View Full Version : 10 Americas defined by life expectancy

12-06-2024, 10:07 AM

Researchers at the University of Washington categorized Americans into ten different “countries” based on their life expectancy. The disparity between the longest- and short-living “America” was roughly 20 years. This gap was 12.6 years just two decades ago.

That is an interesting article.
It does not even scratch the surface of the issue.

Here is an additional lens to apply after reading that article: employment / career.
For an example of stark contrast, here are two cohorts to compare: Police officer and electrical lineman.

Similar cohorts in regards to gender, total employment duration, retirement benefits, physicality of the job, health benefits, employment stability, union support, et cetera.
But the difference in expected lifespan, as defined by "years lived after retirement," is huge.

From memory, so +- a little bit:

The average years of life for a police officer post retirement is 5 years.
The average years of life for an electrical line worker post retirement is 20 years.

I have thought about that 15 year difference very deeply, and considered all the potential causes that contribute to the math.
And I have dwelled upon the inherent injustice of that temporal short change.
And I have considered ways to remediate the disparity.
And that 'bracketing' (examining the two extremes of civil employment) has helped my compassion grow.

To understand Homo sapien sapein lifespan deviations, the potential causes, enlarges understanding of the human condition.

Edited to add:
A person might be inclined to consider the fairest comparison to be between police officers and firefighters, when it comes to life expectancy post retirement.
I dismissed that for a single reason: Firefighters have to actually live together in a real house. That alone makes it seem fundamentally different/ unique enough to not make for a valid comparison.
But it's worth comparing the two anyways, for what insights can be gained.

Of course I have found zero data on life expectancy for an entrepreneur post retirement (or even an average age of retirement).

Edited to add:
Nothing in this post is intended as a poke or to moralize, neither are the links below that don't necessarily apply except in feelings and thoughts they might invoke.
Perhaps consider it a Christmas/Holidays post. The most wonderful, toughest time of the year for many families (drunk driving, vehicle accidents, domestic violence, and crime in general all spike during holidays).

Artist Ben Harper, song Widow of a Living Man (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AfU4Apzelw&pp=ygUgYmVuIGhhcnBlciB3aWRvdyBvZiBhIGxpdmluZyBtYW4 %3D)
Artist Ben Harper, song Better Way (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOZj1Xyx354&pp=ygUVYmVuIGhhcnBlciBiZXR0ZXIgd2F5)
