View Full Version : And the rain, rain, rain, came down, down, down...

11-07-2006, 06:11 AM
Ok, now I need some input on how to plan ahead for all the rain the area is getting.

On Thursday night I'm staying at the Edgewater Hotel downtown Seattle. It's already in the water. On stilts. Should I expect to wake up next to a sea lion? Is there flooding downtown that's going to make driving difficult? Is it too late to just rent a canoe?

What about the areas around the Gaylord B&B and Skips Place? Should I plan on longer drives or detours or should I just take the ferry? (I rented a compact car here, folks! Am I gonna get stuck in the mud at Skip's?!) Will I need hip waders or a snorkel? (Note to self: Bring the Ron Popeil Pocket Fisherman to try out at the red lights...)

I'm trying to pack light, but you guys in Washington aren't making that very easy! I feel like a woman thinking about how many pairs of shoes I'm going to need to bring! "Let's see, a regular pair to wear when it's dry, a pair to wear in the mud and water, slippers for Skip's house..... Yup, that's every pair of footwear I own. :::sigh:::"

11-07-2006, 06:37 AM

As weather permits, we only went outside three times. Two of the three times it rained. Skip's house is warm and tight. Dress in layers and have an umbrella. The walk to the cabin could be muddy. Just be prepared for as much as you can. There are plenty of stores in the area to shop at. There is a very large Fred Meyers (mini Wal-Mart) on the way to Skip's.

Once you are in class, you cannot believe how fast time flies. All else seems to fade away. Check www.weather.com for up to date weather. This will be an adventure that does not fade from your memory for a long time. Just look at how long it has been for some of us attending the class. It is fun, exciting, and immensely informative.

I really miss the cookies. :(

class 01-15-05

11-07-2006, 07:18 AM
noblenight, good to see you back on the forum. How's the peeling going?

There is an outlet mall about 5 miles north of Everett. It's at the exit for the casino. You can find most anything you may have forgotten to take along. You'll drive by a big lumber mill, and waterways where they float the logs down to the mill. There is probably still a puddle of drool from me in front of the mill.

As I recall, we were asked to remove our shoes outside the house, so take along a pair of slippers to wear inside. Maybe a plastic bag to put them in, if it's raining so hard. I took a small duffle bag for the lunch, notebook, slippers, yada yada... Worked out well for me.

11-07-2006, 09:08 AM
I believe a few of the roads to skips house are now closed.If the rain quits a bit the flood water should have receded by next weekend.You might give steve or ellsworth a call next week before you come out.

11-07-2006, 10:56 AM
I work at the Federal Reserve and I just spoke to a bank in Seattle. He said Seattle is fine and Everett (where he lives) is ok, but Monroe is an area that's having some flooding problems. He hasn't heard if Hwy2 is closed or detoured though. :cry:

spin05, I'll be in Monroe for class THIS weekend, November 11 -12. I don't mind the rain in the least. It's the flooding that I don't want to cause problems or class to be cancelled/delayed/postponed.

11-08-2006, 04:21 PM
It seems like the rivers have all crested (late last night), and now the flood waters are receding. By Friday they are projecting that the local rivers will be below flood stage.

If you go from Everett to Monroe, and then out to our campus, you should be fine. There are a lot of roads closed in the area, but last time I checked US2 and State Rt 203 were open (at least where we need them to be).

11-09-2006, 10:23 AM
Well, I guess I'll be seeing you Saturday Keith!