View Full Version : Lets talk shop,, 3200 sqft shop

11-17-2014, 04:01 PM
Hi all , I read a lot, don't post much , no need, I don't know very much about this yet. thinking about the February class .

Background,, early 50s , I have flipped houses for a profit,,all solo . 20+ years for at&t working with engineering . and im a taxidermist so I can even raise the dead. once lived in a log home in Montana while working in the oil field in the early 80's. and loved it ( whats their not to love ).

I have 10 acres in Oklahoma , bridge creek , I can be in the middle of Oklahoma city in 30 min.

We have electricity now and just got the well drilled, I will install a pump next week , depending on weather.

with that out of the way ,, I would like to build a house but for me the main part of living out hear will be my shop.
my plans are 40 x 80 with 1600 for my shop and 1600 for a party area.

I know I can have a metal building built with cement floor , overhead door complete for under $20 per sqft.
cheaper going with a "pole barn "

any idea how much it would be building with logs and doing most ,if not all the work myself ? not trying to get a contract figure just a round number !
I have a tractor and forks but will most likely rent a skylift .

the side walls are to be 12' and the width can be changed to 35'

so their it is, any pics ,etc of barns like this or shops would be great.

Thanks and look forward to the input.


11-17-2014, 05:47 PM
How do you plan to transport 80' logs?

Unless you have access to cheap logs, I think it'll be costly compared to a regular pole barn type building.

11-17-2014, 06:09 PM
Would almost certainly require a mid-wall. (and some fancy log weaving)


11-17-2014, 08:20 PM
I'd love to have a big ole steel building to use as a shop.

11-18-2014, 09:24 AM
If you are looking for cost savings, and given your project, economy wise the steel building would be the way to go IMO.

As far as "costs" to go the log route, there are too many variables IMO. Taking the class will surely help in your decision.

11-18-2014, 10:05 AM
If you are looking for cost savings, and given your project, economy wise the steel building would be the way to go IMO.


I'm in the same boat. I require a big shop (probably 2400 square feet for me), but I wouldn't consider doing the shop with logs. The costs of a metal shop are just too predictable, and the end result is just what a shop needs to be. You can also pretty easily add a gantry crane of some sort to a metal building, whereas the log building would easily handle one--but you'd have to prove to an engineer that it could.

Seems like a simple choice to me.

Our problem is that we want to build both with the same building permit (because a shop is not a residence, we need the residential building permit before we can start the shop in my county), which means we need to save more pennies to be able to do both at approximately the same time. The good news is that the metal building would go up FAST, so that we'd be able to store stuff in it while the house gets built.


11-18-2014, 01:28 PM
I build with logs for a living, and my shop will be a metal pole barn with a poured floor.

11-18-2014, 02:45 PM
thanks for the input , more than likely it will be a metal building or pole barn , but one of the plans I have on the house and the shop were having a port shay ( fancy word for a covered walk way between the house and shop / party area.

as to not building out of logs ? is it the cost, time to build ? because I was thinking the shop with just 4 walls would be much easier to build than a house even with building 2 40x40 connected.

Thanks guys , I am trying to make it happen with the feb. class, was trying to make the last one and should have ! the rooms at harra's was $35 a night , that week is $140
the week after that week is only $60 but that's another topic.

Wiley , I plan on spending more time reading you web sight , thanks for the link ! and input.

11-18-2014, 03:07 PM
Cost and time, assuming you got all your logs for free, I could be finished with the metal pole barn before you got your logs peeled. The roof could be much smaller on a metal VA log building, just thinking about chinking a building that size makes my back and wrists hurt. If you have all the time in the world but no money, you might could eek it out cheaper, but I'd rather have the space finished and making me money 5 years before the log structure was done.

11-18-2014, 04:28 PM
And also consider all the things you want to do in a shop. Accidentally shooting a 4" cannonball through the wall of your cheap steel shop wouldn't irritate the Boss as much as punching it into the wall of that cool log shop. All in all I think of the steel building as being more disposable, and therefore more appropriate for all that overspray and iron grindings.

11-18-2014, 04:30 PM
... just thinking about chinking a building that size makes my back and wrists hurt.

I didn't even think about that. That does sound like a phenomenally ridiculous amount of work, when there's plenty of metal shop options out there for not a whole lot of money.

The other thing I thought of after I posted is that I don't know that I'd want the irregular interior wall surface of logs in a shop. My shop gets PLENTY dirty (mostly form metal grinding), so the next one I build will have some sort of hard, smooth walls at least up to 8 feet over the insulation. So much easier to clean that way.


11-18-2014, 05:23 PM
ICF goes up really fast as well, and it is already insulated. You can finish it with anything you want. Rough sawn B&B pr lap siding would help it fit the raw look of logs

11-18-2014, 05:37 PM
ICF goes up really fast as well, and it is already insulated. You can finish it with anything you want. Rough sawn B&B pr lap siding would help it fit the raw look of logs

11-18-2014, 06:34 PM
SIP's ( structural insulated plywood forms ) are my favorite but the cost right now are still to hi, but coming down everyday , hear in Oklahoma they are making tornado shelters out of them using Kevlar on them.

it all comes down to cost , speed to build,, keep cool and warm,,, and to a certain amount ,, looks .

I know I can build hear with heavy steel and the best doors , concrete etc and no labor from me and have a really nice shop for $20 a sqft, that is still $64K and that's just the shop and entertainment area., not Shure I can swing that without a divorce .

I think the way I will be going is with a pole barn style , a few add on's like a 10' porch on the side and a few heavy lifting beams inside. let ya know the final cast later as I find out for Shure .

just wanted to say thanks again to everyone , some times you just need to ask a few questions and then do what you already thought was the path needed but needed confirmation .

11-19-2014, 07:03 AM
"just thinking about chinking a building that size makes my back and wrists hurt"

X1000 :)