View Full Version : First Class in 2015, any of you going?

Mrs. Len
09-09-2014, 08:10 PM
Len and I are signed up for the Class in February and hoping to see some of you there! Even though Len will be doing most of the building work, there will be plenty for me to do. The more I know, the more effective my help will be :cool: Since I really enjoy working with wood, I will be planning to build some log furniture.

I already posted this, but just met a guy today who also took a class from Skip (Mike, the Cabinet Maker). We are planning to start building Spring of 2015, just like Mike is, so we are staying in touch with him. He is using Douglas Fir he has aged 4 years. Our timber will be fairly green.

09-10-2014, 01:27 PM
I'm not going. :)

09-10-2014, 01:49 PM
If Rod's not going, I'm not going.

I took the class 3 times from Skip in the old days. Next class I'm taking is estate planning and I'd best get a move on.

09-10-2014, 08:32 PM
I'm not going either. Unless Cousin Tom goes, then I'll sit in the back and shoot spit wads at him.

09-11-2014, 06:18 PM
I wish I could. Too busy building my house (log).

09-11-2014, 06:55 PM
Wait, there's a class for this stuff?

09-12-2014, 04:13 PM
Yeah I'm going!!!

I've been waiting a few years... around 14 now I'm finally able to go.

Mrs. Len
09-12-2014, 09:20 PM
Yeah I'm going!!!

I've been waiting a few years... around 14 now I'm finally able to go.

Great, look forward to meeting you!

09-12-2014, 10:08 PM
Wait, there's a class for this stuff?

Yes, there is a class. That rascal Jaws is finally taking the class as is Mrs. Len and her Boss. I can't wait to get them over to the members side.

As for you Mr. Ronnie Rcklmbr, I remember when you was just a snotty nosed little boy looking for a way to make an honest living. I suggested that you take the class and the rest is history. Now, here you are, living in your own log home and building dreams for other folks. I love LHBA.

Mrs. Len
09-13-2014, 10:41 PM
Yes, there is a class. That rascal Jaws is finally taking the class as is Mrs. Len and her Boss. I can't wait to get them over to the members side.

As for you Mr. Ronnie Rcklmbr, I remember when you was just a snotty nosed little boy looking for a way to make an honest living. I suggested that you take the class and the rest is history. Now, here you are, living in your own log home and building dreams for other folks. I love LHBA.

While Len is a Member, as he took a class (30) years ago, I have to wait until I have taken a class. The Boss? Depends on which one of us you ask...lol, he will say me, and I say him.

09-22-2014, 06:02 PM
i have thought about going to this class but let me ask a question to the people that have been here awhile i have no idea where i am going to build or when would you recommend me taking the class now or wait till i get those two things down?

09-22-2014, 06:28 PM
That's easy. Take the class first.

1) It will help you consider what land to choose.
2) It will inspire you to build sooner.
3) It has a money back guarantee, so you just can't lose.



09-22-2014, 07:36 PM
thanks donjuedo! i appreciate your input and taking the time to answer and i am leaning towards that way but its nice to get confirmation from someone whos been there thanks!

09-22-2014, 08:26 PM

The class is "FAB." But is also the basis for seeing things differently. In my class they said that I would never look at a tree the same again. It is true. The class is only two days long so it doesn't teach you "everything." For that you have a good head on your shoulders, an open mind and the forums. What do the forums bring? A whole lot of folks who are here to help you out. We have all looked at land, all priced land and had to make decisions about land. We have learned from our experience and if you need us we are here. For instance if you are looking for logs in my area I can help direct you. I also have a trusted fellow for a water well. I also have the name and number of the only LHBA engineer in southern Utah. I have also been known to track down a deal for windows on Craigs List. Eleven new Pella windows for $350.00. Yep, with the forums you have resources you did not know you had.


09-22-2014, 08:38 PM
all i can say is wow blondie that all sounds fantastic! i think between you and peter alone you both have helped me make up my mind and i am so looking forward to seeing everyone on the other side thank you both for taking the time to answer my questions!!

09-22-2014, 08:59 PM
Hey Rockinlog,

Where are you looking to build? In other words where are you now and where do you want to be?


09-22-2014, 09:05 PM
honestly im not sure where exactly yet im in southern california now but i know im not building here lol i dont know if the class will help someone in making that decision as far as being able to build the lhba way without too many hassles or which states to avoid all together what do you think blondie?

09-22-2014, 09:23 PM

It is rather up to you.....I wouldn't look at California because of the depth of building codes. There are also way too many people per square mile out there. I wanted something outside a small town but not too far out in the country so that I could get a great dinner or fly in or out. I also wanted a place for a garden. I want to be able to get sick on raspberries if I want. I wanted to closer to a younger sister in Las Vegas. I am also a retired nurse living alone so there isn't a lot of cash flying around. I finally found a chunk for $1,300 per acre. I would have been happy with 1/2 an acre but the chunk is 14 plus acres. I splurged. They aren't making very much of this stuff any more...... It has taken me three years but it is paid for.

What is it that you want?


09-22-2014, 09:32 PM
well lets see i would like to have at least 10 acres or so with a mixture of tall pines and meadows and yet not too too far from town,shops,etc... ive looked a bit online at eastern washington,southern colorado, mostly but not dead set about anything yet.Congrats on your land!

09-22-2014, 09:34 PM
oh and dont worry not even giving california a thought lol

09-22-2014, 09:40 PM
Thank you. It was going for 70k per acre before the depression. I know that it is nothing but desert at this moment. But with a well on it, things will change over night. I can build a pond and haul in trees. Sound like you might like something alittle farther back in the mountains. We have folk on the forum that can help you set up a solar bank and battery system.


