View Full Version : What is necessary to build a log home?

07-15-2014, 10:46 AM
I have been thinking about why I jumped into building a log home when others may not.

I am slightly dyslexic, which makes my brain a little weird, just like some or many of the rest of you... LHN is not excepted... Maybe it is easier for me to think outside the box cause by box is a little crooked, not much just a little.
I keep in shirts in order all hangers facing the same way (by weight, sleeve length and my aloha shirts), my money in order and facing all the same direction, each pocket has the same stuff every day, separate my food (no touching) and eat each separately. OCD? or just more weirdness...
And I show sign of ADHD because I loose things unless I lay them out for the job that I mean to accomplish, I am easily distracted by just about anything that may at the time seem more important and I can think of many reasons not to do stuff that I know I need to get done other irritating signs.

Risk taking may be my strong point else why would I mail a bunch of money to some place in Washington that I had never heard of - to a guy with a single name. Now there is a forum, where you get feedback. In 2004 not so much...

At 70, with my log home effectively done - I just found out that I must redo much of my electrical because I put off what I needed to do (the stupid ground fault breakers) I have been musing about what makes an individual jump into the middle of building and all the stuff one must learn to make it happen.

07-15-2014, 11:20 AM
Logs...... You're overthinking the rest.

07-15-2014, 03:41 PM
Determination, courage, strong work ethic, ability to plan, flexibility, and patience; to name a few.
I think it's a lot like farming.
Hang in there, figure out the problem, try and find at least two solutions with time and cost, then sleep on it.
2cents from a novice log builder.

07-15-2014, 09:56 PM
I have a problem building anything that has to be square. I can make it look like it is square but often it will only be an illusion and a measuring tool will prove what a failure I am... then there is the name thing. If Mom woulda named me anything but loghousenut...

Plumb Level
07-16-2014, 04:55 PM
Rocklock and I have the same deal going on. He has OCD, but I have CDO (they must be in alphabetical order).

07-17-2014, 06:45 AM
Rocklock and I have the same deal going on. He has OCD, but I have CDO (they must be in alphabetical order).

now THAT one got a chuckle out of me. thank for the early morning laugh, Plumb:)