View Full Version : exterior mortar join , what recipe?

08-13-2016, 07:30 AM
Morning ,

I am new I am from canada and , I have a wooden house , what have called himself a home room by room . I have to repair them along this frontage , I wonder what's the recipe for a good mortar? I post pictures to show .

thank you very much for your help


http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/11/75/64/31/img_6412.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/11756431/1429)

08-13-2016, 11:29 AM
I would get color matched synthetic chinking, like log jammer or perma chink. Trying to use mortar to seal the small cracks will not yield a good result

08-13-2016, 12:15 PM
I would get color matched synthetic chinking, like log jammer or perma chink. Trying to use mortar to seal the small cracks will not yield a good result

I know, but I want to remake the full not just along the crack ,I already try perma chink, in Canada it is called Log Jam but , it is not economical, with a tube of 29 oz i am 1 foot . I also did a test with stucco, but the results were not like me ca granular rest and crumbles . best solution for me this is the cement masonry , but I do not know the right recipe .

i post new pic

http://i35.servimg.com/u/f35/11/75/64/31/img_6413.jpg (http://www.servimg.com/view/11756431/1430)

has left the log jam, right stucco

08-13-2016, 01:39 PM
Type s mortar

08-13-2016, 03:10 PM
This book by Rob Roy has a lot of great experiential material on this subject. Definitely worth having in your library.
"Complete Book Of Cordwood Masonry Housebuilding: The Earthwood Method"

08-14-2016, 05:42 PM
thank you very much !

12-15-2016, 07:57 PM
Its been a while but I used recipe consisting of 3 parts sand, 1 part Portland cement and 1/2 part lime. Alott cheaper than logjam and perma chink and has held up well.


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12-15-2016, 09:26 PM
I used type S mortar. But the color is gray. If you want the mortar to be white, you will need white cement. You can find it at your local ready pour shop. I have not seen it at the big box stores, but you can probably order it. Good luck... I used log jam by the case. it cost about 110 bucks for 12 tubes...