View Full Version : House designs

11-01-2006, 06:52 AM
I should probably wait until after I attend class on Dec. 2nd and 3rd to worry about this but I just can't wait :) Does the 'Skip style' method of building limit you to a certain type of design for the house or is anything possible?

I'm just curious because my wife and I kind of have an idea of what we want the house to possibly look like (attending class may change this completely) and I have a feeling the butt-and-pass method may not allow this.

Here is an image of what we would like the layout to be.

It seems I would need to have some 'T' intersections and I'm not sure how that would work with this method.

Any insight would be appreciated even if it's, "The class will answer this".


11-01-2006, 07:12 AM
My uninformed guess would be, yes, it can be done. I have a feeling the class may try to steer you away from it, because of the more difficult roof, and the amount of corners, but Im pretty sure it could be done. There are homes in the gallery that have interior corners etc, so I know you are not limited to a box. (though it does seem to be the preferred and recommended layout)

11-01-2006, 07:26 AM
Here is a link to a home one of our members built:


It will give you an idea of the ways that the basic wall design can be expanded upon.


11-01-2006, 07:59 AM
The class will answer this. :lol: :P

My wife had an idea of what she wanted based on a kit she'd found in a magazine. After taking the class, she no longer wants to build it exactly as shown. Instead, we'll find ways to incorporate similarities in the floor plan with a much simpler, stronger, easier to build, and longer lasting design than that kit would ever come close to.

My suggestion- hide all your log home magazines from yourselves until you take the class. After you take the class you can go back through them and point out all the potential structural and rot issues that you didn't notice before. The interiors will help give you ideas on how to lay out the floor plan if you have the $$$ to spend on all the fancy gadgets and whatnots they show off. If your wife isn't going to take the class, she absolutely should reconsider. I think I saw that your dad is taking it? Good idea if he will be helping. :)

11-01-2006, 08:40 AM
Here is a link to a home one of our members built:


It will give you an idea of the ways that the basic wall design can be expanded upon.


I just noticed something about this home.... No ridgepole! But twin purlines. I guess things have changed a little since the 70s?

EDIT: Oh, chimney. Duh...

11-01-2006, 01:47 PM
Here's a house being built by one of the members that is similar to your drawing.

You might not be able to see the web page right now because they have temporarily exceeded its data transfer limit. :cry:


11-02-2006, 07:43 AM
Now that is a sweet house!