View Full Version : butt and pass technique
03-02-2015, 04:00 PM
Looking for videos or books on the butt and pass building technique for log homes and or web links please?
03-02-2015, 05:12 PM
Nope... you want to take the class. That gets access to the useful side of this forum and that's where the action is.
Little Eagle
03-02-2015, 05:16 PM
You will need to take the class to get the finer tuning points of the method, books and videos will only go so far with out the tips and tricks you will get from class plus what LHN says you get the members side of these forums as well, so you always have help.
03-03-2015, 02:32 AM
Wow . . . . .
03-03-2015, 11:55 AM
Wwwoooowww... ... ... :)
03-03-2015, 11:55 AM
I do agree with all guys above.
03-03-2015, 02:19 PM
I would suggest that you look at the below web sight. It consists of student built homes.
I do wish I have the URL of Skip's Comments because the more that I reread it the more agreed or at least understood... I guess age matters...
Any way I have a video that shows the first three years of my build and them my wife did a smile box that shows some more, but mostly a number of our friends and relatives visiting in our log home.
Anyway, there are plenty of you tube video's on just about everything... Investing a bunch of money on something that is of questionable origin is not my style. I took the class in 2004... It changed how I think about stuff...
10-01-2015, 11:19 AM
I live on the east coast of Canada,no where near classes!thanks anyway
10-01-2015, 01:15 PM
Once you get on the airplane, you are as close as I am. Take the class. Trust me, you won't regret it.
10-01-2015, 05:19 PM
Besides, after you take the class, you have full access to the members' side, where you can ask all sorts of questions and get knowledgeable replies on all sorts of topics related to building.
10-01-2015, 08:09 PM
Revid, lots of Canadianers take the class..
Best money we ever spent.
Just the other day, I talked to some folks from the Yukon who took the course..:cool:
10-01-2015, 09:33 PM
There have been students from Japan, Great Britain, all over US and Canada and various other parts of the world. Don't ever remember seeing any one post on here they wish they hadn't spent the money.
10-01-2015, 11:23 PM
Revid i didnt take the class for 15 years after finding LHBA and just read the site mostly and tried to find info about the butt and pass in other places as i looked for my land, if i had just went ahead and took the time to put money aside to take the class ( which i think is the real issue here) i would have already built my home and be living in it, the things in life that make you happy are worth the time and effort to work a bit harder for. if you cant afford to take the next class then start putting a little money aside each week in a bank account set up just for that, you can do this and you should not wait 15 years just to find out you wasted alot of time hen pecking yourself for no good reason.
10-01-2015, 11:28 PM
Btw if you think your going to build a log cabin in 6 weeks you need to get that notion out of your head right now unless you are very wealthy, this whole program is an adventure and something you wouldnt want to rush through anyhow, take the time to build the home that has your heart and soul poured into it.
10-02-2015, 02:47 AM
6 weeks? Who takes that long?
10-02-2015, 03:22 AM
. . . time to put money aside to take the class ( which i think is the real issue here) . . . . . if you cant afford to take the next class then start putting a little money aside each week in a bank account set up just for that, you can do this . . . .
Ironic that this is the main undertone of the class, isn't it?
10-02-2015, 07:22 AM
Ironic that this is the main undertone of the class, isn't it?
I find that a bit funny myself.
10-02-2015, 07:40 AM
me too!!! LOL
10-02-2015, 12:05 PM
If you really want to build a log home, it's well worth the trip to take the class. If you shop around for flight and hotel you'll find a decent deal on that part of the cost. It was the most I've ever spent on a trip (I'm cheap) but worth every bit.
10-04-2015, 12:12 PM
Then again, you don't really need to take the class. Just hire someone to build it for you. I know someone that could probably build it (mostly) in 6 weeks for you. That is if you'd stay out of the way and let him get-R-done.
The class is much more than "just" about how to build our places. It's perhaps more about access to the real wealth of membership where any little thing you don't understand is something that is readily available after the class.
The class is really the cheapest part of the build.
