View Full Version : hunters cabin going up and questions

01-12-2015, 09:33 AM
Hey there,
I have some land in southern Oklahoma. We are going to put up a log home in 10 years. Between now and then while i'm working on the land or hunting, I'd like to build myself a little 10X10 cabin to sleep in and keep me dry. I'm not very good at notching. I've tried it. For time's sake i'm going to utilize the butt/pass method with rebar. This cabin only needs to get me by for 7-8 years, so i'm not looking for anything fancy. That being said, I don't plan on de-barking the logs either....save time and just get the thing up.

Since it's only up going to be up for 7-8 years, could I get by with just placing the bottom logs on the ground? I know they will eventually rot, but it would save me money if I didn't have to buy cement supports or pour cement for the bottom logs. I was thinking they wouldn't rot in 7-8 years but I may be wrong?

01-12-2015, 10:14 AM
How about a first layer of either PT 6x6 or old rail road ties.

Even a cinder block set on the gound with rebar cemented in.

or just buy one of these, have it delivered, and use it for tools and hunting gear later on

01-12-2015, 11:13 AM
Mitchell, In class you will learn that a 10x10 is called a "practice shed". I have one that I built for our well house that has been sitting there for 20 years on railroad ties and looks better than ever. It would be a shame to waste what you will learn about log home building by building your practice shed before you went to class. Take the class.

01-12-2015, 11:38 AM
I second the pre made shed, watch craigslist and find a 10x10 shed someone whats rid of and pick it up cheap, drop it off get on with the main work