View Full Version : Connecting two log buildings

11-13-2006, 04:54 PM
Is there a recommended procedure to connect two existing log structures. I am trying to add an extra room to my log cabin. The room will have three walls and will be swedish cope style with same size logs as the cabin. The cabin is also swedish cope style. Any information would be appreciated.

11-13-2006, 07:29 PM

Sounds like you want to do an addition vs. connecting two free standing log structures.

There are several traditional methods of attaching walls and additions to exisitng log structures. I am assuming you might mean 'scandinavian chinkless' by "swedish cope" --coping the entire length of the log with either caulking or very small amount of chinking. Or, are you only refering to the coping on the ends of your notches and actually have a chinked home?

I'll assume it is the former

Some builders use a simple butt method with the new intersecting walls spiked to the exisisting strucuture (chinking would be necessary, although some builders scribe and cope the ends of the new logs to fit the exisiting wall logs and then spike and caulk--this joint will open over time--some use lag bolts or carriage bolts in an attempt to keep the joint from opening--with mixed results).

If you want to go a little more on the artistic side, you would want to use a mortise and tennon junction for the new log wall sections into the old (mortise in old section, tennon in new) or
if you have a steady hand and good eye, you can always use a dovetail joint. The new wall logs are notched to fit into a sliding dovetail in the exisiting wall logs.

The above are only a few ideas. There are quite a few ways to accomplish what you would like to do. If you are not a builder, consult a person who is. It is not the kind of thing that you would want to undertake without understanding fully your options.
