im building two from scratch right now ( but theyre not for me ) we harvested our own trees cuz the "logger" became overwhelmed ( was one of the most fun parts of this build ) took down an old stone house so we could use its stone for the stem walls and fireplaces. took down a couple old barns so we could build the cabinets and built ins out of them. set up two of our own mills to mill siding n decking. harvested and milled some cedar so we could make some picnic tables to eat off of. ( we did also buy some wood ) took down 3 170 year old log cabins and used some of that wood in this project too. well be making some furniture. fabricating our own counter tops.
we did ALL of this in the last year. we should be sewing both of these up by the end of march. it has been more fun than i ever thought i could have. and i get to do it all over again starting in march AFTER i take a weekend off when these are done : )
one of my favorite quotes... "Leap, and the net will appear"
Taking the class changed my life. and the lives of a couple of the guys that work for me. no small feat. best of luck whatever road you take!