09-23-2014, 12:34 AM
sorry i missed your last post till now blondie i kept refreshing and i didnt see anything so i hit the sheets shortly after lol yes i think id like to be in the mountains but not so far back that it takes forever to get to any market or shops wow 70 k huh! you got a smoking deal oh id be very interested in solar! im really looking forward to getting over to the other side!!

09-23-2014, 08:36 AM
Having access to the Members Forums is alone worth the cost of the class...

09-23-2014, 09:22 AM

Another fab thing about the forums is that you get to know who is building close to you. Jasonfromutah is a couple of hours from me. A while ago I had the overwhelming pleasure if seeing his beautiful log home. If you ever have any question about whether a log cabin is for you, just walk inside one and you will know where you should be. The walls are massive and secure as if a very heavy wind at minus 60 will never get through. The hearts, the minds and hands those who built the log cabin show through. It is very personal.


09-23-2014, 10:05 AM
hey jason i would love to see some pics of your log home if available and blondie thank you so much for your words and inspiration im really looking forward to this journey!!

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 10:28 AM
rockinlog, are you signed up? LHBA is indeed a community and the value of that alone, is worth taking the class. Have you gone to the Site and checked out Member Homes and read the numerous articles? I have enjoyed the site and there is a Facebook Pg, too.


See: Log Homes by Students

Here is the Facebook Page:


If you have a Facebook Pg, just like to get the updates on the Peter Project and other news.

On areas, we considered areas of Eastern WA, but decided Sequim, WA, appealed to us the most. We bought a property earlier in the year, towards the foothills of the Olympic Mountains. While we seem far out, we are only 10 minutes from shopping. Len is into fishing, crabbing, shrimping, boating, motorcycling, hiking, mushroom picking, etc... We can do all that here, 10-15 minutes away. The Marina is only 6 minutes. We have nice Western Red Cedar and Douglas Fir on our property. Len thinks we may have enough of our own trees to build our log home. He is building a smaller log cabin right now.

Of topic, but we were given a mobile to live in while we build. It is a 12 X 60, sure beats living in the motorhome! Len switched gears from building our cabin to work on the mobile roof and then build the necessary addition. There was a tip-out that was removed from it, incorrectly. That is why we got it free!

So, another thought to consider. When you choose a property, insure you can live on the property while you build. Be aware of any possible CCR's and avoid them completely, if you can. I am a Realtor and absolutely did my homework before we bought our property! No CCR's, no HOA, currently zoned Mobile Home, had power, good well w/pure water, certified septic, and RV hook-ups. The trees were a big priority, too. This all saved us a lot of $$$

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 10:30 AM
Also, insure there are log homes being built where you buy! The Permit challenges in some Counties, simply disqualified them for us.

09-23-2014, 10:43 AM
There, you see great folks just coming outta now where to help you! She knows a bunch of stuff I have never even heard of!

Oh ya, and by the way. None of us will be asking you for money. None of us are stinking rich we are all like you. We are working folk who help each other.


09-23-2014, 11:00 AM
hey mrs len! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and no i havent signed up yet but i intend to very soon sounds like you guys have a found a really nice area and it helps when you have the trees on your property huh lol and its been awhile since ive looked at members pics or really posted on here but i am now retired and looking forward to spending more time on the site and with all you good people on here and i hear ya about ccr's or hoas' hate 'em lol i will definitely do my homework before buying and of course that will be after the class lol of course i will look at sequim sounds very nice oh and blondie you are absolutely right about people on here wanting to help others im really looking forward to getting to know you all thanks again to everyone :)

09-23-2014, 11:34 AM

Do you have any questions that we could be answering for you?


Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 12:19 PM
hey mrs len! Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and no i havent signed up yet but i intend to very soon sounds like you guys have a found a really nice area and it helps when you have the trees on your property huh lol and its been awhile since ive looked at members pics or really posted on here but i am now retired and looking forward to spending more time on the site and with all you good people on here and i hear ya about ccr's or hoas' hate 'em lol i will definitely do my homework before buying and of course that will be after the class lol of course i will look at sequim sounds very nice oh and blondie you are absolutely right about people on here wanting to help others im really looking forward to getting to know you all thanks again to everyone :)

Your welcome. I am looking forward to becoming an official Member of LBHA, myself! If you or any others have questions about Sequim, you can email me at:


Area criteria varies from one to another, but we found this area fulfilled all our criteria. Len sure made it challenging, but I was able to find us this property :cool: The extra was the certified septic, as that seemed almost too good to be true... He wanted the trees to build with, at least 5 acres, and the well water to be excellent (unfiltered or not treated). I was happy to see no water spots on the glasses, which means less work cleaning tubs, sinks, etc...no mineral deposits!

When the free mobile was being delivered, the truck got stuck at the bottom of our driveway. Here is a pic of Len towing the truck w/mobile up our driveway:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10635854_10153109568804156_1321690274380658560_n.j pg?oh=c818a3ea6ce1930a0a3332cd38c5fcab&oe=54CE1C07&__gda__=1422263378_8362a11857a2c2634199b2949816c83 f

Here is a pic of our upper forest area. The last owner's husband had worked for the Forest Service, hence the park sign.

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/l/t1.0-9/10686750_10153103875234156_8146868228944342759_n.j pg?oh=a518af1fa3faeab87d7e1e56f36de738&oe=54C95662

Here is a pic of an area just below where we plan to build. These moss covered boulders will be perfect for our water feature plans...


