11-25-2024, 05:25 AM
I've had an internal debate on what to call traditional log domiciles.
Log home, log house or log cabin.
The debate was sparked when I researched search numbers for those keywords and considered the SEO / traffic perspective.
I learned a little bit about SEO type stuff over the years while working with a former Micro-softie.
I'm no pro at SEO, but I understand the basics and have heavily relied upon it in the past.
I already knew that the search trend for 'log homes' has been declining for years.
But this time I noticed the search trend for log cabins has been increasing.
So It occurred to me that maybe the LHBA (Log Home Builders Association) should become the LCBA (Log Cabin Builders Association!).
I started a thread on the topic in the members area seeking thoughts on the topic.
My bias was toward 'Log Cabin.' Because it's the term of my youth, it's historically the most accurate and SEO favors it at the moment.
LHBA students favored 'Log Homes,' mainly because house and cabin seem like 'cheap' terms (invoking a feeling of less valuable structures)
I used google's ngram to research historic usage.
Then I examined the google search trends back to the start of the internet and considered what might have caused historical changes/shifts of usage.
Log Cabin is clearly the winner for historically accurate term.
Around 1980 +-, the term Log Home took over.
Then around 2010 Log Cabin climbed again.
Long story short, changing culture, value and marketing caused all the name changes.
The creation of a magazine influenced a lot.
The creation of the short-term rental business gave 'cabin' a huge boost (Air B&Bs + cabins = a natural fit).
Today I reached a decision.
It is one based on understanding communication and the inherent emotional manipulation that occurs based on word choice and word association.
This is 'manipulation transparent / transparency marketing.' (MTM)
It is part of a social education effort, I'll define what it is as I develop/practice it.
MT Marketing stands in opposition to Empty Marketing.
I am going to stick with "Log Homes."
Because "home" conveys an emotional state.
It is an emotional trigger word.
House is not.
You do not "go house."
You do "go home."
'Home' is a core, childhood instilled, emotional anchor word.
Therefore, to say "Everyone wants a good house," has a totally different impact upon the reader compared to "Everyone wants a good home."
The use of home implies so much more than house, on a subconscious emotional level.
SEO be damned, correct historical usage be damned, I want every student to end up with a good home. Whether it be log, stick built, condo apartment, rammed earth, quonset hut, conex box, et ectera.
I'm deliberately making the business decision that looks bad on paper -- I'm sticking with 'Log Homes.'
So potential students/customers/participants might take the largest and most meaningful perspective.
I knew a man who studied Hermeneutics in college, he ended up working in finance.
Log home, log house or log cabin.
The debate was sparked when I researched search numbers for those keywords and considered the SEO / traffic perspective.
I learned a little bit about SEO type stuff over the years while working with a former Micro-softie.
I'm no pro at SEO, but I understand the basics and have heavily relied upon it in the past.
I already knew that the search trend for 'log homes' has been declining for years.
But this time I noticed the search trend for log cabins has been increasing.
So It occurred to me that maybe the LHBA (Log Home Builders Association) should become the LCBA (Log Cabin Builders Association!).
I started a thread on the topic in the members area seeking thoughts on the topic.
My bias was toward 'Log Cabin.' Because it's the term of my youth, it's historically the most accurate and SEO favors it at the moment.
LHBA students favored 'Log Homes,' mainly because house and cabin seem like 'cheap' terms (invoking a feeling of less valuable structures)
I used google's ngram to research historic usage.
Then I examined the google search trends back to the start of the internet and considered what might have caused historical changes/shifts of usage.
Log Cabin is clearly the winner for historically accurate term.
Around 1980 +-, the term Log Home took over.
Then around 2010 Log Cabin climbed again.
Long story short, changing culture, value and marketing caused all the name changes.
The creation of a magazine influenced a lot.
The creation of the short-term rental business gave 'cabin' a huge boost (Air B&Bs + cabins = a natural fit).
Today I reached a decision.
It is one based on understanding communication and the inherent emotional manipulation that occurs based on word choice and word association.
This is 'manipulation transparent / transparency marketing.' (MTM)
It is part of a social education effort, I'll define what it is as I develop/practice it.
MT Marketing stands in opposition to Empty Marketing.
I am going to stick with "Log Homes."
Because "home" conveys an emotional state.
It is an emotional trigger word.
House is not.
You do not "go house."
You do "go home."
'Home' is a core, childhood instilled, emotional anchor word.
Therefore, to say "Everyone wants a good house," has a totally different impact upon the reader compared to "Everyone wants a good home."
The use of home implies so much more than house, on a subconscious emotional level.
SEO be damned, correct historical usage be damned, I want every student to end up with a good home. Whether it be log, stick built, condo apartment, rammed earth, quonset hut, conex box, et ectera.
I'm deliberately making the business decision that looks bad on paper -- I'm sticking with 'Log Homes.'
So potential students/customers/participants might take the largest and most meaningful perspective.
I knew a man who studied Hermeneutics in college, he ended up working in finance.