View Full Version : Ash...

06-20-2019, 10:15 AM
So I'm new here, I'm looking at properties in south eastern Kentucky, and we found one we like. The main tree on the property is ash. Can I build with ash? Nothing I've read so far says anything about ash, just pine, oak, etc.

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06-20-2019, 11:13 AM
I don't plan on many ( if any ) scarf joints. It's all supposed to be 12' sections ( 1' on each end for joints ).

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06-20-2019, 01:00 PM
probably. but I bet it's hard to drive rebar through ash. You might change your mind once you try it.

We don't use scarf joints on our homes- it's all "butt & pass" with no joints in the logs. Are you thinking of another log home method?

06-20-2019, 02:12 PM
Well I was wanting to do timber frame with 6x's stick framing inside of a 12" frame. Probably do concrete foundation, or at least bases for my beams ( I'd bring wood siding down to a gravel base). I would also like to have all wood joints. (I'd have my electrical run through my beams instead of around them.) ( I also wanted to go WAY above what is necessary so all main posts and beams be 12"x12".)
So to answer your question, I don't really see a need for the rebar. If I were doing a cabin, which I may be looking at a few years down the road, I'd want to build it completely out of wood also (dowels instead of rebar).

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06-20-2019, 04:17 PM
Are there any living ash left? The emerald ash borerhas killed all of my ash

06-20-2019, 04:44 PM
This property is in the south east corner of Kentucky, hasn't been timbered in at least 50 years. When I first saw the trees, I didn't recognize the type, but upon a little research it turns out to be ash. As far as subspecies, not sure. But yeah. Ash.

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06-21-2019, 01:04 PM
Well I was wanting to do timber frame with 6x's stick framing inside of a 12" frame. Probably do concrete foundation, or at least bases for my beams ( I'd bring wood siding down to a gravel base). I would also like to have all wood joints. (I'd have my electrical run through my beams instead of around them.) ( I also wanted to go WAY above what is necessary so all main posts and beams be 12"x12".)
So to answer your question, I don't really see a need for the rebar. If I were doing a cabin, which I may be looking at a few years down the road, I'd want to build it completely out of wood also (dowels instead of rebar).

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sounds cool. stick around and let us know how it goes.

06-21-2019, 07:05 PM
I'll make sure I post some of my blue prints. I'm not 100% on my joint measurements yet, but it's all pretty straight forward.
I was reading on the "build what you can afford" thread, and it got me thinking...
We plan on buying a lot with a house on it, trees to build with, and a location we like. I retired at the ripe old age of 25 (USMC [ 2 bad knees and a back that ain't the best]). I have a wife and two daughters, so we need a home for the intermediate times. The house I plan on building is something like 2,700 sqft footprint. All single story, no basement, and as few stairs as possible. 3 bed, 2 bath, large kitchen/living room, 7 rooms total. Am I aiming too high? We live off of my paychecks, but being young, the savings ain't that big. I'd like to do a thirty year mortgage, and change it to a 15 after we get the house built (5-8 years).
Does that seem reasonable? Am I shooting too high?

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06-21-2019, 08:36 PM
I'll make sure I post some of my blue prints. I'm not 100% on my joint measurements yet, but it's all pretty straight forward.
I was reading on the "build what you can afford" thread, and it got me thinking...
We plan on buying a lot with a house on it, trees to build with, and a location we like. I retired at the ripe old age of 25 (USMC [ 2 bad knees and a back that ain't the best]). I have a wife and two daughters, so we need a home for the intermediate times. The house I plan on building is something like 2,700 sqft footprint. All single story, no basement, and as few stairs as possible. 3 bed, 2 bath, large kitchen/living room, 7 rooms total. Am I aiming too high? We live off of my paychecks, but being young, the savings ain't that big. I'd like to do a thirty year mortgage, and change it to a 15 after we get the house built (5-8 years).
Does that seem reasonable? Am I shooting too high?

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You aren't aiming high enough. Build a smaller footprint with all your living space downstairs (put in an elevator in if necessary). Pay it off faster or don't borrow money at all.

06-21-2019, 08:42 PM
You are asking a bunch of folks that generally try to go for mortgage free...;)

Our motto, build as small as you can afford (not as big as you can afford). Obviously it depends if you have like 10 kids etc, but, we are getting ready to build a temp place above the garage, 728sf. Should hold us over for 2 years while we build log home#2.

06-22-2019, 04:45 AM
I think I'm still on track to finish mine for about $60k. 3200 sq ft, with 5 beds, 3 baths, on 3.5 acres. And no mortgage on the house.

Have you looked at the faqs page? https://www.buildloghomes.org/questions-building-log-homes/.

If you're an expert on the method you've settled on, then go for it. But I contend that butt and pass is easier, stronger, will last longer, and won't settle like other methods will. I encourage you to come see mine and at least think about it. There's plenty of others nearby you as well. I'm in north alabama. Mr. Wiley is not far as well.

Nobody on this forum is trying to sell anything - we've all just found a mortgage-free way to get an awesome home for cheap.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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07-15-2019, 06:19 PM
... The house I plan on building is something like 2,700 sqft footprint. All single story, no basement, and as few stairs as possible. 3 bed, 2 bath, large kitchen/living room, 7 rooms total. Am I aiming too high?