A pic of our lower forest area:


Also, lower forest area:


Natural Springs:


Here is the last pic I took of Len taking a break from working on our little log cabin. He has a thread on the Member Forum, which will show his progress. This is being built a bit more rustic than our home will be, but will be a sweet little cabin when finished.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10386817_10153106525099156_2652017225023281275_n.j pg?oh=1e2d7af17ba2176874bccc15d4b5309b&oe=54BB7AB3&__gda__=1418239326_c7ecaebcf3c1c4997a806356897be95 a

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 01:05 PM
Here is Sam, our medium Lab mix, posing in front of the tree for persective (he is about 60#s). I was just out there, but it was overcast, not the best resolution:


Here is where one water feature will go...one big boulder?!


BTW- Sam is used to me asking him to pose, lol...

09-23-2014, 01:06 PM
wow thats a beautiful piece of land mrs len! and the cabin looks great may i ask how big it is? and have you found it difficult dealing with the county there with permits,etc...? id like to follow his thread where do i find it thank you so much for your input and i will email you with any questions i have

09-23-2014, 01:09 PM

Do you have any questions that we could be answering for you?

Blondieyes blondie i do since your asking lol after taking the class did you find it helpful as far as what to look for in a piece of land and did they give you a list of states to shy away from as far as building the lhba way? thanks again!

09-23-2014, 01:25 PM
Wellllll, now that you mention it. There are areas in almost every state that building inspectors do not exist. Yep, yep, yep. I live in Utah and did not think that Utah had any area but it does.LHBA teaches over building so there is never anyway that the design would not meet code, but building without a building inspector would be heaven. I am sure that folks like Ronnie of Wiley log homes out east and other folks could fill you in on the east. Mrs. Len might be able to research the situation out west. Normally these areas are out always from a tiny town........you just have to do your research.


09-23-2014, 01:43 PM
This would be a great question for the whole members forum, after class then you would have a full audience.

I know that there seems to be a county in Iowa that will not allow log cabins. I know that California is quite difficult. Other than that it seems to be on a county by county thing. Bo had a wretched time with the county building planner but has had a great experience with his inspector.

Do you have an area that you are interested in?


Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 01:49 PM
wow thats a beautiful piece of land mrs len! and the cabin looks great may i ask how big it is? and have you found it difficult dealing with the county there with permits,etc...? id like to follow his thread where do i find it thank you so much for your input and i will email you with any questions i have

This will just be a "utility" cabin of sorts with a jetted tub inside. Our little cabin is 13' X 16' and also will have a covered front porch and loft. You can build up to a 400 sq foot structure, not for living in, without a permit. That may be changing in the coming years. As for permitting, we aren't there yet. Others have told us it is straight forward in this County for building a log home. Len's thread is now in the Member's Forum. He took the class 30 years ago, but I have yet to take one.

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 01:57 PM
Of course, what they say about pictures...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10599189_10153024395909156_6992736371508916604_n.j pg?oh=85a953d17bc6d673d066634e4aed8b4b&oe=54BE1CC4&__gda__=1418326384_9e80c5293d9672ab566b27d863f84b5 e
We are 15 minutes from the Dungeness Fork Campground (this is the Dungeness River)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10436355_10152947880679156_560213501602268849_n.jp g?oh=e82165658b611c38d7a35ae6ec331d4d&oe=5483AB26&__gda__=1421764428_155606998e4d0a545ac930e89db8824 6
Just 20 minutes from this (Dungeness Spit Lighthouse 10 mile Hike)

https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10250306_10152849719459156_3213055531531325630_n.j pg?oh=c721a3c5b000e14f198773eb9131d8e6&oe=548C1EF3
10 minutes from this...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10256564_10152845429924156_3562214464922188913_n.j pg?oh=118473e63da99bd55fbbe4034389f86f&oe=54BB8C3E&__gda__=1422041435_c4b6f0fc9b701103a0e541a817afc4f c
Around 6 minutes to the John Wayne Marina

Just a few reasons why we live here!

09-23-2014, 02:14 PM
Gosh! How much land do you have there? It is certainly beautiful!


09-23-2014, 02:29 PM
This would be a great question for the whole members forum, after class then you would have a full audience.

I know that there seems to be a county in Iowa that will not allow log cabins. I know that California is quite difficult. Other than that it seems to be on a county by county thing. Bo had a wretched time with the county building planner but has had a great experience with his inspector.

Do you have an area that you are interested in?

Blondie i like the pictures i see in eastern washington but not set in stone yet might wanna check into mrs lens part of the world too lol like you said gonna have to do some research maybe do a little driving as well lol

09-23-2014, 02:31 PM
wow mrs len it sure is beautiful there i will definitely take a look at sequim!!!

09-23-2014, 02:50 PM
Gorgeous! Luscious! Like a fairy tale, but alittle too rich for me.


Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 03:26 PM
Gosh! How much land do you have there? It is certainly beautiful!


5.1 acres, of which 4 acres are forested, some densely so. Yes, a lot of natural beauty here.

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 03:27 PM
wow mrs len it sure is beautiful there i will definitely take a look at sequim!!!

Be sure and email me and I will send you links with loads of info about our area.

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 03:42 PM
Gorgeous! Luscious! Like a fairy tale, but alittle too rich for me.


A "little too rich...," how so?

For $97K, we bought 5.1 acres, have enough trees to build our home and a small cabin besides without clear cutting. In addition, septic in and certified, well was in and pure water, power in, and RV hook-ups... We could have paid far less for a property without the trees, septic, well, power, or RV hook-ups. Not sure what you mean by "too rich."

