View Full Version : How do we make fundamental decisions prior to the class?
11-06-2006, 11:58 AM
I must have come across the wrong way in a previous post that got deleted. My sincere apologies.
I am trying to ascertain how people can gain assistance in preliminary decisionmaking prior to actually taking a class. I can certainly understand the limitations of space and resources in holding a class for a limited number of people, but when someone is trying to make a life commitment to building a log home, how can they be expected to put major decisions on hold for months while waiting for a class slot.
In my case, I have a real estate issue. My wife and I own a building that we are selling to our tenant. We have maybe a year to work with in the meantime, but I certainly cannot wait until the end of that year to start making decisions. For us, time is a precious commodity to work with in preparation to building a log home.
I guess we could always live in a camper on our property? :D
I am really not complaining, just trying to navigate the waters so I can make good, informed decisions in the meantime while trying to get a class slot.
I am genuinely looking for assistance here from seasoned members who may have been caught in a timeframe issue while waiting for class. What decisions can be made aside from land selection and purchase?
11-06-2006, 12:27 PM
Land selection and purchase are two of the biggest anyway! You sound like you're in a little bit of a rush. It's exciting to think about, but until you take the class a lot of decisions will be misguided. I'me trying to think of a few-
Get out of debt. This class is more about living debt free than it is about building for proffit, in spite of the way the web page comes across.
Learn other things. Learn how to build a floor joist system, how to build a stud wall, how to mix concrete. Read about log homes and stick construction. After all, you may take the class and decide not to build a log home. Many people do that very thing.
Go to auctions, tool sales, etc. Tools are useful and fun. sometimes. If you find a tool or building supply at a bargain basement price, grab it.
Skip always advised that you should take his class two years before you start building, and it's sound advice. I only waited one year and could have saved a lot more had I waited another year.
11-06-2006, 12:52 PM
Sound advice. Well taken. Thank you.
After filing bankruptcy (business-related tax debt -- thanks partners, I'll forever remember you) 6 years ago, my wife and I have been fortunate to remain virtually debt free since that time. ALL CASH BABY.
We have professional jobs and we have a fairly significant income, and also own a cash business on the side that generates a nice, third income via the web (I am a 20 years software developer and a 10 year internet/ecommerce developer).
We do have a small mortgage of less than $80K on an income producing property in town, a historic commercial row building, in which we presently reside on the upper floor along with the production operation of our business. My coffee shop tenant has made me an offer to buy the place from me at a $50K profit after only owning it for a single year, but they have asked me to give them 6 months to a year to get their situation together. I think they were afraid of not having any guarantees when their lease ended, which is certainly understandable.
So, in short, we're in a pretty good position financially. We're looking towards the medium to long-term future.
Long term, we want to get out of our present day job environment, and operate a B&B while working on our side business in a more rural setting. She's from SE Indiana, and we love the area much more than living in town.
We've decided that all things considered, a log home on 20-30 acres is a perfect foundation for where we want to be in 3-5 years.
Yes, we're in somewhat of a rush, but that's more planning than anything else. I am going to need a roof in 6 months - 1 year, and if I don't start getting my act together now, it's just going to cost me that much more in lost money in the future when I am renting or whatever while building our residence.
11-06-2006, 01:06 PM
If your real estate move can't wait, then keep the following in mind when you go to purchase:
1. Is the land free and clear (who owns the mineral rights, water rights, easments, & etc.--buying land is NOT like buying a house or commercial property--be educated and get good information.---most available rural land has some sort of easement or "rights" liability---look carefully at the deeds and contact local jurisdictions to research what is legally binding but NOT on the deeds you will have readily accessed---most rural documents lack the needed paper trail).
2. Is the land near available timber? If not, how far must it be trucked to your stite?
3. Does your site have easy access to large trucks (concrete, logs, delivery etc.)?
4. What are the building codes and who will you be dealing with from the city, county or minicipality? Get an idea of who you will need to go to for what inspections, permits, & etc.
5. Will you be using a well, septic, & etc.? If so, is the property ideal for this use? What are the legal restrictions?
6. Is your land zoned for the type of residence or activity you want?
7. Does the land have any water/wetland or drainage problems?
As you can see these are just a few "basic" questions you want to ask yourself. Ideally, you should be asking more and in better depth.
I myself never rush into ANY real estate transaction.
In real estate, the man that can wait and bide his time, is the one that comes out the winner.
