View Full Version : 7 Wall Cabin

01-09-2006, 05:47 PM
We are new to this forum & need some help. We are found a floorplan that we liked and was told it was a "7 Wall Cabin". We are lookng for any and all information we can get on this type of structure. The cabin contains 7 structural walls, the inside center wall divides the cabin almost in half and goes completely through.


01-11-2006, 09:28 AM
Hi Bill and Jodi,

Funny you bring that design up. Before I had taken the class, that was the very design I was considering doing. Something in the 30 x 50 range. I've since changed my plans, as recommended by the LHBA gurus, to a square layout of smaller size, for the best cost to square footage ratio.

I never seen any information on that design. And here I thought I came up with something original.

01-11-2006, 01:20 PM
Our floorplan came right from Conestoga Log Homes. We are not using the kit, but it is their Mountaineer. We are planning a 20'X36' structure with a loft. We were also told that the log length must should remain under 20' which we will achieve by making the front & back section around 17' 6". We are just wondering how the 3 piece joint works where the front and back sections tie in with the center wall.

01-11-2006, 03:06 PM
Ah, Conestoga Log Homes. Yes I was looked into them.

Heck, the size you are talking about can be easily built without the need of the "seventh wall" when using full logs and Skip's methods. The 20 foot limitation they set is due to the nature of the milled timbers they use. If you intend on using full logs, that number goes away, and the only limitation is how long a log you can acquire.

I deemed it too complicated to implement that feature into a log home using unmilled lumber. Simply eliminating the intention lowered costs and headaches instantly.

But, even if you are still dead set on doing it, this is what I'd do. (but I never will) It's sort of a butt & pass wall splice. See if the picture makes sense.
