Quote Originally Posted by phorvath View Post
Does the class discuss how to protect the interior of the home form insects like bed bugs etc. that might make their way in via nesting inside the logs. What sanitizing preparations are available.
Thanks to all! Hope to take class in 2016.
Phil, I'd say if you have a bedbug problem you shouldn't oughta wait til class to get it looked at. Same thing for athletes foot and underwear itch. Tackle one mess at a time and don't bring any bedbugs to Vegas... We don't want to get that reputation.

On a lighter note, I have never heard of bedbugs coming to a home with the logs. I worry enough about certain relatives, that I burn the bedding when they leave but I have never heard of a concern about the logs getting contaminated.

There are other, more loggy insects, and yes they get a covering in class.