10-07-2015, 11:41 AM
I live on the east coast of Canada,no where near classes!thanks anyway
Me to, and i went all the way to Monroe Washington. Totally worth the trip.
10-07-2015, 07:22 PM
It's about a $1500-2000 trip for one person. Well worth the expense if it saves one mistake in the build.
10-07-2015, 07:38 PM
It's about a $1500-2000 trip for one person. Well worth the expense if it saves one mistake in the build.
Unfortunately for us canucks...that is equivalent to $2000 - 2800 with our dollar so low right now :(
10-07-2015, 07:49 PM
Still the cheapest part of building a home.
Just went and took a look. Over 6,000 threads and 80,000 post on the members side. That is questions asked and multiple answers, suggestions and support, links to help. On and On. We are doing this in our mid 60s and yes we might get it done without all these people for support and help but the mistakes would far out weigh the cost of the class.
10-07-2015, 08:38 PM
I drove from Texas to Vegas I spent 200 on gas 200 for 3 nights at Hotel and about 100 on eats and $80 playing Black Jack.
10-07-2015, 08:48 PM
I'm flying in from Kuwait.
Trust me, if I can make the class from over here you can make it from Canada.;)
10-08-2015, 01:31 AM
I was contracting at the time and had to take off 4 days (no time off for holidays). That was ~$2000 - 3000 in losses right there. Then the $1500 for class + flight + room.
Delta even gave me a free night's stay on the Jacksonville airport hard flooring while they cancelled my 1PM connection at 11:30 PM, and I switched to United for a 5:30am flight for an additional $350 one-way flight. I got to sleep from around 2:30am until 4:30am between all the lovely noise in the main gating area. And then, straight to class for 12 hours of intense concentration and note taking.
Well worth it in ever sense of the word "worth", and I'd do it again! No seriously, it really was worth all that trouble. Except, I'd take a sleeping bag with me next time: that airport floor isn't as nice as they make it out to be.
One thing to note... It did take me about 5 years until i could properly plan the time off, save up for the expense, the planets aligned and all until I finally was able to attend. My regret was not taking it sooner: Skip passed during this time window.
10-08-2015, 04:04 AM
Hmmm. I can't see how someone would NOT take the class. Before finding LHBA back in '05, I was in a funk. I knew a mortgage was out of the question for a single person, (which I would have probably had to default on in '13 after being unemployed for 1-1/2 years) and rent is a never ending leach of money which has no return benefit. So, yea, finding LHBA was the answer I had been looking for, and was more than happy to pay to get there.
If taking the class costs you $2000, and saves you more than that in interest/rent, and lets you build a home worth 3~4 times the amount invested, how could one not go?
One needs to not view it as an expense, but rather an investment. I think that may be the hangup folks dismissing going to the class have. I'm thinking maybe they view building a log home as a simple material possession, and contemplate whether they need it or not. While what LHBA is really about, is a path to positioning one's self to be financially secure, and hence prepared wholely in the long term.
10-08-2015, 07:55 AM
Well I can only tell as to what held me up for 15 years. 1. I wasnt sure that I could make enough money to build a cabin. 2. I wasn't confident that I could build a cabin myself with not having a construction background. 3. I wanted to have my land 1st so I could start building asap. All I can say to those who might be putting it off for the same reasons I did is that they shouldn't because it's just keeping your dream out of reach that much longer, besides there is no question that I can/might fail at this process but I can promise it won't be because I didn't give 100% effort in trying to make it a reality, if your money is very limited like mine is then you have to do it small parts at a time such as not felling, peeling and stacking logs until you have everything you need for your roof. If you use LHBA pier blocks for your foundation it gives you the option of doing a few at a time yourself to keep expenses down and you end up with an extremely high quality foundation.
10-08-2015, 07:57 AM
LOL!!!!! ED I guess you are rubbing off on me that was my longest post ever.
10-08-2015, 09:27 AM
That was just 1 paragraph.
10-08-2015, 11:14 AM
That was just 1 paragraph.
Aye, but for me with my poor writing and grammar skills it was an epic novel.
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