wink:

11-15-2006, 10:32 AM
More mellow? Yes and No...

Yes because anticipating the class is over.
No, because I'm still excited about the process!

Not to mention that I've been exhausted. The night before I left for class, my neighbor had problems with his pc and I got two hours sleep before flying out. Immediately when I got to the Gaylord House, Kay was having problems with her pc so I worked on that until late. When I got home from Seattle, my neighbor's pc was acting up again so I had to work on it again. Now I'm back at work... working on pc's.

I'm just tired...

11-15-2006, 10:56 AM

You may be tired but we can tell the calm and resolve in your words. Your confidence has been lifted.

11-15-2006, 11:27 AM
(anyone else think he seems a bit more mellow now? :wink: )

Yes, I have been awaiting the Keith storm in the members area. :?


11-15-2006, 12:39 PM
Oneshot... yes, my confidence has definitely been lifted. If I didn't believe this was possible - especially after the class - I wouldn't have bothered coming back to the boards. I have no doubts that I'm on a new adventure that is more than just a probability.

Jeff... there may still be a "Keith storm" in the Members area! (Let's just say it's hovering off the coast right now!) When I took a look at it and saw all the valuable information and tons of threads, I knew that once I dove in, I'd be in there for awhile! Right now, I need some time to rest my brain. It's not that the class was exhausting (exhilarating is more like it!), it's just that I'm facing my first decision in buiding my log home... where?

I can't shake the feeling I'm done in Minnesota. I liked it here, but it's not where I want to be anymore. When trying to find a new place to live, there are a lot of considerations to weigh. Affordability, job prospects, public transport (no car since coming home from Ireland), and now all of the log home questions... location, affordability of land and availability of supplies, etc.,

What am I looking for? A nice, quiet, simple, peaceful life. Someplace where it doesn't take two jobs to make it paycheck to paycheck. (Until my writing produces steady income, I'm reliant on a job.) I'm exhausted from the 9-5 city life. I like small towns, but finding work and making a living in them is difficult.

I'm open to suggestions, advice, etc., I loved Seattle but everyone I met was working two jobs to stay afloat. It would have to be somewhere that's not hot much of the time, so the southwest is definitely out. Maine or North Carolina (outside of hurricane zones) would be nice - I'd even consider moving back to the Knoxville, TN area if I thought I could make a living there. Oregon? Eastern Washington? Soooo much to think about.

I'm almost out of debt and am working feverishly to get there. After that, the world is an open door!