Since we get fishing/crabbing/shellfish licenses each year, the WA Discovery Pass is included. That gets us in free to all the WA Parks and Recreation spots. It is a whopping $30/year for unlimited boat launching at John Wayne Marina. We have a boat, an older Glasply. There is a $3 fee per person to hike to the Dungeness Spit Lighthouse, but it doesn't cost anything to hike most of the other trails. There are plenty of free events here, too. The population is under 7,000 and average age is 52. Sequim was named the #1 place to retire in the US. We preferred the foothill area, so are more rural. Two properties over, there is a family living off grid on 80 acres.

With 240 days a year to garden, we can grow all of our own fruits/veggies, raise our own meat animals, have chickens for eggs, etc...fish, crab, shrimp, hunt for mushrooms... (this saves us a bundle on food). I also can, pressure can, and dehydrate. I still have canned Venison and Crab out there. No CCR's or HOA to worry about, either. We also save $ by driving an older VW TDI Jetta, which gets 45 to 49 mpg, and since the drive to town is so short (10 minutes), don't spend that much on fuel.

I am a member of another forum, where often there are complaints about brutal storms and Winter weather. Our climate here is mild, in the Rain Shadow (The Blue Hole).

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 03:47 PM
Our goal is to have our home/property paid off in 5 or 6 years. Since Len is very resourceful, has the skills necessary, can do all of the work on our home, as well as get some help from his sons? We won't have to sub-contract for anything.

The LHBA encourages the Members to be debt free, from I have read. There is a wealth of information to be delved into, when you become a Member. The class is very inexpensive considering the content and the included benefits that follow.

09-23-2014, 04:29 PM
Not that you need anymore convincing rockinlog, but taking the class was a massive motivator for me. I went from zero plan and several loans/misc debt, to having a game plan and debt free within a year of the class. I had 10 acres free and clear in three years, utilities up and running, free and clear in seven years, and started building free and clear in nine years from taking the class.

Now, a bit of that required some sacrifice, and a good chunk was some very good moves and profitting from the stock market crash and recovery. But boy, what a change in my life comparing my situation before and after the class.

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 05:13 PM
Not that you need anymore convincing rockinlog, but taking the class was a massive motivator for me. I went from zero plan and several loans/misc debt, to having a game plan and debt free within a year of the class. I had 10 acres free and clear in three years, utilities up and running, free and clear in seven years, and started building free and clear in nine years from taking the class.

Now, a bit of that required some sacrifice, and a good chunk was some very good moves and profitting from the stock market crash and recovery. But boy, what a change in my life comparing my situation before and after the class.

Great job! :cool: We are on a different schedule, as we pretty much completely started over, at 50 (me) and 58 (Len). Right now, we owe $90K on our property, so are whittling it down. By living on our property, in a mobile home, also heating with wood, and doing everything else I mentioned? We should meet our goal of 5 to 6 years of paying off our property/home and being debt free. Len will be building Spring of 2015. There is no stringent finish date, as I don't want Len under any pressure like that. Even now, we are so much happier and enjoying our lives here so much more!

I imagine we will save even more money building our home, after we take the class ;)

09-23-2014, 05:18 PM
hey rod! I appreciate your comments i think your right i can keep talking the talk saying im gonna go im gonna go but i agree with you i just gotta do it even if it is awhile till i build i need to get to class so it starts to become a reality instead of a pipedream and then see all of you fine folk on the other side!! thanks rod!

09-23-2014, 05:23 PM
Mrs. Len I love your plan!

09-23-2014, 05:25 PM
i have to tell ya mrs len your hubby while im sure is very talented he is one lucky guy not alot of women would go for living in a mobile home for a month let alone possibly 5 years so my hats off to you im also 51 and just retired in the last couple months but from your comments up above you guys really have it going on with what all you described about your land and all i look forward to seeing your progress and i will email you for info!!

09-23-2014, 05:52 PM
Now, ya see what kind of trouble you caN get into hanging out with us! I can hear your mind whirling and the answer is you can build with green logs. Lolo loo


09-23-2014, 05:59 PM
lol blondie i do but i dont mind lol and i would think the bigger the logs you build with the better insulating properties correct?

09-23-2014, 06:09 PM
Yup and the less chinking you have to do. Lolol

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 06:10 PM
i have to tell ya mrs len your hubby while im sure is very talented he is one lucky guy not alot of women would go for living in a mobile home for a month let alone possibly 5 years so my hats off to you im also 51 and just retired in the last couple months but from your comments up above you guys really have it going on with what all you described about your land and all i look forward to seeing your progress and i will email you for info!!

LOL, a quick bow, and well, I am a right/left brained gal. So, just a little out of the box, lol. We started out here in a 19' travel trailer, and lived in that for two months. I am the one who decided to check out motorhomes as Len wanted a mobile home. I sold the travel trailer for $2,200 more than we paid for it, rolled that into the motorhome (Len fell for that when he checked it out...I saw it first, chuckle...). The motorhome was $4,250, so we out of pocketed an extra $2,050. It is very comfortable and I would have lived in for as long as needed, except... Len is a morning guy and I am a nightowl. We lived in this 34' motorhome for four months and Len is the one who found us a free mobile! He was just reading the paper and saw the ad.

I'd say I am pretty spoiled at the moment. I have my own truck box, another free score, a refer unit (storing our household and my stuff in it, my Lady Cave). Len was a tad jealous as mine is stainless steel and insulated. He has a shipping container, we purchased, as his shop.

If you make it to check out Sequim, we will show you every cool place here, and bring you by our place so you can see it in person.

09-23-2014, 06:15 PM
my thoughts exactly lol and the quicker the walls are up as well lol

09-23-2014, 06:18 PM
stainless steel and insulated lol love it and i would love to see your place in person and check out the sights!

