View Full Version : When a Home isn't just a Home

08-18-2014, 01:41 PM
Yesterday at Jim's house we were unloading wood. Ty and his wife got a quick tour of Jim's place (they were in for a treat). The most humorous moment was her screaming and running into the shower. That's less weird than it sounds, if you take a look at the shower (http://www.buildloghomes.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/18-walk-in-shower.jpg).

Mid-way through the tour Jim casually says "Oh, it's just a house." I could see Ty give a little shudder when he heard the sentence. Knowing Jim what he really meant was, "it's just an object. Family, and the memories of building the home with them, are what's important."

So I asked Ty "What does THIS home mean to you?" Ty proceeded to give a really touching answer which reminded me of this news article:


The Thompson's family experience tugged my heart strings because I can personally identify with it. They also seem so similar to all of us here in terms of values, ambitions and goals. I can imagine their story being that of any LHBA forum member. It just made me pause and reflect, thought I'd share it.

I know what Ty's answer is, what is yours? What does your finished home mean to you? Or what does 'being in the process' of building your home mean to you?

08-18-2014, 08:24 PM
I really like the process of building and don't care if I never live in the thing. I am married to the most important woman in the World and She seems to be stuck wholeheartedly on living in the rascal.

It's kinda like owning a dairy cow. I like touching it, and sometimes it is fun to just sit in a lawn chair and look at it but I'd toss it all away in a heartbeat if it would make the family stronger.

08-19-2014, 07:40 AM
LHN, you're not comparing your wife to a cow, are you?? I must have misunderstood. :)

08-19-2014, 11:04 AM
LHN, you're not comparing your wife to a cow, are you?? I must have misunderstood. :)

Well, she is fun to just sit around and look at, and I'm not opposed to the idea of touching her... But, no, I was kinda comparing the relative unimportance of a log home to the relatively lessimportance of a dairy cow as compared to the lives of my Wife and Son and their relative happiness.

Jim said it best. It's just a house.

I think?

PS... It is a really cool shower and his front door will knock your socks off.

08-19-2014, 11:29 AM
A home to live in and raise a family is an important thing, if you add the land around it, you might call it a homestead. I have a small home, 11 acres of organic dirt, a Jersey cow named Kim, a wife named Amy, and two beautiful boys. Our homestead is an awesome gift from our Lord, and a great place to raise vegetables, a cow, and kids!