View Full Version : Woman builds cabin.....You'll never guess what happens next.....

03-11-2014, 10:50 AM
Im not sure if you all have seen this yet but the story behind this woman is very inspiring. Her cabin is not built the way LHBA teaches to build and Im sure some of you would do many things different but I still think there are some great touches and inspiration that can be taken away from her blog. Be sure to click on the side buttons to read "the rest of the story". Just wanted to share after finding it.......


Georgetown, Texas

03-11-2014, 11:05 AM
It's quite the story! Amazing really, rebuilt!

Our family cabin at the lake got burned to the ground about 10 years ago due to a human-caused forest fire. It's tough, but you can always rebuild. Remember to have everything insured. One of my cousins were about 90% done with building a new cabin and did not have insurance when the fire came through. Very sad, they sold the lot and didn't rebuild.

03-11-2014, 11:17 AM
Got to admire that kind of gumption. She's an inspiration.