My family of three lives very comfortable in 1076 sq/ft. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. It’s luxurious to be honest. The secret to living small is this: Don’t try to fit all your stuff in a small place. Find (or build) the small place then only put in it what fits.

For a little context, we downsized from a half million dollar, 3700 sq/ft monstrosity, complete with movie theater and backyard oasis. It ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. We are far happier with less.

People think we must be falling on hard times, financially. That ain’t the case.

Our next home will have and extra bedroom be in the 1600-1700 sq ft range.

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07-15-2019, 06:58 PM
Well I'm aiming for a large open single story floor plan because I've got bad knees and back from the Marine Corp. I spend 6 months out of the year with a cane because I'm "too young" to have a knee replacement, but also have damaged nerves and no cartlage.
I plan on having the kids room be approx 20'x20' with a shared bathroom between them, living room/kitchen 20'x40', master bed 20'x30', and the remainder 20'x10' be the master bath/utilities.
I__I I---I

Something like that.

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07-16-2019, 07:31 AM
Sorry to hear about the knees. and thank you for your service. really.

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we bought the floor plans from LHBA, then I used a free cad program to "delete" all the interior walls. Wife and I hand-drew about 30 plans on paper before we figured out what we wanted and submitted it to the city - and we've changed it a half dozen times since then while we stacked logs. We hate stairs as well, but needed enough room for all the kids, so we went with a 2 story plan:

level1: living room and kitchen up front, guest bathroom and laundry middle and side, master bedroom/bath, and daughter's bedroom in back. all our living can be done on the main floor - only a few stairs outside are to get in the house.
level2: 3/4 floor: 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, and some space we are calling a conservatory (for plants). Then 1/4 of the 2nd floor is open to the living room below. make the kids climb the stairs (eventually, they'll move out).
level3: storage area/game room? about 20x20. shhh...don't tell the inspector: without a license, I can only build 2 stories, so it'll be an attic until he signs off....

If you drive around almost any neighborhood in America with homes built after the 1990's, you'll find a lot of tall houses. reason: concrete is expensive. cheaper to build up than out. those builders are not in it for your comfort- but rather their bottom line.

for those knees-
I just got done shingling my roof - 109 bundles of shingles, plus plywood, etc. 23' high. Every night, I sprayed magnesium oil (https://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Minerals-Magnesium-Zechstein-Chloride/dp/B06XXN4T98?th=1) on my knees, and the next day: good to go. it's like a miracle spray.

07-22-2019, 03:04 PM
I retired at the ripe old age of 25 (USMC [ 2 bad knees and a back that ain't the best]). I have a wife and two daughters, so we need a home for the intermediate times. The house I plan on building is something like 2,700 sqft footprint. All single story, no basement, and as few stairs as possible. 3 bed, 2 bath, large kitchen/living room, 7 rooms total. Am I aiming too high? We live off of my paychecks, but being young, the savings ain't that big.? Am I shooting too high?

A little reality. We build log homes, mostly square... because their cost effective. A 40 by 40 is 2,000 sqft. so more than likely a log home will not work unless you plan a stair lift which are reasonable... about 2k for a good one.

So if you built a 35 by 35 you would have about 2450 sqft... with a stair lift. a 40 by 40 would give you 3,200.

OBTW I'm 75 and my knees are talking very loudly...but I may get a stair lift.

Best of luck... Just remember, if you are willing to work hard, anything is possible.

07-24-2019, 09:58 AM
A little reality. We build log homes, mostly square... because their cost effective. A 40 by 40 is 2,000 sqft. so more than likely a log home will not work unless you plan a stair lift which are reasonable... about 2k for a good one.

So if you built a 35 by 35 you would have about 2450 sqft... with a stair lift. a 40 by 40 would give you 3,200.

OBTW I'm 75 and my knees are talking very loudly...but I may get a stair lift.

Best of luck... Just remember, if you are willing to work hard, anything is possible.Or 1600... math...

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07-24-2019, 10:16 AM
You don't have to go square, but you will get more square footage for the same perimeter:


07-24-2019, 02:45 PM
Or 1600... math...

I had assumed he included a loft or basement, or both.

07-24-2019, 06:41 PM
Math.... Overrated;)

We built square the first time, and plan to again this time around

07-24-2019, 07:51 PM
Mine is just as square as I am and I like both the house and myself just fine. Often I have pondered on the efficiency of a square human...

And a square log home.

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07-24-2019, 10:03 PM
It's hip to be square.

07-25-2019, 08:24 AM
It's hip to be square.

I met him during the 2002 Olympics in Ogden Utah. We had just left his concert and were walking towards the car, and a limousine pulls up next to us. The window rolls down, and he lifts his sunglasses (it's about 9:00 at night in February) and asks, "hey....any of you know where I can get a drink in this town?" I said, "yeah- just keep going about another block - then turn left on 25th street - all the bars are down that street. Great concert, by the way."

"Thanks." and a wink.

My wife was like "how do you know this stuff? and who was that guy?" (we're Mormon, and she's now my ex for being non-musical, among other things).

"I love this town."

07-25-2019, 08:46 AM
I had one divorce me because she was TOO musical. All she wanted to do was whatever the band wanted to do...

assorted bands...

multiple bands...

myriad bands...

any band...

I don't know why. She sure wasn't muchuva singer.

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