Mrs. Len
09-23-2014, 08:41 PM
Just let me know when you plan to make the trip!

09-23-2014, 09:02 PM
Just let me know when you plan to make the trip!

i sure will mrs len!!

10-07-2014, 06:25 PM
My wife and I hope to go if she's up for it. She'll be great with child (due April 4th).

10-09-2014, 05:04 PM
she sounds like a great woman:)

10-11-2014, 04:18 AM
Hi there I am booked!! Coming from Oz and its going to be a long long flight!! It should probably feel weird doing this by myself but it doesnt LOL My dad is a retired builder and I have done a lot of renovations but this is a whole different ball game. Does anyone know if other Aussies have done this course in the past as our regulations and log availabilty is so different to the US. I am looking forward to meeting all the other people on course and also being able to get to the other side of the forum once I have attended. Apologies in advance for stupid questions, because once I think it I ask it :)

10-11-2014, 01:12 PM

You are from Oz...Lolol Welcome anyhow! Lolol

10-11-2014, 02:40 PM
I plan on being there. We are from Houston.

10-11-2014, 02:46 PM
Speaking of stupid questions, do non members not get to post a profile pic or I am completely clueless on how to work this site?? :)

10-11-2014, 09:35 PM
Speaking of stupid questions, do non members not get to post a profile pic or I am completely clueless on how to work this site?? :)

Doesn't matter... Take the class.

10-11-2014, 09:40 PM
OK, I was just kidding. I suppose it matters to some folks about pictures and such but not to me. I say the real benefit of this site has more to do with building your own log home with your own hands, and less with pretty photos of pretty faces..... Don't get me wrong. Forty years ago I had a pretty face and I liked to look at pretty faces. I am past that and now I am about ugly things, like logs, and houses, and no mortgages, and sawdust.

You will like the member's side of this forum, Girl.

10-12-2014, 08:14 PM
OK, Don't get me wrong. Forty years ago I had a pretty face and I liked to look at pretty faces. I am past that and now I am about ugly things,.

Oh gag. We didn't even have a mirror until I was a senior, so little Bro had no idea what he looked like. He's just basing that comment on what Mama said. And you know how biased Moms are.

10-12-2014, 08:14 PM
Hey folks looking at signing up for the next class. Question first, if I am going to be building 2-3yrs from now , is it to soon to be taking the course.
I don't want to forget everything


Mrs. Len
10-13-2014, 12:04 AM
Hey folks looking at signing up for the next class. Question first, if I am going to be building 2-3yrs from now , is it to soon to be taking the course.
I don't want to forget everything


Skip recommended the class be taken at least (2) years before building. No, it is not too early at all! When you go to class you do receive: giant log home building workbook and reference CD. In addition, you can take notes. You won't be forgetting, but applying what you have learned not long after the class.

Since classes are rarely taught, I'd advise you to sign up and take this one to insure you get to take one before you build!

10-13-2014, 06:43 AM
Eric, I ditto what she said. Your heart is obviously in the right spot. It is a big head start to get your brain in the right spot so it can properly guide your wallet. You are way ahead of the game. Most folks think they want to build 3 months from now.

Take the class now. You won't regret it.

PS,,, Mrs. Len and I don't make a nickel from your admission fee. We are both living the dream for ourselves and in the middle of our prospective builds.

10-13-2014, 03:38 PM
Hmmm, took me 4 years after the class to get debt free and property acquired, 6 years after to get utilities installed, and 8 years to begin work on the house. So, yea, 2~3 years out, definitely not too soon!

10-15-2014, 10:47 AM
After many years of lurking, I'm going to the class!

10-15-2014, 12:43 PM
Glad to hear it. Welcome home.

10-18-2014, 06:28 PM
welcome Aden:)

Mrs. Len
10-22-2014, 12:05 AM
After many years of lurking, I'm going to the class!

Congratulations, look forward to seeing you there :cool:

10-28-2014, 02:09 PM
Well, we're about to sign up for the class in February! We just closed on our beautiful 8.6 acre lot in Florence NY (Tug Hill region, 40 miles north of Syracuse) a few weeks back, and now we are ready to get this started! We plan on a small 18x18 to start...bypassing any real need to bring a trailer on the land, etc...hopefully I can outsource the foundation pretty easily, and then secure the logs, build the walls and roof with some local help quickly, finish the inside, and be pretty much ready to start using the cabin come late summer.....I would assume safely that because this 18x18 size will make EVERYTHING a bit easier because the structure is pretty much the size of a free standing garage. The interior will be a basic open floor with a small loft.....Anyway, we are extremely excited!!!! We have a spring fed stream (year round) on the property, so I just need to get deal approved by the city codes, etc...we are right off of a county road with access to electric as well..I hope having electricity run to this structure won't be an issue...I've heard NY can be a code headache, although "upstate" is less of a headache for code I've heard....Looking forward to meeting some of you fine folks!

10-29-2014, 07:36 AM
congratulations on taking the plunge, Dan!!! welcome!

Mrs. Len
10-30-2014, 12:35 AM
Well, we're about to sign up for the class in February! We just closed on our beautiful 8.6 acre lot in Florence NY (Tug Hill region, 40 miles north of Syracuse) a few weeks back, and now we are ready to get this started! We plan on a small 18x18 to start...bypassing any real need to bring a trailer on the land, etc...hopefully I can outsource the foundation pretty easily, and then secure the logs, build the walls and roof with some local help quickly, finish the inside, and be pretty much ready to start using the cabin come late summer.....I would assume safely that because this 18x18 size will make EVERYTHING a bit easier because the structure is pretty much the size of a free standing garage. The interior will be a basic open floor with a small loft.....Anyway, we are extremely excited!!!! We have a spring fed stream (year round) on the property, so I just need to get deal approved by the city codes, etc...we are right off of a county road with access to electric as well..I hope having electricity run to this structure won't be an issue...I've heard NY can be a code headache, although "upstate" is less of a headache for code I've heard....Looking forward to meeting some of you fine folks!

