View Full Version : 40 acers and a mule

11-16-2024, 06:04 AM
We had a forum member join recently with the username 40acerfarm.

Of course it got me curious about the latest insights into the moment in History when the phrase "40 acres and a mule" entered the American social/political consciousness.

I learned some new info in that article and it contains a lot of concepts worth considering.

That initial self governing community in Georgia faced the potential of ending in something like the Tulsa race riot or the Black Wall Street massacre.
How might the experience of the former slaves have been similar/different than that of Indians on a reservation?
How many other 'solutions' were proposed?
Did any of those other solutions involve a discussion in any form with representatives from the freed slaves? Any at all?
How intrinsic is ownership of land tied to a sense of freedom (and how much of that is a cultural construct or societal developmental stage related)?

The nature of history is dynamic not static, it's often worth a second read.

*This post is not intended to single out the forum member who likely owns a 40 acre farm or aspires to own one.
**May the world fight the injustice of human chattel until it no longer happens and then remain vigilant against its re-occurrence.

11-20-2024, 01:44 PM
amen .