View Full Version : Sitting on the fence?

09-14-2006, 02:20 AM
If you are pouring over these posts looking for a reason NOT to attend an upcoming weekend....you can stop right here. You won't find one. I did the same thing and couldn't find one. I just returned from the Sept 9, 10 weekend and it was brillant.

Skip's home was amazing and Ellsworth and Steve kept us excited the whole time, leaving no question unanswered. My confidence has risen to new heights - I will build.

I was very impressed at how organized the presentation was and highly recommend you start making travel arrangements.

Best of luck to everyone with your project.

Oh, and one more thing....the member's only topics above are awesome. I can guarantee you'll pick up one or two tips that will pay for the whole experience!

09-14-2006, 10:58 AM
Good to have you on board! These forums where not around when I took the class in Feb 2004. But the logic appealed to me and I could not find anything bad on the internet either.

30+ year track record many examples of students building homes since the 70's to the current time, not a single problem or bad experience using Skips techinques that I am aware of, the homes have stood the test of time, it really is a no brainer IMO.

I am currently building and hope to be done next summer. The class is some of the best money I ever spent.


Steve Wolfe
09-19-2006, 09:39 AM
I just attended the Sept 9-10 class and the knowledge you gain is incredible. I never had any doubts about the benefits of the class or how beneficial the members??? forum would be. Even though I traveled from Pennsylvania where the cost for air fare, hotel, meals and the class added up to a fair amount, I never batted an eye. I did have different ideas as to how I was going to build but now I am going to follow Skip???s method to the tee. The people were great, Steve and Ellsworth were great, I can???t say enough good things about the class and how everything was organized and presented.


09-19-2006, 01:55 PM
Steve Wolfe, my friend, it was great to meet you in class. I'm glad we're separated by only 30 minutes. I'll be in touch soon so we can compare notes and make plans to get together.


Steve Wolfe
09-20-2006, 06:05 AM
Hey Mike,

It was a great class wasn't it! I'm looking forward to getting together as well. This weekend I will be dragging some more logs up the mountain. The following weekend is opening day for deer, (archery season) so a fair part of this weekend will be focused on tree stands rather than logs.

Have a good one and we''ll be sure to stay in touch.


09-27-2006, 09:19 AM
There is a strong sense of integrity and honesty in the website that, on its own, alleviated any feelings of doubt I had as to whether or not the class -or the process - is "too good to be true." Still, it's good to read such fine endorsements from those who have taken the class.

I'm hoping to take the November class. I still need to send an e-mail to them for information, but I can't seem to tear myself away from the forums just yet. I assume from a previous post that I will need to rent a car and get a hotel room once I arrive?

I have the week between Christmas and New Years off work but will be canceling that so I can attend the class, providing they have room left. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.

10-06-2006, 10:07 AM
I hope you make the class.

There are a few other threads with great advice for preparing or what to bring to the class.

As far as I can see, probably the simplest and possibly best advice is:

-Come with an open mind, ready (hungry) to obsorb knoweldge.

-Wear layers of clothing and bring some sort of rain gear and good comforatble shoes/boots. The weather can change and it may be cold when you arrive and very warm at lunch time. Probably won't rain, but again it might (we tend to have a persitant light rain when it rains, rather than downpours).

-Bring your favorite writing utensils and a good notebook or two.

-Make room for the best cookies you'll ever have!

-On the way home, take time to stop and look at some trees. You will understand what this last advice means once you take the class. It is difficult to drive safely and look at the same time.


10-06-2006, 03:57 PM
Thanks for the advice, Adubar. I hope to attend the class. I filled out the application form and faxed it in. (Got a confirmation that it went through successfully.) I paid for the class online, too. The problem is, I haven't heard a thing from anyone at LHBA and it's been over a week. I don't know if they've accepted or rejected my application because I haven't heard a word. I'm patient and I know they must be busy with projects, but also - business is business. I expected at least an e-mail by now. :( I don't know if I should be booking my airfare/hotel/car rental or not. :?: :?: :?:

10-06-2006, 05:49 PM
...so what happens? I hit the Submit button for the above post and five minutes later I get a call from Mr. eBay himself, Steve. :D

I'm in! I'm ready to go to the November class in true pioneer fashion. Of course that would entail bartering for a pack mule named Jack and setting out on foot in the next 48 hours (from Minneapolis) to make it to Monroe in time for class with nothing but bear jerky and my good comb. Hmmm... maybe I'll just barter some cash for an airplane ticket and practice a little patience instead.

It ain't easy being country in the concrete jungle. :(

10-06-2006, 06:47 PM
Hi Keith,

It was great talking to you on the phone, see you in November!

For everyone else: If you are wondering about your confirmation, you are automatically confirmed in the class if you get an e-mail receipt for your payment. This should come from our third-party payment processor, 2Checkout.com. If you don't get an e-mail receipt within a few hours, then feel free to give us a call and we'll make sure everything is good.

We are currently working on a new website that should solve questions like this, but it's not ready for prime time yet. Please hang in there. ;)