Great to hear, look forward to meeting you and others who have posted they are going, too! Congratulations on your property, and feel free to bless us with pics of that great property, please!!! Spring fed streams are wonderful, would like to see that! As for your plans for the 18 X 18, does your County allow 324 sq feet buildings to live in without a permit? Curious, as some areas allow this, but many don't. Ours allows us to build up to 400 sq ft, with the restriction from it being allowed to be lived in. The little cabin my Len is building, is not going to be lived in, but will be an outbuilding as we are legally now living in a mobile (we got it free). This is allowed to be done while building and then the mobile will need to be moved. There are some situations allowing it to remain. At this point, we plan on selling it when the time comes to move into our log home.

10-30-2014, 10:58 AM
Great to hear, look forward to meeting you and others who have posted they are going, too! Congratulations on your property, and feel free to bless us with pics of that great property, please!!! Spring fed streams are wonderful, would like to see that! As for your plans for the 18 X 18, does your County allow 324 sq feet buildings to live in without a permit? Curious, as some areas allow this, but many don't. Ours allows us to build up to 400 sq ft, with the restriction from it being allowed to be lived in. The little cabin my Len is building, is not going to be lived in, but will be an outbuilding as we are legally now living in a mobile (we got it free). This is allowed to be done while building and then the mobile will need to be moved. There are some situations allowing it to remain. At this point, we plan on selling it when the time comes to move into our log home.

Thank you for the message Mrs. Len. In the Tug Hill region, there is local consideration "on the books" that's pretty creative concerning "hunting cabins" or "seasonal dwellings" This "Western Adirondacks" region of NY has a long, well established history of small camps, cabins, and lodges...

I am certain an 18x18 can be "lived in" seasonally...seasonally is a term used loosely up in our area, so I'm sure we could live in the structure year round, but I would guess since it's so small, I could not take advantage of having phone and electric run to it as it is a "seasonal cabin" used for ""recreation"

We would love to be able to build an 18x18 cabin and have electric run to it, and plumbing installed using the well we plan to drill etc...but I don't know if this is possible...

I've placed a call into the code fellow there for the city of Florence (this is the city where our land is) and I'm just awaiting a call back.

If anyone has any info on this subject, it is greatly appreciated!

10-30-2014, 01:36 PM
I just received a call back from the city of Florence's code guy...really nice fellow. You can build and live in something as small as a 12x12 here in Florence NY...As well, I explained the whole LHBA thing to him..he was very positive about it all! I explained that I would likely build an 18x18 to start, and I will for certain buy the 18x18 cabin plans when I attend the seminar in February..He told me there is no need for any engineering plans, but to just make sure that the plans are clearly detailed, etc...He told me the story of his brother building a true log cabin a few years back and that it is simply fantastic, so I believe I have found a winner in purchasing my land the Tug Hill region of NY!!

I can have electric run to this structure, and have the well drilled, etc...there's really no road blocks as to where I can build within the land, etc...he said that the one HUGE benefit to the Tug Hill region is the fact that the area is unusually blessed with miles of aquifers, and wells are never a problem...50'-100' deep is the average...

He told me that if I choose to build a larger cabin later on, I can turn this 18x18 cabin into a "work shed" (it will be a guest house) and there's no issues whatsoever! This is great!

This sounds like it's going to be a very simple deal as far as codes goes..I fell better and better about our choice for land all the time!

10-30-2014, 02:38 PM
I like it!

10-30-2014, 06:11 PM
Good luck on premade plans of that size. Think they have 30, 35, and 40 fters. But, you have full rights to the plans, so you can modify as you see fit.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Forum Runner

10-30-2014, 06:36 PM
He told me that if I choose to build a larger cabin later on, I can turn this 18x18 cabin into a "work shed" (it will be a guest house) and there's no issues whatsoever! This is great!If you will have a septic system, be sure to plan sizing for both builds.

10-30-2014, 07:03 PM
Good luck on premade plans of that size. Think they have 30, 35, and 40 fters. But, you have full rights to the plans, so you can modify as you see fit.

Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Forum Runner

I read on an old post here yesterday that LHBA has a set of plans for an 18x18....perhaps I'm wrong, but I swore I saw that...anyone have any insight?


10-31-2014, 11:06 AM
I believe the smallest shed prints are 14.5x14.5. I took the time to ad the link, but realized its on the members side. They'll go over available sizes in class.

Maybe you could go with the shed dimensions, or as previosly stated, use the existing and draft them to your needs.

10-31-2014, 04:45 PM
Perfect! Thank you kindly Tab!

I would safely assume they have a smallish set of plans with small loft in-between the size of a shed and small cabin..or an 18x18..I hope so.

Be well!

10-31-2014, 09:19 PM
Next up is 28x28 (garage), then 30, 35, and 40x.

11-05-2014, 05:25 AM
Booked my accommodation now, so its getting serious! :)
I have been asked to get autographs from the guys in my brothers fave show, Pawnstars, so I might end up lost in the desert lol Have also been told several friends and family want me to put money in the slot machines and bring home a big Vegas jackpot! somehow I think the last place I will have the energy to be after each class is a casino :)


You are from Oz...Lolol Welcome anyhow! Lolol

11-05-2014, 07:23 AM
welcome DeeDee. congratulations on taking that huge first step. class will change your life in ways you cannot even imagine now:) enjoy the journey. welcome to the family!

