So my wife and I have been discussing life in our cabin, that is when ever we get around to building it. And we were thinking about how nice it would be to live a totally self-sustained life, ideally having no bills (no job ;-)), and really not being dependant on society like gas and electricity and such. We figure that people have been doing it for thousands of years, so why can't we? But aside from farming crops/animals, what is a good way to go about other essentials like power and water. A fridge would be nice for longevity of foods and waterfront property is usually very expensive, so how about running water without the city? I don't mind doing things myself and I am quite crafty and actually enjoy making things instead of buying them, just need to be lead in the right direction. I know my thoughts are random and discombobulated, but that's how my crazy brain works. Thanks in advance.