11-06-2006, 01:09 PM
Hello, mhiles
Well, I see that the classes are all full right now. Signing up for the class, that is the first thing that you should do, jump on the first one that comes up. That is my advice. Believe me it is well worth it. That is going to help you alot. Don???t wait for your year to end or even near the end before you sign up. Second, you should start looking for trees/logs for your house. I don???t know how big you want your house to be but you can start with 30??? to 50??? logs. At least get a good idea of what you might find in your area. Search the forum and you will find lots of thing that you will need to do. Read, read, and read. You will find the info in here amazing. And it will probably answer most of your questions. And, yes, a camper might be a good idea if you live in an area that the winters are not to harsh. You must understand that we can???t give you all the answers, which would defeat the purpose of taking the class, and good luck with, ???(trying to ascertain how people can gain assistance in preliminary decision making prior to actually taking a class.)???
Hope this helps.
11-06-2006, 01:36 PM
I think I should interject that even if one could put all of the curriculm on this or any forum, the actual teaching and learning would not be the same.
The danger is people coming away with "half answers," which can cause greater harm than good.
I'm not confident that any of us could provide the same quality of engagement online that the class offers, regardless of the type of online forum.
What we can do is encourage and broaden the experience that comes after the class and which we all are undertaking. We can do this because we all have the same reference, which is the class.
Just my thoughts, I could be wrong....
11-06-2006, 02:01 PM
I don???t understand what you are trying to say. Please don???t think that I suggested only using the forum for all the info, I am sorry if you thought that. All I suggested was to obtain as much info as you could from the forum, and read, read, and read. That is all. Not to substitute it for the class and I agree with you that there is no substitute for the class. And foremost I said take the class. Sorry for the confutation.
11-06-2006, 02:15 PM
I should have attached a quote, sorry for being a bit vague. Please dont' take offence, I was merely trying to expand upon something you wrote in your comment.
It was my attempt to clarify for any readers that anything on the forum would be far from a substitute for the class and that we really can't "tell everything" because it is a bit larger than any one of us or list of directions.
The reader would be missing two key elements, and that would be the class and the members.
Does that make sense?
I may be tired.
11-06-2006, 02:24 PM
If I can veer temporarily into an offshoot of this question...
Are there any fundamental decisions a person should make, or be prepared to make, before attending the class? Any questions we might get asked in class that would require a bit of thought before they're asked?
I just plan to come with an open mind, empty notebook and a full pen. If I could take notes on my laptop, I could create a pretty accurate transcript of the class without missing a word. Would come in handy later when I start to build but I understand why they don't want people bringing laptops to class.
11-06-2006, 02:57 PM
Hi Keith,
I think a commitment (making the decision) to have an open mind and
making a commitment to be engaged.
I think you already have those covered.
11-06-2006, 03:20 PM
Sorry, I don't want to cause waves, sorry again.
11-06-2006, 03:25 PM
Keith -- I think that a lot of the questions most people have before class end up being moot points after class. You'll have a whole new set of thoughts and questions after, but the good news is that now we have the forums so more people than just Skip and the guys trying to answer them. AND the class OUGHT to make your direction much clearer and simpler (it did for us, certainly), so the questions are also much more directed. All of our comments that seem a little enigmatic now will make much more sense when you get home from Washington, I bet. Hang in there... it's almost time! :lol:
And Mhiles-- The biggest planning issues usually revolve around real estate as others have indicated, so a good real estate deal is a good real estate deal. That oughtn't change with anything you learn at the seminar. The only thing I'd say is that if you have an option between a more-flexible or less-flexible county/township building department, the more-flexible one is probably always a benefit, if all other factors were equal or close to equal.
And don't rule out the camper/RV idea. It worked for us, even with a family of four and a large dog over a couple winters in a snow-prone climate! :D
Best wishes to you.
Sara :D
Mark OBrien
11-06-2006, 08:37 PM
The most fundamental decision you could make is to be prepared to learn to enjoy your newfound freedom and enlightenment from what you will learn in class. You will come away with much new knowledge about log homes. That is a given. The bonus is what you will undergo when you realize the basic human principles that you will become reacquainted with. Those are the freedom to build in the manner you choose, quite possibly free from a mortgage and all the stress that entails. You will gain the satisfaction of doing this yourself with family and friends when you erect your home. The pride of accompolishment cannot be measured. Being able to shelter your family in this manner is not only empowering but humbling. I may be getting too philosophical for some but this is one of the huge ideals I brought from taking the class 2 1/2 years ago.
You also become privy to a great cookie recipe! :D
11-07-2006, 06:53 AM
It's starting to feel like I'm becoming a member of a secret society! Secret cookie recipes, secret information, no cameras, lengthy drive, hike up the hill, being blindfolded and hooded...
I agree with you, Mark. Just the possibilities are enough to get my blood flowing. All things are possible...
Sara, that's pretty much what I figured. Other than being excited about getting there, I just haven't allowed myself to think about it too much. I refuse to drive myself crazy, especially over things I have no control over or knowledge of. I'm very relaxed and, to be honest, haven't thought much about it other than the fleeting bliss of knowing it's coming very soon!
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