11-05-2014, 07:33 AM
Pawnstars? Never heard of them. I'd say stand in line for Steve and Ellsworth's autogragh. They are true celebrities.

PS... Try not to judge America too harshly as you visit Vegas. We are much more and less than that.

11-05-2014, 09:57 AM
I'm betting that once you sit down and start the class, you're gonna forget all of those requests and forget the Pawn Stars and be very focused on something else. But I'm just guessing. ;)

11-06-2014, 07:47 PM
Thanks Panderson only 3 months away I cant believe it :)

11-06-2014, 07:54 PM
Pawnstars? Never heard of them. I'd say stand in line for Steve and Ellsworth's autogragh. They are true celebrities.

PS... Try not to judge America too harshly as you visit Vegas. We are much more and less than that.

Hi LHN I'd stand in line for yours too :) your posts have inspired me over the past several years'and I have no doubt many many others to take the workshop

11-06-2014, 07:56 PM
I'm betting that once you sit down and start the class, you're gonna forget all of those requests and forget the Pawn Stars and be very focused on something else. But I'm just guessing. ;)

I have booked an extra days accomm to be a tourist! Mind you my brain will probably hurt trying to absorb all the information and I will be sleeping LOL

11-06-2014, 08:33 PM
DD... I think you oughta book an extra 3 weeks for that tourist stuff. My Bro Bo's place is practically walking distance from Sin City and then a rental car will take you through 3 days of some real Americana on the way to my place. There's touristy things to do or you can just relax and figure out your next move.

Ask anyone and they will tell you that it really makes a difference to touch a LHBA home after taking class. There are parts of your brain that need to see the gaps and cracks and scale of the whole thing to make it really make sense.

One way or another I really think you oughta find a way to visit a build or two while you are here in The States.

11-06-2014, 10:05 PM
DD... I think you oughta book an extra 3 weeks for that tourist stuff. My Bro Bo's place is practically walking distance from Sin City and then a rental car will take you through 3 days of some real Americana on the way to my place. There's touristy things to do or you can just relax and figure out your next move.

Ask anyone and they will tell you that it really makes a difference to touch a LHBA home after taking class. There are parts of your brain that need to see the gaps and cracks and scale of the whole thing to make it really make sense.

One way or another I really think you oughta find a way to visit a build or two while you are here in The States.

LHN If I could trust myself to drive on the other side of the road a hire car would be a great idea! I would love to see a couple of homes there is nothing like the real thing to get some perspective and also hear about peoples experiences.

11-07-2014, 12:26 AM
LHN If I could trust myself to drive on the other side of the road a hire car would be a great idea!

It's only awkward for the first hour or so... then your brain gets turned around. Just remember that in the US the right turn is the easy one and the left turn goes across traffic! What is most difficult, oddly enough, is switching back to your usual side of the road after you have been driving on the "other" one for a few weeks. My husband won't do it and I always have to take the wheel when we cross on the ferry from the UK to France.

11-07-2014, 12:28 AM
LHN If I could trust myself to drive on the other side of the road a hire car would be a great idea! I would love to see a couple of homes there is nothing like the real thing to get some perspective and also hear about peoples experiences.

You have three months to practice before you get here!

11-07-2014, 04:01 AM
It's only awkward for the first hour or so... then your brain gets turned around. Just remember that in the US the right turn is the easy one and the left turn goes across traffic! What is most difficult, oddly enough, is switching back to your usual side of the road after you have been driving on the "other" one for a few weeks. My husband won't do it and I always have to take the wheel when we cross on the ferry from the UK to France.

he's a smart guy! lol

11-07-2014, 04:03 AM
You have three months to practice before you get here!

LHN If I get stage fright half way through an intersection I'm calling you to bail me out LOL

11-07-2014, 06:16 PM
Oh Yea! My wife and I just signed up to take the class in February 2015!!! We have been wanting to do this for so long! We are so excited! Cant wait to learn how to build my own log cabin and pass this knowledge on to my awesome 6 children who will be helping us build. I have so many question and read so many times "take the class". lol I'm looking forward also to the member section to finally see the treasure on that side of the board. Hope to get to know you all better before the class. If you have any questions of me just ask. Praying for safety for everyone traveling and building. Blessings

11-07-2014, 06:41 PM
Hello pastormichael,

How are do you doing? Welcome to the group! Where are you from? How old are your kids?


11-07-2014, 06:55 PM
Doing wonderful! My wife and I moved to Rock Springs Wyoming about 4 years ago. I am the pastor of the Rock Springs Christian Church and love it here, we came from Kansas where I was raised and had my last church for 10 years. My kids Katy 15, Denni 14, Spencer 14, Damon 13, Andi 13, Shaunti 12. We have 3 children naturally and than adopted 3 children. God has just truly blessed us with our kids. They are very excited about building. They are excited about Lori my wife and I leaving for Vegas, they think there staying home alone. No way! lol I'm not ready for that.

11-09-2014, 10:35 AM
Two of us from cold Montana are going!

11-10-2014, 04:43 AM
Just got signed up!

11-10-2014, 08:53 AM
Welcome "northman!"

It sounds like it do going to be a great class. Where are you and what are you looking for?


11-10-2014, 02:52 PM
so glad you're signed up for Class Northman.
that way you can come see our build in the spring. we're building in area code 56537

11-11-2014, 07:36 AM
Signed the Mrs,and myself up yesterday.
Looking forward to meeting a lot of you folks in Feb..


11-11-2014, 10:42 AM
Welcome "northman!"

It sounds like it do going to be a great class. Where are you and what are you looking for?


I'm west of the twin cities about 40 minutes, I'm looking for a large acreage (40-200 acres) with a big house (2800+ sq feet) to fill with kids and dogs :) Put in my own shooting range, manage a herd of deer, raise livestock and generally be left alone aside from making a living :)

11-11-2014, 10:44 AM
so glad you're signed up for Class Northman.
that way you can come see our build in the spring. we're building in area code 56537

Oh you're about 2.5 hours away from me in 55330 :/ I'd love to live in NE MN up near duluth or even NW/West WI.

11-12-2014, 07:11 AM
both very beautiful locations :)

11-13-2014, 03:43 AM
Looking forward to meeting everyone :)

11-13-2014, 08:28 AM
Aw, the stuff that dreams are made of.......

How I wish to be on that face of this divide.


Mrs. Len
11-13-2014, 11:31 PM
It is great to see who is signing up for the Class and look forward to meeting everyone there!!!

11-15-2014, 08:39 PM
Should be an exciting group of people!

11-19-2014, 06:18 AM
where is everyone staying ?
I was trying to make the last class in November , when I was looking at room rates Harrah's was only about $40 a night , now the February rate is $140 .
and if they do another class in may the rate is about the same $142.

looked at staying elsewhere and using the monorail but in the end the savings were not worth the hassle .

I will know if I can make this class later this week .

11-19-2014, 05:34 PM
hope you can come, Mr P:)

11-19-2014, 07:48 PM
Me and the Wife are staying at the SLS, the cheapest place we could find , but still big time ouch !!!
It is Valentine weekend so I'm guessing that has a lot to do with the pricing

Really looking forward to the weekend

11-25-2014, 02:44 PM
well got signed up for the class, used some miles and staying at the Tropicana .
see yall their ,have a great turkey day ! im going hunting .

11-26-2014, 05:44 AM
congratulations on taking the plung, Penetrater! you won't regret it:) welcome to the family!

11-26-2014, 06:42 AM
well got signed up for the class, used some miles and staying at the Tropicana .
see yall their ,have a great turkey day ! im going hunting .

So, the Driller has finally decided on a relaxing weekend at the Tropicana. Glad we'll finally get you on the right side of the forum.

11-26-2014, 07:24 AM
looking forward to meeting everyone . the stars finally lined up correctly . I have been reading the forums on hear for about 2 years now and I also take classes on something different every year. mostly 2-3 month courses at night, boat motor repair, upholstery etc. right now in furniture making .

Nut ,, also I just couldn't stand not having full access to this sight !

the last time I was in Vegas was to get married ,,, must have been 15 years or more ago.

Correction : my wife has informed me it has only been 3 years ago,,,,, it Shure feels like a lot longer than that !!!

11-28-2014, 07:11 AM
Yes I am going to the Feb 2015 class. So glad I made it. See you there!!!

11-28-2014, 08:30 AM
welcome to the family, mountainguide!!

12-01-2014, 08:51 AM
i will be there as well see all you fine folks in vegas!!!

12-01-2014, 07:12 PM
I will be at the class, as well. Looking forward to meeting everyone and starting our log home future :)

12-01-2014, 07:15 PM
I will be at the class, as well. Looking forward to meeting everyone and starting our log home future :)

everyone may i introduce my better half bout time she signed up lol

12-02-2014, 05:52 AM
welcome aboard, Rockinlogette:) glad you're here. my husband and I took the class together too. found it handy to have someone else there to take notes when the other needed to get up and stretch their legs, or sample Skips famous cookies...
and the 2 of us have different note-taking styles. found that one one's notes were skimpy on the details, the others fiilled in the gaps :)

12-02-2014, 06:24 AM
panderson03, thank you and you guys sound like a great team, from the start :)

12-02-2014, 12:43 PM
Welcome Rockette. I proposed to my Boss at our campsite the night before we took Skip's class together. It has been a lot of great years and I am certainly glad She went to class with me. Her and that other guy had built a log kit home and sold it in the divorce. Had She not gone to class, She never would have let me build this one the right way.

12-02-2014, 06:56 PM
HaHa, Boss... that's funny and thanks for the 'welcome'. I am excited to learn along side of and be a part of our reality, that was once his dream. (I get to be in charge of the bathroom. haha... or so he lets me think ;) )

Mrs. Len
12-03-2014, 05:04 PM
HaHa, Boss... that's funny and thanks for the 'welcome'. I am excited to learn along side of and be a part of our reality, that was once his dream. (I get to be in charge of the bathroom. haha... or so he lets me think ;) )

I am in a similar boat, however, this is the 2nd go around for Len. At least I can now say I will have a spacious kitchen, as we got that in advance :cool: We won't be doing any serious home planning until we take the class in February. After that, I'll be in a more informed position to seriously plan!

12-03-2014, 09:47 PM
Welcome Ette',

Delighted to have you around. It seems like it is going to be a very unusual, exceptional class. I will be delighted to find you all on the dark side. Lol


12-04-2014, 08:02 AM
Thank you, Blondie

12-06-2014, 06:40 PM
We are trying to see if it will be possible for us to come to the class in May.... Does anyone know how many spots are still open?

12-06-2014, 06:53 PM

Since it is just December, I would suggest that there are still tons of places available in that class.


12-06-2014, 07:14 PM
We are trying to see if it will be possible for us to come to the class in May.... Does anyone know how many spots are still open?

Not, yet. This page:


says all there is to say. For what it's worth, I've never heard of the coming class still having an opening while the following one fills up first. So you have some time, but I'd commit first chance you get.
